2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

The Global Warming facade is going to be way American Communists get to kill there millions of citizens. They must be so jealous of Stalin and Mao. But finally they figured out a way to get people to agree with their own mass murder.
The Global Warming facade is going to be way American Communists get to kill there millions of citizens. They must be so jealous of Stalin and Mao. But finally they figured out a way to get people to agree with their own mass murder.

Bernie's solution is for the American taxpayer to fund abortions in 3rd world countries

It isn’t difficult at all when the dem front runner is sticking his foot in his mouth. Warren has been stealing college educated white men from Bernie and Biden. Her biggest areas of opportunity are with white women, non college white men, and black/hispanic voters.

But if Biden keeps sliding, which he has been, Warren picks up more of his votes than Bernie. No POTUS candidate has a stronger campaign organization that is more gaffe proof than Warren. That has inspired confidence among many voters that is not likely to wane in the next 5 months, unless she fucks up. And she won’t.

Warren beats Biden/Bernie in two of the three in Iowa, NH, NV but SC is a bigger problem for her, going big for Biden heading into Super Tuesday.

Coming out of Super Tuesday, Warren and Biden will be the front runners, without Bernie’s endorsement.

If we weren't talking about Biden, I'd be more inclined to agree, but Biden has been sticking his foot in his mouth for 40 years. He does it habitually, and it doesn't seem to hurt him. He has a bit of the same "I can say whatever I want, and I don't give a crap" persona that, frankly, Trump has. He says something stupid or even racist, and people just laugh or otherwise shrug it off.

Is Biden really sliding? You can find polls that suggest he is. However, if you look at the polling averages it doesn't look anywhere near as bad for him. In fact, he's ahead of where he was a week ago.

And I'm not sure where you're getting your state numbers. If you have a link, feel free to share, but at least according to the RCP averages, she's losing to Biden in Iowa, NH, NV, and SC. And in NV and SC, it's a bloodbath.

And I'll admit my bias. I'd rather see Biden win the nomination, because it would be easier for me to justify voting against Trump again like I did in 2016. If Warren is the nominee, I can't justify that. Everything I don't like about Trump (and by that, I mean stuff that actually drives my vote, not just personal preferences) is in Warren ten-fold.
If Trump said the identical things that Biden says, the media and left would pounce on them as stupid, racist comments, and he would be further labeled, without question or challenge, a lying, racist idiot.

Biden simply makes "gaffes". Poor ole Uncle Joe. He just misspoke for the thousandth time.

The left feared Trump's "rhetoric" would surely have had us in year 2 of WWIII by now. That hasn't happened.

What would Biden's "gaffes" put us in if he was President?
LongestHorn, thinks its funny that Democrats will kill millions with the Green New Deal. Shows you what kind of person he is.

Look the "green" mentality has infiltrated Texas even. ERCOT has added so much wind and solar while shutting down coal plants and blocking nuclear that they can't keep up with summer demand. They call it "demand management". Which means getting you to use less electricity or they will start rolling blackouts.

This isn't a problem in Oregon or Germany. This is a problem in Texas today. Substituting cheap, reliable, abundant energy sources for expensive and unreliable sources. Georgetown showed everyone how destructive it will be. We tough Texans all sit by and let it happen. The Communists are winning y'all.
This isn't a problem in Oregon or Germany. This is a problem in Texas today.

It's a problem in Germany. It gets hot here - in the 90s and even 100 during summer heat waves.

Here's how they "solve" it. They butt-slam their people on electricity rates, so virtually nobody can afford to air condition their home. They might be able to run a window unit on the hottest days, but that's the exception, and nobody has central AC. I've literally never seen that on a home here. I live in a pretty upscale neighborhood, and when I walk or drive through the neighborhood, I'll see big, nice homes owned by college professors, businessmen, surgeons, etc. with their windows open and fans running but with Porsches and BMWs in the driveway.

