2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

How are the other Dems going to handle the Hunter Biden matter at the next debate? Will they even bring it up?
If they do, will Joe challenge someone to a fist fight?
I remember when John Kerry sua sponte brought up Dick Cheney's daughter's lesbianism in 2004(?) - that did not go well for him.

Or will they just pretend nothing is there?
I once spent some time in Dublin for a wedding and whenever I asked the locals about Northern Ireland, this is exactly how they reacted
Is this how they will all handle it at the "debate" including the purported moderators?
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so much for Free speech
"a note authored by Biden advisors Kate Bedingfield and Anita Dunn sent to to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and Fox News ;
We are writing today with grave concern that you continue to book Rudy Giuliani on your air to spread false, debunked conspiracy theories on behalf of Donald Trump. While you often fact check his statements in real time during your discussions, that is no longer enough. By giving him your air time, you are allowing him to introduce increasingly unhinged, unfounded and desperate lies into the national conversation."
No stat or data that I have seen says more illegals taking jobs is good for the Americans who lose jobs to illegals.
And the joke lie that illegals contribute more to the economy that they cost has been debunked many times.California pays out in the billions. Texas is close.
Leaked audio comments from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg reportedly include him saying that the tech company would likely have no choice but to sue the U.S. government to stave off being broken up if Elizabeth Warren becomes president.

The comments, obtained by The Verge, span a wide range of topics and deep insight into Zuckerberg's thinking, going much further than the usually stoic CEO appears in public.

"You have someone like Elizabeth Warren thinks that the right answer is to break up the companies … I mean, if she gets elected president then I would bet that we will have a legal challenge, and I would bet that we will win the legal challenge," Zuckerberg is quoted as saying in two Q&A sessions with Facebook employees during July.

"And does that still suck for us? Yeah. I mean, I don’t want to have a major lawsuit against our own government. I mean, that’s not the position that you want to be in when you’re, you know, I mean … It’s like, we care about our country, and want to work with our government and do good things. But look, at the end of the day, if someone’s going to try to threaten something that existential, you go to the mat and fight."

So Wall Street doesn't want Fauxcahontas and now Zuckerberg has come out against her.Could Bernie end up the nominee by default?
Bernie out with emergency heart surgery. Best wishes for recovery, but this can’t help his campaign. He is done.
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That’s how it has always worked in the past. That does not mean it will always be so. I think the past trend will continue for a few more generations. Then at some point, the robots and computers will be very smart and capable of doing almost all work. The need for labor will then dramatically decrease.

Working for Accenture a few years back I sat through a presentation buy their team whose sole purpose is to be futurists in evaluating future technology evolution and impacts to society. As the worlds largest consulting company (400k+ employees) they have a vested interest in discerning the future.

By there estimates ~60% of ALL jobs can be automated. Teachers, truckers, farmers, etc. all will see major disruptions in their labor market in the next few generations. Yes, to @Monahorns point some new jobs will be created but it's always fewer, more highly skilled jobs than what automation replaces.

This is a significant reality of our future. It will happen over time but if 50% of our labor force needs to be upskilled just to be employable that's a huge dilemma for our social structure and safety nets like foodstamps and Medicare/Medicaid.

Recognizing higher education isn't popular on this message board, do your children and encourage them do get Master's level degrees in Technical disciplines. Become a knowledge worker is the best bet to future-proofing yourself.
Is Bernie going to Cuba or at least Canada for the surgery?

He has government insurance so he'll certainly leverage that. I don't know the details of his expensive healthcare proposals but I suspect he'd advocate making his insurance available to all Americans. Now paying for it is another matter.

Sidenote: I realize that Congress does not leverage Medicare nor even Healthcare.gov which never made sense to me.
Back to Yang, I just read what may be one of the biggest reasons for his recent burgeoning support:

While the details are not all hashed out yet, Yang's guaranteed basic income is a replacement for all social welfare programs (besides social security and medicare), not an addition to the existing social welfare programs. So the Section 8 vouchers, food stamps, AFDC (or whatever it's called now), etc. all go away. They will all be replaced by the $1,000 per month guaranteed basic income and everyone gets it (ensuring widespread popularity unlike welfare programs). This greatly mitigates the costs, and kills a lot of federal bureaucracy--a reason he will be viciously attacked by many fed employees and fans of big government.

Some of the U. of Chicago/Milton Friedman types are onboard, apparently for this very reason. Basically, Yang kills the welfare state and replaces it with a guaranteed basic income.
Yang may be able to pull in a new generation of the sort of folks that voted for Ross Perot. Yang resides far outside any box. He could just as easily be a Republican, and he should probably be an Independent. He may do pretty well in some of the states where you don't have to be a registered Democrat to vote in the Democratic primary (like Texas, for instance). If he does make some waves, watch for the Democratic Party establishment to try to crush him. They will never let a guy like this be the nominee.
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SH I saw the sarcasm, none of them Ds or Rs want to be on the public plan I can grantee that.

I didn't say Sanders would "like it" but he's clearly interested in burnishing his man of the people cred. He'd probably prefer to give everyone access to the Cadillac healthcare Congress likely receives, costs be damned.

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