2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

It's happening

This debate is both fun and disturbing. Don Lemon asking questions with a lead that the current President is racist is unbelievable.

On the other hand, each one trying to prove themselves as more left than the other is hilarious. In their current state, Obama was as conservative as Reagan.
This debate is both fun and disturbing. Don Lemon asking questions with a lead that the current President is racist is unbelievable.

On the other hand, each one trying to prove themselves as more left than the other is hilarious. In their current state, Obama was as conservative as Reagan.

What's remarkable is that the moderators are almost as partisan and nutty as the worst candidates. John Delaney, Steve Bullock, and Amy Klobuchar were basically the only sane adults in the room and the only ones who were willing to call out crazy when they saw it. That's the media's job, but obviously they have forfeited any credibility they once had.
It's happening 2.0


She ripped Harris a new one. Just when I thought Harris would win by default, Gabbard goes off on her work as Cali's AG. Even so, Gabbard will need a ton more momentum before being seriously considered.
Also looks like the hottest looking candidates (relatively speaking) are being searched. Tells you how seriously this is being taken by the populous ;)
She ripped Harris a new one. Just when I thought Harris would win by default, Gabbard goes off on her work as Cali's AG. Even so, Gabbard will need a ton more momentum before being seriously considered.
Also looks like the hottest looking candidates (relatively speaking) are being searched. Tells you how seriously this is being taken by the populous ;)

Sometimes Charles Barkley gets it right.
Last night he said "“Every black person I know has always voted Democratic, and with the exception of a few guys who can play sports, all those people are still poor,” he added."
They are changing the qualification rules for the next one (which I think is in Houston). Sadly, some of the more interesting/entertaining folks are going to get bumped. Ratings were apparently not great already, so if you diminish the chance for fireworks or giggles, it makes sense they might slide even further.

Another odd thing about bringing this debate hammer down is the Dems lack of a sense of history, their own history even (but maybe this is consistent with their normal daily behavior?)
Two examples --
(1) In the summer of 1975, Jimmy Carter was averaging just 1% in the polls.
(2) In the summer of 1991, Bill Clinton was averaging just 1.7%
Applying the current rules, both would have been out for the Houston debate (2% polling cutoff)
What's remarkable is that the moderators are almost as partisan and nutty as the worst candidates. John Delaney, Steve Bullock, and Amy Klobuchar were basically the only sane adults in the room and the only ones who were willing to call out crazy when they saw it. That's the media's job, but obviously they have forfeited any credibility they once had.
And now the liberal public is blasting CNN as biased to conservatives for their line of questioning. If they somehow win this election, I’m liquidating all investments to buy gold, ammunition and alcohol.
Harris looked nervous and scared last night. Tulsi made her look silly. Too bad, she is my dream candidate to ensure a Democrat loss in 2020.
Harris looked nervous and scared last night. Tulsi made her look silly. Too bad, she is my dream candidate to ensure a Democrat loss in 2020.

You will never guess who they are blaming for this
(or, maybe you can guess it pretty easily?)
It's the Russians again!!!!

Harris looked nervous and scared last night. Tulsi made her look silly. Too bad, she is my dream candidate to ensure a Democrat loss in 2020.
This is what happens when you sleep your way to the top - no confidence. Unfortunately for her, you can’t sleep your way to the presidency.
Harris looked nervous and scared last night. Tulsi made her look silly. Too bad, she is my dream candidate to ensure a Democrat loss in 2020.

Because she is intersectional, Tulsi can talk to Harris in ways that Joe Biden can't. Nobody is going to call her a racist or call her out for "mansplaining."
This debate is both fun and disturbing. Don Lemon asking questions with a lead that the current President is racist is unbelievable.

Lemon is black and gay that makes him pretty much untouchable. Trump keeps tweeting that Lemon is the dumbest man on television. Trump's the only politician in the country that tells it like it is.
Marianne Williamson is a strange one. Looks like she's got some dance moves though for an old, white, guilt-laden gal. Better than AOC's dance moves.
Marianne Williamson is a strange one. Looks like she's got some dance moves though for an old, white, guilt-laden gal. Better than AOC's dance moves.

She dances about the same as Obama

But she definitely needs to make the next round, just for the entertainment value. In fact, I motion they let me pick the cast of the next episode. Then let me ask the questions. I guarantee you the ratings would skyrocket.
And now the liberal public is blasting CNN as biased to conservatives for their line of questioning. If they somehow win this election, I’m liquidating all investments to buy gold, ammunition and alcohol.
What am I bid for this box of .40-cal hollow-points?
For crying out loud, the issue of the day "will he allow them to start the chant", brother. Says it all for me, we're f*****. No one really gives a s*** about our debt, or anything that matters, just for Gods sake do NOT say anything racist.
For crying out loud, the issue of the day "will he allow them to start the chant", brother. Says it all for me, we're f*****. No one really gives a s*** about our debt, or anything that matters, just for Gods sake do NOT say anything racist.
Well, no matter how much he may decry that chant, if people do it, then Trump is a racist. C'mon, man, everyone knows that. :e-face-shades:
Anybody notice how unpopular Obama was to this group? Poor Joe3030330

Obama was practically a Republican compared to these folks! The Deporter-In_Chief deported more than 2.5 million illegals. That dwarfs what Trump has done. He was against gay marriage when he came into office. He flip flopped later on when the political winds reversed. The new Democratic Party is so far left of center they can't even see where Obama was positioned.

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