2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Ya know, nothing examples the difference between support for Trump v Obama (well any real time politician) than this and that dancer back with Obama.
Ya know, nothing examples the difference between support for Trump v Obama (well any real time politician) than this and that dancer back with Obama.
And of course it's okay for someone to classify that video, corny as it may be, as f'ing s&^t. Would love to hear the backlash if anyone said such a thing about Obama supporters.
That's pretty nutty, but at least it's private adult citizens being nutty rather than government employees using their positions of authority to pressure children to act nutty on behalf of a politician.

This is what I was talking about above. Imagine if I posted the same exact thing as the guy in the Longest Horn post above. I'd get doxed, etc and vilified and threatened with bodily harm.
I thought it was pretty great! The act was kinda goofy, but they freely expressed their support of our president.

Maybe I'm cynical because I've been following politics for too long, but I think it's weird to be that unreservedly supportive (or contemptuous) of any politician. All politicians should be viewed and approached with a healthy degree of skepticism. None of them are all good or all bad.

I wonder how many death threats they've already gotten from pissed off libs like LH thinking they shouldn't have the right to do that.

They've probably gotten some. Certainly they've gotten assholic comments on social media from people who would never have the balls to say those things in person. However, I wouldn't worry much about death threats. These ladies look like they pack heat.
Apparently the "creepy porn lawyer" may still run for president. He says it's 50-50. Link. You'd think the arrest and indictment would be enough to keep him from running but apparently not.
Creepy Porn Lawyer is obviously among the biggest attention whores in the entire country.

After his arrest and indictment, anybody who sends even $1 to fund his campaign deserves what they get, which will be the quasi-legal theft of their money.
All politicians should be viewed and approached with a healthy degree of skepticism. None of them are all good or all bad.

I couldn't agree more. I've said many times I've never met a politician I trust and that in the end they are in it for themselves and not what's best for us. In today's America of threats and attacks on conservatives/Republicans I just find it refreshing to see them freely voicing their support.
Creepy Porn Lawyer is obviously among the biggest attention whores in the entire country.

After his arrest and indictment, anybody who sends even $1 to fund his campaign deserves what they get, which will be the quasi-legal theft of their money.

It would not surprise me if he's doing this to raise money that will ultimately fund his legal defense.

So let me get this straight. El Paso charges trump 470k in transportation costs and services, yet on the same day (had to research) Beta held a rally there and El Paso only charged him 21k... ??? That's quite a differential.

It would be lovely if this media outlet had dug a bit deeper. Did El Paso take advantage of the situation via bypassing negotiations from the get go (yeah sure, come to EP. We'll take care of everything....then boom. Here's your inflated invoice. Oh did we not advise of estimated costs? Our bad) .

Is there an ongoing inquiry by the WH into the outrageous amount listed? (In a former career I had this duty. You don't simply pay invoices that look fishy. You ask for detailed costs. 60k plus for the fire dept.???..okie Doke.)

This could go a dozen ways, the coverage is vague.
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So let me get this straight. El Paso charges trump 470k in transportation costs and services, yet on the same day (had to research) Beta held a parade and El Paso only charged him 21k... ??? That's quite a differential.

It would be lovely if this media outlet had dug a bit deeper. Did El Paso take advantage of the situation via bypassing negotiations from the get go (yeah sure, come to EP. We'll take care of everything....then boom. Here's your inflated invoice. Oh did we not advise of estimated costs? Our bad) .

Is there an ongoing inquiry by the WH into the outrageous amount listed? (In a former career I had this duty. You don't simply pay invoices that look fishy. You ask for detailed costs. 60k plus for the fire dept.???..okie Doke.)

This could go a dozen ways, the coverage is vague.

It's entirely possible that El Paso is gouging Trump. However, I wouldn't expect his bill to be similar to Beta's. Trump is the President. Beta is a congressman. The presidency is a very big operation - many magnitudes bigger than a congressman. Furthermore, Trump isn't like other presidents. He's far more polarizing (justifiably or not), which means security has to be much tighter. There are thousands of leftists who would blow away Trump if they could. Nobody would assassinate Beta. He's nowhere near consequential enough.
It's like a movie script written by your waiter -- "Bizarre fake police force included Kamala Harris aide, prosecutors say"
Bizarre fake police force included Kamala Harris aide, prosecutors say


Democrat candidates hammering Trump on the mass shootings over the weekend, trying to make political hay. Each one talks about gun laws, white nationalism, etc. Nobody addresses the elephant in the room: there's something rotten in our culture. Something has changed. It's been trending that way from way before Trump taking office

