2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

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I don't like politicians
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I don't like Trump
I don't like AOC

But I like Hornfans.com...
You are the anti-Tom T. Hall.
It's not how stupid he is; it's how stupid his followers are. They believe in the feel good rhetoric.

Had an employee who moved in from Vegas complaining that we didn't pay as much as his union job in Vegas. Gave all sorts of "feel good" reasons why higher wages are better.

When I asked how we should pay for higher wages he said something to the effect of company profits. I told him net profits are only about 2.5% and raising wages to what he expected would wipe that out causing us to have to stop giving raises, cut benefits and stop opening new stores. Or we would have to cut the number of employees causing his workload to increase significantly. Another option was to raise prices to pass it along to the customers which would make us less competitive causing customers to go somewhere else and risk the business all together.

I suggested he go back to school and get a skill in higher demand so he could make more money or be patient with his development and take on more responsibility then over time his pay would increase substantially.

He just looked at me dumbfounded shook his head and walked away. All he cared about was his pay now and didn't care about anyone nor anything else but himself not wanting to actually do anything to make himself more valuable.

I have no idea why more people don't understand the progression of a career and that if you are willing to do the work, learn, sacrifice and have discipline anyone can "make it" in America. I started my job at $3.65/hr in 1991 with no real skills and now make...a lot more...and I didn't ever make pay an issue in my career. I made myself more valuable than the job I held at each level. More people should think and act this way and pay will come pretty quickly.
What am I missing? Or don't understand?
Republicans assert raising the minimum wage by law results in loss of jobs or hours
Bernie and the other Dem candidates campaign for $ 15.00 hr minimum wage.
Bernie gets caught not paying his own staffers $15.00 .
When they complain he raises their hourly wage BUT as predicted in a post above he cut their hours.
Bernie Sanders admits he will CUT the hours of staffers who are not getting the $15 minimum wage | Daily Mail Online

How stupid is he ? Will the other candidates continue to call for the increase?
I saw a story on one of the cable news channels about this and they said that the number of hours that campaign workers work equaled $17 a hour so in order for him to get them to $15 a hour he cut their hours.
Had an employee who moved in from Vegas complaining that we didn't pay as much as his union job in Vegas. Gave all sorts of "feel good" reasons why higher wages are better.

When I asked how we should pay for higher wages he said something to the effect of company profits. I told him net profits are only about 2.5% and raising wages to what he expected would wipe that out causing us to have to stop giving raises, cut benefits and stop opening new stores. Or we would have to cut the number of employees causing his workload to increase significantly. Another option was to raise prices to pass it along to the customers which would make us less competitive causing customers to go somewhere else and risk the business all together.

I suggested he go back to school and get a skill in higher demand so he could make more money or be patient with his development and take on more responsibility then over time his pay would increase substantially.

He just looked at me dumbfounded shook his head and walked away. All he cared about was his pay now and didn't care about anyone nor anything else but himself not wanting to actually do anything to make himself more valuable.

I have no idea why more people don't understand the progression of a career and that if you are willing to do the work, learn, sacrifice and have discipline anyone can "make it" in America. I started my job at $3.65/hr in 1991 with no real skills and now make...a lot more...and I didn't ever make pay an issue in my career. I made myself more valuable than the job I held at each level. More people should think and act this way and pay will come pretty quickly.

The political answer is that the owner makes too much money. Greed is what causes depressed wages. If the owner takes less then pricing remains static. The socially maladjusted among us believe in that.

Capitalizing a business (debt and equity) is considered a given. Paying back the principle on the loan is considered a given. Working capital is considered a given. Inventory is considered a given. Emergency expenditures is considered a given. Cash flow is considered a given. None of that is to be considered; only the owner's greed.
The political answer is that the owner makes too much money. Greed is what causes depressed wages. If the owner takes less then pricing remains static. The socially maladjusted among us believe in that.

Capitalizing a business (debt and equity) is considered a given. Paying back the principle on the loan is considered a given. Working capital is considered a given. Inventory is considered a given. Emergency expenditures is considered a given. Cash flow is considered a given. None of that is to be considered; only the owner's greed.
Not to mention providing a quality product and/or service.
When I asked how we should pay for higher wages he said something to the effect of company profits. I told him net profits are only about 2.5% and raising wages to what he expected would wipe that out causing us to have to stop giving raises, cut benefits and stop opening new stores. Or we would have to cut the number of employees causing his workload to increase significantly. Another option was to raise prices to pass it along to the customers which would make us less competitive causing customers to go somewhere else and risk the business all together.

Vol Horn 4 Life. You are my hero.

There is also the cost of living comparison. Gross pay isn't really what is important. You have to factor taxes and cost of subsistence, then look at disposable income after subsistence or % of wages spent on subsistence. His blank stare would have been blanker.
The political answer is that the owner makes too much money. Greed is what causes depressed wages. If the owner takes less then pricing remains static. The socially maladjusted among us believe in that.

That is where you mention his own greed and the idea of property rights.

