Seattle Husker
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This fiasco is why the "Trump lies all the time" mantra doesn't carry the weight it could. If Trump says something that the objective evidence even arguably contradicts (or doesn't support), the media immediate calls him a massive liar. If they were consistent, I could go along. I'm all for strict adherence to facts.
However, Elizabeth Warren tells something that is wildly contradicted by the objective evidence and obviously nonsense, and the same media spews out anecdotes and generalizations to support Warren's claim. "My mom got fired for being pregnant." "Women got fired for getting pregnant all the time." Since we're playing that game, my grandmother was a teacher from 1936 - 1976. She got pregnant twice during that time and never got fired (and this was 20 before Warren's pregnancy), so no, they didn't get fired all the time. Liz Warren is full of crap. See how that game works? Or we could just be adults about it and look at the evidence to see the she's full of crap.
In rural Nebraska, my mother was let go for being pregnant with me from a bakery. As a teenage mother-to-be in her Sr. year of HS she was strongly encouraged to drop out by school administrators because it wasn't appropriate for other students to see a pregnant student. This was in the early 70's.
I can't vouch for Warren's situation nor know any details but my mother's relayed personal experience loosely conforms to Warren's.
On the flipside my mother-in-law, a retired teacher, worked for the same school district in Tacoma WA for 30+ years and had 4 children between '69 and '75 without issue. Clearly there were more enlightened areas of the country.