2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I don't see it. Blacks won't vote for him. My money is on Warren.

In case you ever wondered what her Native American parents looked like
Trump didn't put a hyphen in there and didn't need to capitalize . That's a big deal. LOL!

Uber- definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

English language is hard for some. He's the POTUS, shouldn't we expect mastery? Keep lowering the bar far enough and every garbage man will qualify to be POTUS.

(Actually, I'm sure there are some sanitation workers out there that are smarter if only they lack the resume.)
English language is hard for some. He's the POTUS, shouldn't we expect mastery? Keep lowering the bar far enough and every garbage man will qualify to be POTUS.

(Actually, I'm sure there are some sanitation workers out there that are smarter if only they lack the resume.)

Like the brilliant Obama who thought there was such a thing as an Austrian language? :lol:
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Planned Parenthood plans to spend $45 Million defeating Republicans in 2020

Planned Parenthood gets ~$530 Million annually from the federal govt

Make sense?
I didnt read this but this evolution of FNC is not exactly news. When the Murdoch children took over, among the very first things they did was extend Shep Smith. Next, they added Donna Brazile. The consensus at the time was these crazy kids were hoping these actions would increase their party invites on the Upper East Side. I dont know if it worked - is that in the article?

Proof that the Murdochs are lurkers on Hornfans?
Trump thinks its rating-related but others have suggested there might be a sex harassment scandal. But maybe he is going to CNN?
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Proof that the Murdoch's are lurkers on Hornfans?
Trump thinks its rating-related but others have suggested there might be a sex harassment scandal. But maybe he is going to CNN?

Is this true. I purposely change the channel when that hack's show comes on.

Good riddance. He can take Chris Wallace with him.
Is this true. I purposely change the channel when that hack's show comes on.

Good riddance. He can take Chris Wallace with him.

Other people have speculated that he might be caught up in Barr's net.
But my guess is just a different job, where he would be more at home among fellow zealots - like CNN or MSNBC. But the one thing arguing against this is that he recently re-upped his contract at Fox.
Other people have speculated that he might be caught up in Barr's net.
But my guess is just a different job, where he would be more at home among fellow zealots - like CNN or MSNBC. But the one thing arguing against this is that he recently re-upped his contract at Fox.
Right. What is the Barr connection?
Her latest lie

This fiasco is why the "Trump lies all the time" mantra doesn't carry the weight it could. If Trump says something that the objective evidence even arguably contradicts (or doesn't support), the media immediate calls him a massive liar. If they were consistent, I could go along. I'm all for strict adherence to facts.

However, Elizabeth Warren tells something that is wildly contradicted by the objective evidence and obviously nonsense, and the same media spews out anecdotes and generalizations to support Warren's claim. "My mom got fired for being pregnant." "Women got fired for getting pregnant all the time." Since we're playing that game, my grandmother was a teacher from 1936 - 1976. She got pregnant twice during that time and never got fired (and this was 20 before Warren's pregnancy), so no, they didn't get fired all the time. Liz Warren is full of crap. See how that game works? Or we could just be adults about it and look at the evidence to see the she's full of crap.
This fiasco is why the "Trump lies all the time" mantra doesn't carry the weight it could. If Trump says something that the objective evidence even arguably contradicts (or doesn't support), the media immediate calls him a massive liar. If they were consistent, I could go along. I'm all for strict adherence to facts.

However, Elizabeth Warren tells something that is wildly contradicted by the objective evidence and obviously nonsense, and the same media spews out anecdotes and generalizations to support Warren's claim. "My mom got fired for being pregnant." "Women got fired for getting pregnant all the time." Since we're playing that game, my grandmother was a teacher from 1936 - 1976. She got pregnant twice during that time and never got fired (and this was 20 before Warren's pregnancy), so no, they didn't get fired all the time. Liz Warren is full of crap. See how that game works? Or we could just be adults about it and look at the evidence to see the she's full of crap.

This gets to the root of the biggest difference is the two largest camps of voters. The other camp does care about facts or objectivity. Logic and reason have no place with them. It's all about feelings and emotion. What makes you feel good? What makes you feel bad? It's that simple. Some of them are even well educated. But that does not matter. Did you see any of the LGBTQIA debate? It was emotion overload. Anyone who tried to insert a fact was shouted down. They were all ready to cry. And then dance. Or both at the same time. It's like dealing with children. Imagine being a primary contender and having to appeal to them? "I promise you ice cream later if you will stop screaming now." I dont know what we are supposed to do with them except never letting them have any political power.
Bring back Bill O’Reilly!

I dont think that would happen but it doesnt matter if it did. FNC is in a slow death spiral. And I am not sure anyone cares anymore. The Murdoch children took control some time back (making your side blame "Rupert Mudock" (that what they call him) for this Smith firing amusing). I admit I thought what was happening there now was on Lachlan Murdoch. But i have been reading more and more it is actually his wife who is driving the changes there. She cares more about her social standing than ratings. These people apparently have enough cashflow that taking a loss on the news arm doesnt matter, as long as they get the news they want, delivered the way they want it. We have seen this all over the media for a couple decades now (NYT, WAPO, CNN and so on). Personally, I gave up on Fox News a long time ago. I do like Tucker Carlson but I only see him occasionally and its on Youtube or via some other link. Outside of election night, I cant remember the last time I used the remote to turn Fox News on, but it was years ago.
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I'm just not willing to give two hours of my life to a bunch of sanctimonious virtue signaling. Not worth it.

They were literally tripping over each other to be the first to be offended. What I mean is that they were on their tippy toes, leaning forward, fists clenched, lips pursed, ready to spew. It was the Outrage Olympics. To tie it to above, it was 100% emotion. For which, they were, of course, applauded by the parade of oddballs running for the Dem nomination.

Joe Biden was even inspired to make a clumsy move towards kissing Anderson Cooper -- not hyperbole.
So I came across this. Apparently Chris Cuomo's pronouns are she, her, and hers.

This is what nutty virtue signaling leads to - things like dudes choosing female pronouns and Julián Castro wanting biological men to have abortion access.

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