Or also do the math of how much more would he make if the owner took 1/2 the pay and evenly distributed it. It is probably no more than $10/month, so not worth it. Also, if an owner can't get rich owning and running his own business, then why would he invest in it ever? Owner's invest money up front to pay a worker's wages. So the worker gets paid today. The owner has to wait until the product is manufactured, sold, and the money received before he gets his cut, in the future. Just like a loan, $1 today is worth more than $1 in the future.
That is where you mention his own greed and the idea of property rights.

Or also do the math of how much more would he make if the owner took 1/2 the pay and evenly distributed it. It is probably no more than $10/month, so not worth it. Also, if an owner can't get rich owning and running his own business, then why would he invest in it ever? Owner's invest money up front to pay a worker's wages. So the worker gets paid today. The owner has to wait until the product is manufactured, sold, and the money received before he gets his cut, in the future. Just like a loan, $1 today is worth more than $1 in the future.

Yes. I've heard socialists try to equate worker risk with ownership risk. It's not the same and it's just a hard-headed mentality that thinks it is.

To mandate an expense (I understand worker safety and environmental protection laws) but not guarantee product value does not match up in my mind. So you have to give the owner the latitude to control their costs. And they will. If there is a connection between employee pay and quality of the brand then let the owner figure that out. Don't try to tell him there is while mandating expense increases.
Had an employee who moved in from Vegas complaining that we didn't pay as much as his union job in Vegas. Gave all sorts of "feel good" reasons why higher wages are better.

When I asked how we should pay for higher wages he said something to the effect of company profits. I told him net profits are only about 2.5% and raising wages to what he expected would wipe that out causing us to have to stop giving raises, cut benefits and stop opening new stores. Or we would have to cut the number of employees causing his workload to increase significantly. Another option was to raise prices to pass it along to the customers which would make us less competitive causing customers to go somewhere else and risk the business all together.

I suggested he go back to school and get a skill in higher demand so he could make more money or be patient with his development and take on more responsibility then over time his pay would increase substantially.

He just looked at me dumbfounded shook his head and walked away. All he cared about was his pay now and didn't care about anyone nor anything else but himself not wanting to actually do anything to make himself more valuable.

I have no idea why more people don't understand the progression of a career and that if you are willing to do the work, learn, sacrifice and have discipline anyone can "make it" in America. I started my job at $3.65/hr in 1991 with no real skills and now make...a lot more...and I didn't ever make pay an issue in my career. I made myself more valuable than the job I held at each level. More people should think and act this way and pay will come pretty quickly.

I might have asked why he left his union job in Vegas.
I'm almost to the point of thinking that this poor man needs help.

What the hell is the point of that picture Deez? What is the point O'Rourke?

There is no point to Beta, but what baffles me if that there never was a point. However, for about 18 months, the entire political media acted as though there was. He was just a much of a fraud and a weirdo then, but political pundits and journalists talked about him in almost godlike terms. He was "inspiring," "deep," and "transformational" like RFK and had tremendous "coolness." It's the same Beta, but now he's a goofball, a doofus, dumb, and a little bit of a weirdo.

I can't help but wonder what the "true believers" from 2018 think now, and they do exist. It might be the cynical but racist Hispanics who thought he was authentic despite his last name. It might be the gullible but arrogant Millennial who actually thought weed and skateboarding were marks of intellect and depth. It might be the sexually unfulfilled woman in the suburbs who was turned on by him and the myth that he "cared about" and "understood" them. Everything they thought and assumed about him was a lie, and the media that sold the false narratives are now being honest about it. How do these true believers feel? What do they think about it and how easy it was to sell them on fraud?
They hate everything good that is happening to Americans and the economy so much they still pretend Orouke is all that.
I saw several Beta yard signs along the 4th of July parade route in Plano. Their hatred is sad.
They hate everything good that is happening to Americans and the economy so much they still pretend Orouke is all that.
I saw several Beta yard signs along the 4th of July parade route in Plano. Their hatred is sad.

There are still some hangers-on, but it's greatly reduced. Let's put it this way. Nobody thinks Beta has a serious chance of putting John Cornyn at risk in 2020. That should tell you something. The "magic" is dramatically weakened.
It surprises me to still see ‘Beto’ stickers on cars. I see several here in Katy/Houston area, even saw a few in Nashville recently. Ugh.
It surprises me to still see ‘Beto’ stickers on cars. I see several here in Katy/Houston area, even saw a few in Nashville recently. Ugh.

It can be a pain in the *** to remove a bumper sticker and get it all off. I had a Dole-Kemp sticker on my car until 1999.
Yes, the politically gullible left (coupled with horny leftist cougars) are all quietly slinking away from Beta. As the California money goes, so follows stupidity.
Ryan and others shot down sanders and warren on free medical care for all. The union workers that have solid medical benefits thanks to union negotiated plans, are going to look elsewhere with their votes.

Union workers in the rust belt will be key votes, critical for a dem candidate. If sanders or warren is the candidate, trump will carry those states.

It's almost like dems are trying to give trump the general election win.... Again.
It surprises me to still see ‘Beto’ stickers on cars. I see several here in Katy/Houston area, even saw a few in Nashville recently. Ugh.
Many don't ever remove the political stickers...I still see stickers from HRC's campaign in addition to the ones never removed after Obummer left office.

Not as many of them in Montgomery County, but they start showing up once I get south of 1960 heading towards downtown Houston...

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