2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

He is a featherweight - one of the most superficial political figures I've ever seen. There's truly nothing there. By far the biggest asset he had was the media. They licked his nut sack 24/7. It was more favorable than what Obama got in 2008.

And this will show how stupid the electorate was and is. Beto is a joke - just a dumbass with no accomplishments to his name, and he almost defeated Ted Cruz.

Six years earlier, Ted Cruz's opponent was a guy named Paul Sadler. Sadler wasn't "intersectional" and didn't pretend to be like Beta did, and he didn't make women horny. However, he was a man of real accomplishment. He spent 12 years in the Texas House, and he had a comprehensive knowledge of the issues. (I know, because I worked there and saw the guy in action. The hair on his left nut has more brains than Beto O'Rourke does.) Furthermore, he carried some of the most important and complicated education and tax legislation of the decade. He leaned Left but was overall a moderate and wasn't very partisan. He worked very well with Democrats and Republicans and generally had a reputation of honesty. In other words, he was a statesman. Despite all that, nobody threw money at him. Nobody got excited about him. Nobody gave him much of a chance, and no surprise, he lost by 16 points.

I'm not saying that people should have chosen Sadler over Cruz. Texas should elect conservatives. However, by any objective or mature evaluation, Sadler was 100 times more deserving of someone's vote than Beto O'Rourke was. If you didn't vote for Sadler but did vote for Beta, you're pretty much a dumbass and probably shouldn't have the right to vote at all.

I doubt that he will choose Klobuchar. She brings in moderate Midwestern appeal, but Biden is fairly good at attracting that himself. Furthermore, though she is everything you say she is, she is also boring and won't inspire young voters and leftists who will want someone young, intersectional (more so than Klobuchar who might be the whitest woman in America), or hard left. Biden will need to make overtures to them if he wants his base amped up. He could get someone who's intersectional - Harris (kinda black), Booker (also kinda black and maybe gay), or Buttitgieg (very white but very gay), or he could get someone who's less intersectional but hard left like Warren (hard left and very white but at least pretends not to be and is also female).
I think she (Klobuchar) is the best pick. This general election will, like always, turn on the swing states. That means mostly the Upper Midwest. Trump will win the South, save maybe VA and NC, the non-coastal inland West, and the Great Plains. The Democrat nominee will win the Northeast and the West Coast. That leaves the Upper Midwest/Great Lakes region as hotly contested. Klobuchar will shore up the Upper Midwest. She’ll also get some boost from the novelty of being the first woman VP or Pres. I expect many women would have voted for any woman but Hillary—who carried enormous baggage.

I also admire the way she boldly and clearly called bullish!t on Bernie and Warren’s healthcare $ numbers. That pissed off Bernie and Warren, but won her points with the more normal Dems And the Independents.

She’s just got to hang in there and keep inching up the charts. If this is a contested convention (and it might be), she would be a good compromise candidate. The superdelegates are party insiders and she’s a female Senator from the Midwest. Else, she’d make somebody a good VP candidate.

Her weaknesses: her stereotypical ‘loud-mouthed pushy Yankee woman’ plays terribly in the South which could hurt in Southern swing states like VA and NC. She lacks charisma. Her jokes are terrible and forced. Black voters are less than enthralled with Amy K thus far.
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DeBlasio drops out of race, heads back to NYC
NYC in mourning

Back to working 7 hours a month

The NYPost from May
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MSM forced into reporting on Biden's son -- I thought it funny how they admit at the outset that the only reason they are addressing it is because Trump keeps tweeting about it -- it's almost like they are apologizing for covering the story: "We're sorry to report on this, we dont really want to, but it's Trump's fault, he made us do it, please forgive us."
“Joe Biden said everybody's looked at this and found nothing. Who is everybody? Nobody's looked at the Ukraine and the Bidens. Nobody's looked at the role the Ukraine played in the 2016 election.…I'm hoping the DOJ will look at the Biden-Ukraine connection"
- Sen. Lindsey Graham

MSM forced into reporting on Biden's son -- I thought it funny how they admit at the outset that the only reason they are addressing it is because Trump keeps tweeting about it -- it's almost like they are apologizing for covering the story: "We're sorry to report on this, we dont really want to, but it's Trump's fault, he made us do it, please forgive us."

They are pieces of ****. "Republicans, including President Trump are doing our job, er, I mean, er, um, hammering Joe Biden..."

In the tank for him.
Bernie wants to cap wealth
But he has not yet said where he thinks it should be capped
$100 million? $50 million?
He think he will be able to simply seize wealth in order to fund his social programs - ala Hugo Chavez
Bernie is such an economic illiterate, much like 90% of the American people.

The extreme wealthy are already investing in working people! It's called job growth, technical innovation, market competition, capital investment. All of it benefits working people, in fact it helps them (us) in a disproportionally beneficial way.

Plus it lets those activities prove their inherent value on the market. When Bernie gets to choose how to invest, if he ever makes a stupid investment (if? ha), the bad decision will live on perpetually, because that is what government programs do, even after they are proven to harm our economy.
Bernie is such an economic illiterate, much like 90% of the American people.

The extreme wealthy are already investing in working people! It's called job growth, technical innovation, market competition, capital investment. All of it benefits working people, in fact it helps them (us) in a disproportionally beneficial way.

Plus it lets those activities prove their inherent value on the market. When Bernie gets to choose how to invest, if he ever makes a stupid investment (if? ha), the bad decision will live on perpetually, because that is what government programs do, even after they are proven to harm our economy.
No, he is smart. It's the age old "evil rich people" are ruining your lives, vote for me and I will get rid of rich people.
Bernie wants to cap wealth
But he has not yet said where he thinks it should be capped
$100 million? $50 million?
He think he will be able to simply seize wealth in order to fund his social programs - ala Hugo Chavez

Remember when British rock stars used to move to the States as a tax haven since our taxes were so much lower and less confiscatory than in the UK? We may see the day when American rock stars, movie stars, etc move to England (or similar advanced English-speaking countries) as tax havens to avoid confiscatory level taxes in the US. Who would have ever thought...?
So the mayor of South Bend, Indiana (of all places) said being a college football fan is morally problematic. He also implied reliance on fossil fuels (such as in Bahrain) is morally problematic. Putting 2 and 2 together, I wonder what he’d think of the old Houston Oilers football team, the Pearland Oilers, the West Columbia Roughnecks, or any of the other oilfield mascot football teams out there. He must really revile their fans and booster clubs—real deplorables no doubt.
Rush stopped short of predicting it today, but he thinks there's a portly, older woman who feels like she's been cheated out of the Presidency twice and still wants it so bad she can taste it, that might just throw her bonnet into the ring, especially if Biden goes down.
Rush stopped short of predicting it today, but he thinks there's a portly, older woman who feels like she's been cheated out of the Presidency twice and still wants it so bad she can taste it, that might just throw her bonnet into the ring, especially if Biden goes down.
Good. It'll be a lot of fun to watch her get her saggy old *** kicked again.

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