2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

This fiasco is why the "Trump lies all the time" mantra doesn't carry the weight it could. If Trump says something that the objective evidence even arguably contradicts (or doesn't support), the media immediate calls him a massive liar. If they were consistent, I could go along. I'm all for strict adherence to facts.

However, Elizabeth Warren tells something that is wildly contradicted by the objective evidence and obviously nonsense, and the same media spews out anecdotes and generalizations to support Warren's claim. "My mom got fired for being pregnant." "Women got fired for getting pregnant all the time." Since we're playing that game, my grandmother was a teacher from 1936 - 1976. She got pregnant twice during that time and never got fired (and this was 20 before Warren's pregnancy), so no, they didn't get fired all the time. Liz Warren is full of crap. See how that game works? Or we could just be adults about it and look at the evidence to see the she's full of crap.

In rural Nebraska, my mother was let go for being pregnant with me from a bakery. As a teenage mother-to-be in her Sr. year of HS she was strongly encouraged to drop out by school administrators because it wasn't appropriate for other students to see a pregnant student. This was in the early 70's.

I can't vouch for Warren's situation nor know any details but my mother's relayed personal experience loosely conforms to Warren's.

On the flipside my mother-in-law, a retired teacher, worked for the same school district in Tacoma WA for 30+ years and had 4 children between '69 and '75 without issue. Clearly there were more enlightened areas of the country.
In rural Nebraska, my mother was let go for being pregnant with me from a bakery. As a teenage mother-to-be in her Sr. year of HS she was strongly encouraged to drop out by school administrators because it wasn't appropriate for other students to see a pregnant student. This was in the early 70's.

I can't vouch for Warren's situation nor know any details but my mother's relayed personal experience loosely conforms to Warren's.

On the flipside my mother-in-law, a retired teacher, worked for the same school district in Tacoma WA for 30+ years and had 4 children between '69 and '75 without issue. Clearly there were more enlightened areas of the country.

Surely you see the point though. There are millions of anecdotes. Of course women have been fired for being pregnant. Many have not been. Reliance on anecdotes and generalizations aren't helpful. Warren spun a story. The documented evidence of her actual case (not unrelated anecdotes) as well as some of her own words strongly contradict her claim that she was let go for being pregnant.

And frankly, I'm not sure why she does stuff like this and the DNA testing. Her biggest asset is her authenticity and at least percieved honesty. Stuff like this undermines that.
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Surely you see the point though. There are millions of anecdotes. Of course women have been fired for being pregnant. Many have not been. Reliance on anecdotes and generalizations aren't helpful. Warren spun a story. The documented evidence of her actual case (not unrelated anecdotes) as well as some of her own words strongly contradict her claim that she was let go for being pregnant.

And frankly, I'm not sure why she does stuff like this and the DNA testing. Her biggest asset is her authenticity and at least percieved honesty. Stuff like this undermines that.
She isn't authentic and honest.
Beto just keeps trying to outclown himself. It's hard to watch. I thought he would be an unbeatable candidate if nominated. Never been so wrong on a candidate in my life. He's a walking GOP campaign ad.

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Beto just keeps trying to outclown himself. It's hard to watch. I thought he would be an unbeatable candidate if got nominated. Never been so wrong on a candidate in my life. He's a walking GOP campaign ad.

Like I mentioned earlier, I didn't watch the discussion, but from every clip I've seen, it was a first rate **** show. Tons of GOP/Trump ads in it.

And Beto has made himself a joke. I'm honestly not sure what his long term plan is. Obviously, he ruined any chance of getting elected statewide in Texas anytime soon. Could he return to the House? I suppose, but his seat is now held by a 50 year old. I doubt she's leaving anytime soon. He could run for the state legislature, but that's a big step down and doesn't pay much. Maybe he'll move to Austin and run for Lloyd Doggett's seat when he retires.
A liberal writer also questions what the hell Beta is doing. Link.

And I love Beta's response to the article, which you'll see if you read to the end.

“There’s been a lot of confusion about Beto’s position on tax exempt status for religious institutions. In short, he would support revoking the tax exempt status for a religious institution that fired an employee or refused to hire someone b/c they were in a same-sex marriage. He would not, however, revoke tax-exempt status for a religious organization he simply disagree [sic] with.”

First, there wasn't "confusion." Beta's comments were quite clear. He's just trying to create confusion so he can backpedal.