Of course, if you did that in Texas, everybody would ***** and complain. Germany gets around that by using propaganda and social pressure. They indoctrinate their people through education and media that energy use is a moral issue and that they are literally saving the world as an atonement for Nazism, so it's considered very politically incorrect to complain about electricity rates. And of course, if you complain about the heat, it'll get blamed on climate change. (They sorta forget about the smug "climate isn't the same thing as weather" remark you hear when it's cold outside.)
Latest polling from The Economist and YouGov --

Trump: 43% favorable (29% “very favorable” + 14% “somewhat")
Bernie: 41% (18% “very favorable" + 23% “somewhat")
Creepy Joe: 40% (17% “very” + 23% “somewhat”)
Warren: 39% (20% “very” + 19% “somewhat”)

Also, Democrats dont think their candidate could beat Trump.
32% of Biden’s supporters said he could beat Trump (42% "probably lose")
28% of Warren's think she can win (44% think she would lose)
46% of Sanders' thinks he would lose to Trump

I dont think she will carry Texas

Of course, if you did that in Texas, everybody would ***** and complain.

I used to believe that. I am not so sure anymore. Texans for all our bluster are pretty passive nowadays. Even energy companies feel the need to apologize for giving us electrical power with promises of investing in renewables. It all cowardice and passivity.
I used to believe that. I am not so sure anymore. Texans for all our bluster are pretty passive nowadays. Even energy companies feel the need to apologize for giving us electrical power with promises of investing in renewables. It all cowardice and passivity.

That may be true, but money talks. If people who were accustomed to paying $300 per month for electricity were suddenly paying $1,000 per month, I think they'd complain. Furthermore, in places like Texas large numbers of elderly folks would die from the heat. I think that would spark significant complaints as well.
Yet scarily true.

I did not know that a 50 yr old investigator into Epsten case just recently suddenky and mysteriously died. I have not seen a cause listed yet.
That may be true, but money talks. If people who were accustomed to paying $300 per month for electricity were suddenly paying $1,000 per month, I think they'd complain. Furthermore, in places like Texas large numbers of elderly folks would die from the heat. I think that would spark significant complaints as well.

Maybe. But I am not going to expect it. Most of the people I know believe CO2 is air pollution and that Bernie is deep down a good guy. It will take people getting violent (even verbally) to change anything, and no one is willing to really put up a fight.
Maybe. But I am not going to expect it. Most of the people I know believe CO2 is air pollution and that Bernie is deep down a good guy. It will take people getting violent (even verbally) to change anything, and no one is willing to really put up a fight.

But that's sorta my point. Nobody will do anything - until they see their electric bills skyrocket and go over to grandma's house and find her dead. I think that would spark a fight.
Should we have an electoral college of one? Russell Brand.
Whoever he chooses just takes over immediately
(dont worry, there are english subtitles)
Here is current Voter ID requirements by state --
17 States Require Photo Voter ID
18 States Require some form of Voter ID
15 States DO NOT Require Voter ID
About what you would expect?


As of April 1, 2019, 35 states enforce or are scheduled to enforce some form of Voter ID requirement. Of those that require ID, 17 require voters to present photo ID. But the remainder accept other forms of ID (driver's licenses, state ID cards, military ID, or paperwork) -- and so some of these accept ID without photos.

This is becoming even more of an issue now because Jerry Nadler and the Dems are attacking these ID requirements at the federal level. They want the Congress to override local and state voter integrity laws. They want felons and illegal aliens to vote, along with dead and imaginary people. And often.
That didn't used to matter. And what do we do if the Democrats don't trip on their own dicks by nominating someone like Bernie or Warren who are easy to label as socialists?
White suburbia voting for end of their healthcare and other loony **** is not going to happen. The D in this race ran as a moderate. Good for him, but that is not going to be the case at top of ticket.
I thought suburbians were somewhat intelligent. Why would Trump being President cause them to not vote for other Republicans? Did the Republican in NC District 9 act like Trump or something? I don't get it.

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