2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Not sure you remember this just a few short years ago, the Castro twins went after Buc-ee’s Owner for donating to a republican candidate. They went off about it and tried to get their followers to boycott Buc-ee’s. It didn’t work. Dumb#^%ks!
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Bill Miller Bar-B-Que was one of the companies doxed by Castro. Today's left-wing SA Express-News had a front page article titled something like; "Firstorm Envelops Bill Miller Restaurants".

Turns out Castro also doxed some of his own contributors. Lots of business donate to both sides.
Serious question. We are in Texas that’s a part of the south and south west of the US, which is really branded with racist and bigots. Also being Conservative Republican White is now even more prevalent in the Liberal eyes of being a part of the white supremacist.

In reality have any of you ever met a white supremacist before? How about anybody using the “N” word?

I met one white supremacist (Aryan Nation) once in my entire life. It was many years ago when I was a probation officer and he was on my case load. I remember thinking to myself how much an idiot he is with a little brain. He just come across as stupid. Even had I not known he was apart of that hate group and on probation , I could tell he wasn’t very bright at all. I can’t even tell you when the last time I’ve heard the “N” word outside of coming from blacks or rappers in a song. I remember my great grandmother using it when I was a kid one time and I’m 54 now. I remember being surprised she used that word even at a young age.

The liberal party and fake news media are trying to paint all Trump supporters as racist and bigots that are all a part of white supremacist group. I honestly don’t believe they actually believe that and are attempting to divided the Trump supporters from the other half of the country.

I say the left are attempting this as blacks are flooding to the right. I am predicting the biggest lopsided win in presidential history. The American People are so tired of their rhetoric.
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In reality have any of you ever met a white supremacist before?

Yes, one. My cousin was a drug dealer in the Los Angeles area in the late '90s and early 2000s and spent time in and out of jail, where he did some "work" with the Aryan Brotherhood. About 15 years ago while out of jail, he impregnated a girl. He initially wanted her to abort. However, his sister spoke with him and helped lead him to Christ. He renounced white supremacy, walked away from drugs, married from the girl who had the baby, went back to school, and started a successful computer networking business. They've been married now for 14 years. I saw him during his white supremacy days and then saw him again in 2017 when he flew to Texas for my brother's funeral. He was a completely different guy in every respect.

How about anybody using the “N” word?

Yes. I've heard several people use the N-word. Probably 2/3 of them were Democratic policians or staff members in Texas. Obviously, my cousin used it back in the day.
I grew up in Tallahassee, Florida in a neighborhood that could be described at the time as George Wallace Country. The N word was used by everyone. Luckily, my Father was Cuban and I was taught differently. When I moved to Laredo at the age of 12 the N word was used but rarely. Probably 90% of the student body was Hispanic. Some used that word as did the minority white kids. But it didn't come up that much. There were no African-Americans around. It wasn't an issue.
Yes, one. My cousin was a drug dealer in the Los Angeles area in the late '90s and early 2000s and spent time in and out of jail, where he did some "work" with the Aryan Brotherhood. About 15 years ago while out of jail, he impregnated a girl. He initially wanted her to abort. However, his sister spoke with him and helped lead him to Christ. He renounced white supremacy, walked away from drugs, married from the girl who had the baby, went back to school, and started a successful computer networking business. They've been married now for 14 years. I saw him during his white supremacy days and then saw him again in 2017 when he flew to Texas for my brother's funeral. He was a completely different guy in every respect.

Yes. I've heard several people use the N-word. Probably 2/3 of them were Democratic policians or staff members in Texas. Obviously, my cousin used it back in the day.

It seems everyone has that family member that’s wired different from what the family values are. Deez, that’s a great success story.

Not trying to get off subject but I had that crazy cousin(s) but through marriage. I don’t think they were white supremacist, but were just nuts with a lot of white trash. I never associated with them. Actually my mom didn’t want me anywhere near them for good reason. Two brothers that again are my first cousins through my step dad got in a fight at the dinner table. I’m not making this up. It’s actually too crazy to be made up. They got in a fight over the last chicken drumstick. They both ended up stabbing each other over it and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. The one that stabbed first went to prison as the other one was able to claim self defense. The one that went to prison had a criminal record and ended up getting murdered while there.
.....In reality have any of you ever met a white supremacist before? How about anybody using the “N” word?
Not aware that I've met a white supremacist. Of course, I do not typically ask about such things. Lived in Texas and Louisiana for all of my 58+ years. From media descriptions, you would think I would bump into hooded klan members or nazi tatoos on a regular basis in this part of the country.