Second, is this "clarification" really very helpful if you're a church? Not at all, and it just shows how ignorant the secular Left is when it comes to religion. Go tell a mosque that it can't reject an Imam because he's in a homosexual relationship. That'll go over like a fart in a car with the windows rolled up on a humid day with the AC off.
I told my liberal Austin friend that the townhall was an embarrassing show of virtue signaling. He said at least Dems were brave enough to attend. I said what right thinking GOP would endorse identify politics over individual rights? He then said human / civil rights within identity politics are the same as individual rights. I asked how is this true when Beto just asked to revoke religious freedom. He then said terms like religious freedom and individual rights are “loaded” terms. I told him that his moral outrage theater may play in Austin but it doesn’t work on me. He said it’s needed to protect groups from being bullied. I then asked:
Who are the bullies now? Beto and his anti-constitution progressives. Why are liberals more violent and generally cause more trouble than conservatives ? He had no answer to this, but misdirected as I expected.
I told my liberal Austin friend that the townhall was an embarrassing show of virtue signaling. He said at least Dems were brave enough to attend. I said what right thinking GOP would endorse identify politics over individual rights? He then said human / civil rights within identity politics are the same as individual rights. I asked how is this true when Beto just asked to revoke religious freedom. He then said terms like religious freedom and individual rights are “loaded” terms. I told him that his moral outrage theater may play in Austin but it doesn’t work on me. He said it’s needed to protect groups from being bullied. I then asked:
Who are the bullies now? Beto and his anti-constitution progressives. Why are liberals more violent and generally cause more trouble than conservatives ? He had no answer to this, but misdirected as I expected.

Since when is it brave to show up to something and kiss the asses of everybody there? That's pretty much the opposite of bravery.

And your friend's framing if these issues is stupid. Coercing churches to change their doctrine doesn't have a damn thing to do with human rights.
Since when is it brave to show up to something and kiss the asses of everybody there? That's pretty much the opposite of bravery.

And your friend's framing if these issues is stupid. Coercing churches to change their doctrine doesn't have a damn thing to do with human rights.
He assumes republicans are racist homophobes, so it would be brave for a GOP politician to attend at the risk of losing voters. That’s where I said pandering to identity groups get you into trouble, like infringing the rights of others as Beto demonstrated. This is when I asked who are the real troublemakers today.
“There’s been a lot of confusion about Beto’s position on tax exempt status for religious institutions. In short, he would support revoking the tax exempt status for a religious institution that fired an employee or refused to hire someone b/c they were in a same-sex marriage. He would not, however, revoke tax-exempt status for a religious organization he simply disagree [sic] with.”

This proves 2 things. O'Rourke es una mentirosa y una puta. Guey.
A liberal writer also questions what the hell Beta is doing. Link.

Interesting read, but I especially love this part:

Given his low and static polling, it’s hard to tell what, exactly, Beto O’Rourke hopes to accomplish by staying in the presidential race. But while his actual goal seems a bit elusive, he is increasingly playing a very specific role: the human straw man, the embodiment of every seemingly irrational conservative fear about what the left really wants.

Irrational conservative fear? LMAO! Unfortunately Beto is not a fringe outlier in the Democratic party. He was met with roaring applause when he proclaimed "Hell yes, we are going to take your AR15!". The author is in a bit of denial. The Left knows their ultimate agenda on many issues can only be implemented through incrementalism. Beto's was being honest and the audience responded to his honesty.
Rand Paul on Tucker Carlson on socialism in America
Paul says liberals who have embraced socialism have "forgotten history."

" .... Hitler was a socialist, the fact Stalin was a socialist, the fact Mao was."
I would bring this up all the time. In fact I do.

I think Sweden has a max combined income tax rate of almost 60% (cities there can have a high tax too) -- Warren may want to top this. Would be nice to see our media force her to define and defend this, but they wont.

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"President Donald Trump will win reelection easily in 2020 if the economy holds up, modeling by Moody’s Analytics shows.

“If voters were to vote primarily on the basis of their pocketbooks, the president would steamroll the competition,” the report states.

Three models show Trump getting at least 289 electoral votes and as many as 351, assuming average turnout.

The Moody’s models have been backtested to 1980 and were correct each time — except in 2016, when it indicated Clinton would get a narrow victory."

Trump is on his way to an easy win in 2020, according to Moody's accurate election model
I'll take "I have no idea how I am going to pay for it" for $1000, Alex.

Luckily there was a thunderstorm in my area last night. I unplugged all the electronics. Darn! Couldn't watch the **** show. I hear that they gave Biden a pass on his and his son's transgressions. In fact, I heard radio people say not a single hard ball was thrown to anybody.

First significant rain I've gotten since at least early July, maybe longer.
Q: "exactly how are you going to take away weapons from people who do not want to give them up?"

Beto O'Rourke: "That weapon will be taken from them. If they persist, there will be other consequences from law enforcement."

I almost wonder if Trump is paying Beta to say this stuff.

I get the "Texas Tribune" which has been pimping Beto since before his Senate run.
But they have suddenly gone silent on their boy -- it's almost like they dont want their followers to know what he is proposing anymore.
Trump couldn't even get 10 or 12 lousy billion to pay for his wall and the Repubs controlled both houses of Congress. How in the hell do the Dems think they can get these massive spending amounts passed?

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