Kids used to drive around Texas with gun racks filled with guns in their pickups, but nobody got shot. The culture is different now. Maybe it's the violent video games, the "music" with violent lyrics, the sex and violence filled TV, or all the porn and trash on the internet, but something has poisoned our culture. Nothing is going to change until that is addressed.
Ive previously brought up the idea in here of repealing the 26th Amendment. But maybe the better idea is to raise the voting age until around age 26? To the point where all or almost all children are off their parents payroll. This seems to be one of the clearest points of delineation for maturity, responsibility and minimal necessary life experience. Should anyone be allowed to vote if their parents are still paying for everything in their lives? I suggest they should not. But, in fairness, I also should admit I have in the past also proposed an IQ test for voting (as well as drivers licenses and procreation rights).

Ive previously brought up the idea in here of repealing the 26th Amendment. But maybe the better idea is to raise the voting age until around age 26?

The 26th amendment, was in response to the students protesting the Viet Nam war. The logic was, if I'm old enough to die for my country, I'm old enough to vote. It's kind of hard to argue against that.
The 26th amendment, was in response to the students protesting the Viet Nam war. The logic was, if I'm old enough to die for my country, I'm old enough to vote. It's kind of hard to argue against that.

If you are correct that the mandatory draft was the underpinning for 26A then that underpinning has been completely removed. No longer a factor. And thus it should repeal itself.
You still have to register on 18th birthday and there are 18 yos serving in combat so I guess reasoning still stands.

Kinda off topic but do males who identify as female have to register?
The 26th amendment, was in response to the students protesting the Viet Nam war. The logic was, if I'm old enough to die for my country, I'm old enough to vote. It's kind of hard to argue against that.

It's interesting that WWI and WWII veterans willingly served and fought without the right to vote (at least for many of them).

Personally, I think we've gone the wrong way. Wisdom and maturity should drive voting rights. That's why 5 year olds can't vote. Today's 18 year old is like yesterday's 12 year old. They shouldn't be voting. Until we start raising our kids sanely again, we should be raising the voting age, not lowering it. However, it's all a moot point. Once you give the franchise to one group, you realistically can't take it away. We just need to make sure we don't do as some dumbasses suggest and let 16 year olds vote. Frankly, I'm surprised California hasn't done that yet.
It's interesting that WWI and WWII veterans willingly served and fought without the right to vote (at least for many of them).

Personally, I think we've gone the wrong way. Wisdom and maturity should drive voting rights. That's why 5 year olds can't vote. Today's 18 year old is like yesterday's 12 year old. They shouldn't be voting. Until we start raising our kids sanely again, we should be raising the voting age, not lowering it. However, it's all a moot point. Once you give the franchise to one group, you realistically can't take it away. We just need to make sure we don't do as some dumbasses suggest and let 16 year olds vote. Frankly, I'm surprised California hasn't done that yet.

The thought of 16yos voting makes my head hurt. If 16yos can vote, then that should be the legal age of consent too, right? If you're of sound mind to elect politicans then youre of sound mind to have sex. Lets call a spade a spade.
Democrat candidates hammering Trump on the mass shootings over the weekend, trying to make political hay. Each one talks about gun laws, white nationalism, etc. Nobody addresses the elephant in the room: there's something rotten in our culture. Something has changed. It's been trending that way from way before Trump taking office

Kids used to drive around Texas with gun racks filled with guns in their pickups, but nobody got shot. The culture is different now. Maybe it's the violent video games, the "music" with violent lyrics, the sex and violence filled TV, or all the porn and trash on the internet, but something has poisoned our culture. Nothing is going to change until that is addressed.
As you point out there's certainly a number of variables, but I think Kleibold and Harris revealed a way for the loners and outcasts of society to make themselves famous. Before Columbine I think this type of person was pretty much invisible, lived a life of depression and sometimes ended their life. Add to this the internet and social media makes loners and anti-socials more isolated and feeling more depressed you have a lethal combination. Everyone wants their "Place in the Sun" but the reality is some will never have it without doing something drastic.

We have to address the lack of social skills and perhaps being unattractive creating loneliness and the feeling of no hope, which of course is a lot easier said than done.
Kinda off topic but do males who identify as female have to register?

Short answer is yes...males are male, no matter what sort of mental gymnastics and potential cosmetic surgery they might have undergone (never mind that very few of them actually have the whackitoffame and most never have ANY sort of surgical intervention).

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