I heard the "N" word used with some frequency as a kid in the 60's. I've heard it used a couple of times over the last 30 years by white men in the company of all white men. Both of those times it was shocking to all who heard it and the offender was shamed. I've heard and still occasionally hear it from black men towards other black men. Even that is getting more uncommon, which is a good thing.

I guess you could consider those guys to be white supremacists.
It seems everyone has that family member that’s wired different from what the family values are. Deez, that’s a great success story.

Not trying to get off subject but I had that crazy cousin(s) but through marriage. I don’t think they were white supremacist, but were just nuts with a lot of white trash. I never associated with them. Actually my mom didn’t want me anywhere near them for good reason. Two brothers that again are my first cousins through my step dad got in a fight at the dinner table. I’m not making this up. It’s actually too crazy to be made up. They got in a fight over the last chicken drumstick. They both ended up stabbing each other over it and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. The one that stabbed first went to prison as the other one was able to claim self defense. The one that went to prison had a criminal record and ended up getting murdered while there.
Would you mind posting that chicken recipe?

Is it called "chicken to die for"
They got in a fight over the last chicken drumstick. They both ended up stabbing each other over it and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. The one that stabbed first went to prison as the other one was able to claim self defense. The one that went to prison had a criminal record and ended up getting murdered while there.

That is terrible. Hope that was a good piece of chicken. I'm not going to joke about it though. It's a terrible story, and my cousin was on a similar path.
I grew up in Tallahassee, Florida in a neighborhood that could be described at the time as George Wallace Country. The N word was used by everyone. Luckily, my Father was Cuban and I was taught differently. When I moved to Laredo at the age of 12 the N word was used but rarely. Probably 90% of the student body was Hispanic. Some used that word as did the minority white kids. But it didn't come up that much. There were no African-Americans around. It wasn't an issue.

I cant speak for Cubans but I do know (non-border town) Mexico pretty well and there is a tremendous amount what people here would consider racism. But the Mexicans dont necessarily see it the same way. Mexicans generally have a good sense of humor and this is one of the things they laugh about. But I should admit my experience there dates mostly to the 70s, 80s &90s, not lately. So, maybe things have changed there?
I cant speak for Cubans but I do know (non-border town) Mexico pretty well and there is a tremendous amount what people here would consider racism. But the Mexicans dont necessarily see it the same way. Mexicans generally have a good sense of humor and this is one of the things they laugh about. But I should admit my experience there dates mostly to the 70s, 80s &90s, not lately. So, maybe things have changed there?
Unlikely things have changed. Uptight leftists whine far more about racism than do many of the people they think they are championing.
Castro is following the advice of Obama's guy, David Plouffe, by doxxing Trump donors
It's a good way to get somebody killed, just ask Steve Scalise, this is similar to the way he was targeted for death -- and did indeed almost die
It was less than 24 hours ago they were blaming political rhetoric for one (but not all) of the latest shootings. Yet they immediately turn around and try to direct their followers to commit the same acts they decry.


Serious question. We are in Texas that’s a part of the south and south west of the US, which is really branded with racist and bigots. Also being Conservative Republican White is now even more prevalent in the Liberal eyes of being a part of the white supremacist.

In reality have any of you ever met a white supremacist before? How about anybody using the “N” word?

I met one white supremacist (Aryan Nation) once in my entire life. It was many years ago when I was a probation officer and he was on my case load. I remember thinking to myself how much an idiot he is with a little brain. He just come across as stupid. Even had I not known he was apart of that hate group and on probation , I could tell he wasn’t very bright at all. I can’t even tell you when the last time I’ve heard the “N” word outside of coming from blacks or rappers in a song. I remember my great grandmother using it when I was a kid one time and I’m 54 now. I remember being surprised she used that word even at a young age.

The liberal party and fake news media are trying to paint all Trump supporters as racist and bigots that are all a part of white supremacist group. I honestly don’t believe they actually believe that and are attempting to divided the Trump supporters from the other half of the country.

