2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I was there last night. Will post a recap later.
When you get to talk with real working happy people it exposes all the bitterness and hatred from the left for what it is.
The Democrats are toast without the Big 10/Great Lakes states. They can't win without them. Even if the Dems cede Indiana and even Ohio, if they sweep Penn, Mich, Wisc, and Minn, then Trump likely goes down. Florida's always tight as well.
You would think they would discuss issues important to those voters in the debates (esp Ohio since that is where they were), but IIRC they lead off with IMPEACHMENT! Which I dont think is the big issue for these voters
I was there last night. Will post a recap later. When you get to talk with real working happy people it exposes all the bitterness and hatred from the left for what it is.

We discussed above how the Dems started off in Ohio about IMPEACHMENT!, rarely getting to issues that matter to Ohio voters, or voters in surrounding states, like Midwest farmers

Last night, I was too jazzed after beating Los Yanquis to sleep so I watched a replay of the Trump rally in Dallas. I thought it was interesting how he has schooled himself in Texas history - he even mentions Gonzales -- how many times you heard a politician say "Come and Take it!?" (video queued to start there). As I was watching it, I was thinking that there is no way any Dem candidate would ever bring this history up. They are embarrassed by Texas history, think its racist, and think we should be ashamed to ever celebrate it. They even want us to apologize for it. Contrasting styles no doubt. And I guess, if they are allowed to continue to flood the state with illegal aliens, then maybe some day it will pay off for them. But not yet at least.

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By coincidence of timing, we have more of them tonight Man With Gun Wearing Helmet Arrested Outside Trump Rally

Is there a direct link to incidents like this^
and media like this below that is plastered all over Times Square?

Will professional Dems condemn this? Should the our media ask them to? Will they?
You already know the answers to all these questions

So, to summarize, "progressives" within the last 24 hours --

- Tom Arnold referenced Trump and the assassination of JFK in Dallas

- A man in tactical vest with a gun was arrested outside the Trump Dallas Rally

- A "woke" company erects a Trump torture billboard in Times Square
How many know that Bill Clinton was paid $500k by a Russian bank aligned with the Kremlin? Look it up if you don’t believe me.

Don’t worry, SH and OU Bubba on the trail!

I did notice the distinction.

When Trump says something CNN does not like (which is basically everything he says), they usually go with some form of, "Trump said, without any corroborating evidence admissible in a federal court, that ...."

With Hillary, they just say, "Tulsi is a traitor, owned by Putin. Hillary said it was so thus it must be so."
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It looks ever more certain Hillary wants in this race. And who can blame her after watching their debates? Given this cast of differing degrees of socialists currently running, if she did enter, she would by default jump to "moderate." Their base would probably love the chance to move to a relatively more moderate candidate.

And if Hillary did this, she knows Tulsi as her only competition in that lane. The problem is obviously that Tulsi is not just another female but younger, better looking, much healthier and a veteran. Tulsi is a bad matchup and Hillary knows it. And so she is looking ahead and trying to clear the deck with this preemptive strike.

And she knows what drives her base nuts -- all she has to do is mention "Russia" and they start convulsing It's like throwing some delicious red meat to a bunch of starving vegans.
It is kind of funny how Hillary never put Bernie Sanders and the Russians! together in one sentence?

Bernie literally embraced communism
He vacationed in Soviet Moscow
He even honeymooned in the USSR

Whereas Tulsi served in the US military in a war zone

But she is the Russian asset?
So, to summarize, "progressives" within the last 24 hours --

- Tom Arnold referenced Trump and the assassination of JFK in Dallas

- A man in tactical vest with a gun was arrested outside the Trump Dallas Rally

- A "woke" company erects a Trump torture billboard in Times Square

Barbara Streisand tweeted this one out

As I mentioned, the realization is finally dawning on them that none of their other tactics are going to work -- not Russiagate, not Ukrainegate, not Mueller, not impeachment, not emoluments. None of it.

And after watching their own field in the debates, they now know none of them is going to beat Trump in 2020 either.

What are they left with? Assassination of course. They do this sort of thing so frequently and casually now that they think its OK, that its normal to feel and express themselves this way. But they are wrong, its not normal. It is a sickness. And its dangerous.

I would like to see this. I would tune it
Feminists should get behind this, but they wont (feminists will take whatever position Hillary wants them to take, they sold out a long time ago)
And Hillary doesnt like this sort of thing - a level playing field (lol). And she knows she wont have Brazile there to pass her the questions early this time

I searched a few panorama shots of the stages, can't find a flag. It looks like some of the digital visual graphics include image of a US flag, bit no actual flag on a pole anywhere. Havent they been caught doing this before?




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