2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I certainly understand not wanting young people to vote. They, the 18-34 year old, voted overwhelmingly for Clinton in '16 and 24 million of them showed up to vote. More of them showed up than seniors in a lot of states. Frankly I'm surprised they were able to tear themselves away from their gaming consoles in such vast numbers.

By another measure of youth participation, the proportion of all votes cast by young people, in most of the 28 states where exit polls were conducted youth made up an equal or larger share of the electorate than senior citizens: higher in 14 states, and tied in three.

CIRCLE » An Estimated 24 Million Young People Voted in 2016 Election
Short answer is yes...males are male, no matter what sort of mental gymnastics and potential cosmetic surgery they might have undergone

Somebody should tell the twitter mob about this. Maybe they could get a few politicians fired.
I wonder how many bio males who identify as female actually do register.And I wonder what would happen if a female(male) fought it , if they ever actually pursue people not registering.
Maybe creepy porn lawyer could take the case.
I started my job at $3.65/hr in 1991

That increase of the Federal Minimum Wage to $7.25 on 9/1/91 must have sucked, huh?

Would love to hear the backlash if anyone said such a thing about Obama supporters.
There is a search function at your disposal for posts. Just look up anything from Horn6721 in 2008 to see the responses.

Apparently the "creepy porn lawyer" may still run for president. He says it's 50-50. Link. You'd think the arrest and indictment would be enough to keep him from running but apparently not

Attention-whores will always be whores. He must have felt he wasn't being mentioned enough in the news...similar to our POTUSx attempts to scream "look at me!"

They shouldn't be voting. Until we start raising our kids sanely again, we should be raising the voting age, not lowering it.

Age doesn't always correlate to wisdom. I've experienced extremely knowledgeable and bright 18yr olds...and idiot stoners. This site has some Sr. citizen posters that based on their posts are as equally ignorant and lack wisdom as said stoners.

It's perfectly fine that if you can fight for your country you should have a voice in deciding your commander-in-chief.
Age doesn't always correlate to wisdom. I've experienced extremely knowledgeable and bright 18yr olds...and idiot stoners. This site has some Sr. citizen posters that based on their posts are as equally ignorant and lack wisdom as said stoners.

While I'm about the same age as you are I've found most of the senior citizens here to be much more informed than you are.
You still have to register on 18th birthday and there are 18 yos serving in combat so I guess reasoning still stands.

Kinda off topic but do males who identify as female have to register?
The way to get past all this word nonsense is to have laws or regulations define people by their chromosomes. "XY" registers, or "bathroom for "XX".... period. No surgery or costume can change a person's DNA in each of their 37 trillion cells.
You're wrong. It was to $5.00 an hour. I know because I was making that. Know what you're talking about before you type.
I know that I had two summer jobs in 1979, life-guarding and teaching swimming lessons. One paid $2.90, and the other one generously rounded up to $3.00 an hour. (But at that country club, I also got a discount on meals at the grill.)
That increase of the Federal Minimum Wage to $7.25 on 9/1/91 must have sucked, huh?


As a senior citizen who can google & search, the minimum wage was raised to $4.25 in 1991. This is another example of you posting **** you know nothing about and / or are too lazy to fact check.

Great job husker, keep up the good work.
As a senior citizen who can google & search, the minimum wage was raised to $4.25 in 1991. This is another example of you posting **** you know nothing about and / or are too lazy to fact check.

Great job husker, keep up the good work.

Nah...I just grabbed the wrong datapoint. The $7.25/hr minimum applied to tipped positions. Below is the relevant information I grabbed from Wikipedia. I sit corrected. I have no problem recognizing a mistake. So, I made attempts to quickly look up accurate info. What's your excuse?

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 has been requiring a minimum wage of $2.13 for tipped workers with the expectation that wages plus tips total no less than $7.25 per hour since September 1, 1991.[164] The employer must pay the difference if total income does not add up to $7.25 per hour.[165]

The correct info was right below that for non-tipped roles.
The 26th amendment, was in response to the students protesting the Viet Nam war. The logic was, if I'm old enough to die for my country, I'm old enough to vote. It's kind of hard to argue against that.
If that is hard to argue, then why aren't they old enough to buy alcohol?

The same logic should apply if it is based on perceived maturity. Not trying to argue just building on what you stated.
Attention-whores will always be whores. He must have felt he wasn't being mentioned enough in the news...similar to our POTUSx attempts to scream "look at me!"

