2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

It is hard to believe that there are Americans who really buy into the stuff the liberals are spouting. Sure hope common sense prevails in the next election.
Beto just killed any chance of being elected in Texas on a statewide ticket.

Agree. This is one he'll never be able to run away from. I say this as someone who doesn't own a firearm, don't care to.

It's beginning to make sense why he didn't take advice to pull out, and run against Cornyn. If he lost it would've been two losses in a two year span in a state election. That would have killed his career all around. Right now he's just trying to keep his name visible for another future run as the dem nominee. I suspect he'll throw a few more Hail Mary's in debates to simply shake the bushes and make headlines.
She seems as though she thinks she can laugh her way to the nomination. Never heard anyone laugh so often and so loud during a debate.
Her problem is that she knows she doesn’t belong there, fighting for the presidency. She is too smart to not know how she got a “head” in politics. You can’t sleep your to the presidency

What she was hoping is that the issue wouldn't be discussed to any significant extent. After all, she got elected to the Senate without anybody making much of an issue of it, even though it was undoubtedly known by political insiders in California. (Why didn't Loretta Sanchez bring it up back in 2016? Surely she knew about it. The only reason I can think of is perhaps she did something similar. After all, what Harris did isn't uncommon at all in politics.)

And of course, the media largely has ignored the issue, so her assumption was mostly correct. Nobody has really confronted her with it. (If she was a Republican female candidate, she'd never hear the end of it.)

What I think she didn't see coming is that, as sleazy as he is, Willie Brown is a pretty honest guy. He was asked about it, and he pretty much said, "yeah, I banged her and got her a job in return. What's the big deal? That's how I always operated, and nobody cared." I think she was expecting him to BS a little and at least keep the issue fuzzy. He's an eighty-five year old man now and obviously won't run for office again. He probably figures, "why lie?"
She seems as though she thinks she can laugh her way to the nomination. Never heard anyone laugh so often and so loud during a debate.

She figured that her intersectionality would be a huge advantage. It does help. Without it, she'd be no better off than Kirsten Gillibrand. The problem is that she is a pretty shallow figured beyond it and largely a media creation.

She was a prosecutor, so her career can pretty much be summed up as follows: She nailed Willie Brown and then threw a bunch of black guys and Latinos in the slammer. That's not a good look in a Democratic primary that's obsessed with racial justice (or their f'ed up vision of racial justice). Furthermore, she has always been more of shameless self-promoter then an ideological leftist like Bernie or her predecessor in the Senate, Barbara Boxer. That's why she was all over the map on the private health insurance issue and other matters, so if you're a hardcore leftist, why trust her?

She made the big scolding of Joe Biden on busing and scored some white guilt points. However, then she pretty much agreed with him on the issue. That threw a wet blanket on the momentum she gained for a few minutes.

At this point, she's an invisible candidate shouting, "look at me!" If laughing loudly and often gets some attention, then she'll do that. It's like Beta with the f-bombs.
A different or at least mitigated view from mine on the suburban problem for the GOP. Link.

The problem with Walter's analysis is twofold. First, it ignores Texas. If they lose big city suburbs, Texas can flip, and doing well in the Cincinnati and Cleveland suburbs doesn't help much if you lose the Dallas and Houston suburbs and therefore don't carry Texas.

Second, it doesn't account for the House where state lines and the electoral college don't help us. We can't get completely skunked in places like the suburbs of California and New York and hope to retake the House.
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O'Rourke: Texans have told me they're fine giving up their AR-15s
Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke on Friday defended his call for mandatory gun buybacks for AR-15 rifles, saying Texans have told him they "don't need" their AR-15s.

"Using guns to hunt or for self-defense makes a lot of sense to us here in Texas," O'Rourke, a former three-term congressman from the state, said during an interview on MSNBC."

What we actually said to Beta was
Come and take it
I think someone with a print shop can make a lot of money off of a new Come And Take It design. Sell it at Cornyn functions or Trump rallies.
Even worse O'Rourke lied about Odessa ambulance and emergency services during the shooting. He claims the city didn't have enough to respond properly. City of Odessa responded, exposing his lie. El Paso is a joke. We should cede it over to New Mexico or Old Mexico. Then see how O'Rourke does.
Apparently Andrew Yang is taking some flack for the "I'm Asian, so I know a lot of doctors" comment. Link.

Frankly, I thought it was funny. It would be like Pete Buttigieg saying, "I'm gay, so I know a lot of fight attendants."
And the eating of their own begins...clearly Yang is NOT the anointed one and is an impediment to Fauxchahontas.

Liz seems to be pulling away Harris voters as they flee from her for putting so many fellow Dem voters in prison

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Naughty language trigger warning
But funny (and short)
re: Harris giving women advice on how to advance themselves at the workplace

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