I say the left are attempting this as blacks are flooding to the right. I am predicting the biggest lopsided win in presidential history. The American People are so tired of their rhetoric.
I grew up in rural Texas and in the 1970s redneck high schoolers would use the n word as would the very elderly who grew up in a different time. A non-racist gray haired high school History teacher called black people "Nigres" and it didn't bother me since I assumed she was using nicer language than the people she grew up around. My grandfather, born about 1910, used to call black people "colored" and again I didn't stress over it because it was a nicer word than his friends used. The grandson of a Tennessee plantation owner, he liked black people and would kid with them endlessly in conversations where everybody was laughing.
30 years ago I was a newspaper reporter and regularly encountered white supremacists who were trying to get all the publicity they could for Klan rallies and the like. Of the dozen or so I engaged in deep conversation … there wasn't a triple digit IQ in evidence and most were spectacularly dumb. Since 2000 I've known one elderly man who used the N word exclusively to describe black people. I was at his funeral and there weren't many tears. I actually hear the N-word quite a bit hanging with young people who listen to hip hop music and enjoy black comedians. I don't have to explain to many of them that white people can't use that word...

I think it very wrong to paint Trump and the majority of his followers as racist. I don't like that as pitches his big tent he makes sure not to offend the David Duke's of the world. He's clearly made a decision to pay the political cost for having rabid support among the racists.
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Can you imagine if someone on the other side said this?
"There's less than 1% of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than 4 or 5% that are minorities. What is in [D.C.]? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with."
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Biden's mouth is going to deliver some interesting gaffes as long as his candidacy is taken seriously.

It will, but nobody really hammers him on any of it. The "clean and articulate" comment would have created a firestorm for any Republican. Just look at the **** storm over Trump's tweet about the Squad. None of that was as overtly racist as Biden's comment, yet that comment was almost immediately forgiven and dismissed.
I’m voting for Joe3033030 in the primary. First, the debates with Trump would be hilarious. Second, no liberals would turn out for the general election. Second, it’s Joe Biden.
It will, but nobody really hammers him on any of it. The "clean and articulate" comment would have created a firestorm for any Republican. Just look at the **** storm over Trump's tweet about the Squad. None of that was as overtly racist as Biden's comment, yet that comment was almost immediately forgiven and dismissed.

No doubt there’s a huge double standard. Lucky for Bill Maher he’s a Democrat or his comment of being a “House N” would have been a career killer.”
No doubt there’s a huge double standard. Lucky for Bill Maher he’s a Democrat or his comment of being a “House N” would have been a career killer.”

If we ever want to move past this as a country, we must get rid of the double standard. I feel like I typed that line a thousand times in here. But its true. None of us can do anything about the past, but we can all contribute to the future.

But we obviously have one huge problem with this vision and it is that the Dems dont want the country to get past it. Because they think it benefits them politically. We see it every single day. They wallow in it. And for so long as they keep it up, they keep our little country from being the best it can be.
I call the extreme Left political strategy the Liberal Industrial Patronage Complex. Buying votes is it's sole mission.

1) Reparations
2) De facto open borders:
a) abolish ICE
b) benefits and local voting rights
c) tipping off would-be deportees
d) attack enforcement as racist
e) offer no solution or limits to immigration other than amnesty
f) sanctuary cities​
3) Forgive all student loan debt
4) White privilege/nationalism campaign to beat the opposition into compliance

I believe these things are all calculated for one purpose only: "We are the one's taking care of you and you don't have to do anything to receive these gifts except put us in power."
The Iowa State Fair poll is not a scientific poll. The results only reflect those Fair visitors who chose to participate by placing a kernel of corn in a jar corresponding to their preferred candidate. The results however are traditionally accurate compared to the subsequent actual results the following year.

Perhaps the most surprising is Buttigieg doing better than national polling suggests. Also, it looks like the old Bernie Bro bloc is breaking up somewhat, with his more Marxist wing now leaning towards Elizabeth Warren.

But the overall takeaway to me is that it looks more and more like Dems really are willing to nominate Joe "Weekend at Bernie's" Biden. Good lord. The senile is a river in Egypt.


The Iowa State Fair poll is not a scientific poll. The results only reflect those Fair visitors who chose to participate by placing a kernel of corn in a jar corresponding to their preferred candidate. The results however are traditionally accurate compared to the subsequent actual results the following year.

Perhaps the most surprising is Buttigieg doing better than national polling suggests. Also, it looks like the old Bernie Bro bloc is breaking up somewhat, with his more Marxist wing now leaning towards Elizabeth Warren.

But the overall takeaway to me is that it looks more and more like Dems really are willing to nominate Joe "Weekend at Bernie's" Biden. Good lord. The senile is a river in Egypt.


Who are the idiots who are supporting Spartacus Booker? For what possible reason would you support that fake POS?

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