Maybe, but I'm not so sure that applies here. Trump is clearly an attention ***** - has been at least since the early '80s. I very clearly remember seeing him on tabloid covers at the grocery store when I was a little kid.

However, I had never heard of Avenatti before he got into the Stormy Daniels story. He's not a Gloria Allred who practically invented the attention whoring lawyer. That's why I suspect he might do this for other reasons. Obviously I don't think he expects to win the nomination and certainly doesn't expect to win the presidency.

Age doesn't always correlate to wisdom. I've experienced extremely knowledgeable and bright 18yr olds...and idiot stoners. This site has some Sr. citizen posters that based on their posts are as equally ignorant and lack wisdom as said stoners.

You are correct. You'll always find anecdotes who go against the stereotypes, because we're generalizing and yes, discriminating on the basis of age. There are probably some very wise 10 year olds out there who would make very good voters and some very unwise and ignorant 50 year olds who have no business in a voting booth yet have the right to vote. So long as we're using age as a qualification for voting, there's no way around that. We'd have to use some other criteria besides age (such as a political awareness or civics test).

It's perfectly fine that if you can fight for your country you should have a voice in deciding your commander-in-chief.

I understood this more during the days of the draft (though I still question why this is true now but wasn't true during WWII). However, we made a permanent constitutional change based on a temporary situation rather than a real structural need for change, and that's almost never a wise move.

In addition, the argument that troops should be able to help choose their commander in chief has some merit. That was the political argument made at the time. However, if that was the real agenda, why didn't we simply do that? We could have given it to all military personnel regardless of age. Instead, we exploited the sympathy people have for the troops to give voting rights to far more LSD and pot-ridden hippies on college campuses. And of course, that was the real agenda.
If that is hard to argue, then why aren't they old enough to buy alcohol?

In my lifetime, the legal drinking age in Texas has been 21, then 18 (1973) then 19 (1981), then back to 21 (1986). The legal drinking age is another, arbitrary political football. If you're in the military, I think you can still drink on base regardless of your age.
Castro is following the advice of Obama's guy, David Plouffe, by doxxing Trump donors
It's a good way to get somebody killed, just ask Steve Scalise, this is similar to the way he was targeted for death -- and did indeed almost die
It was less than 24 hours ago they were blaming political rhetoric for one (but not all) of the latest shootings. Yet they immediately turn around and try to direct their followers to commit the same acts they decry.


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In my lifetime, the legal drinking age in Texas has been 21, then 18 (1973) then 19 (1981), then back to 21 (1986). The legal drinking age is another, arbitrary political football. If you're in the military, I think you can still drink on base regardless of your age.

In Nuevo Laredo, it was if you were tall enough to hand the bartender the money
Liberals responding in typical fashion to the Castros' doxxing campaign -- there is a definite, identifiable pattern to much of this stuff - lol



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When I was in the military in the early 90's you had to be 21 to drink.

At Ramstein Air Base, the drinking age is 18, because the drinking age off base is 16. The last thing they want is for airmen leaving base and getting piss drunk at some of the sleazy bars and whorehouses in the area.
Considering the donkey shows and hookers with Adam's apples in Nuevo Laredo, booze is probably one of the more wholesome things people partake of.

I once saw a show where the performer was wearing a merkin (which is a stage actor's prop). It was crowded so I had to sit at a table with people I didnt know. When the merkin was revealed, the guy next to me started howling in spanish. The one part I definitely understood was the stage prop looked like Fidel Castro's beard. We laughed so hard everyone else caught on and pretty soon a "Fidel" chant filled the establishment. Was a great moment.
Castro reportedly getting his a@@ handed to him online, which is surprising.

But he's a hard-left extremist. His Momma raised him to think the Alamo is a symbol of white supremacy, so there's no hope he'll apologize.
Castro reportedly getting his a@@ handed to him online, which is surprising.

But he's a hard-left extremist. His Momma raised him to think the Alamo is a symbol of white supremacy, so there's no hope he'll apologize.
I have always asked which one of them is the dumb one. Now I know.
He released the names and possibly addresses of about 40 Trump campaign donors. He wants them to be attacked... what else can we say about it?
And to think the left REALLY wonders why sensible people in Texas tend to support the right to carry concealed...

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