2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Sad thing is that he may have been a decent enough fellow to his friends, family and community... just got angry, lost his moral compass as part of a mob and ended in death a laughingstock for people of opposite political persuasion.

I've no doubt that absent politics, this guy is someone we'd probably all want to have a beer with. Cults are weird like that. Normal people can commit irrational acts.
So imagine this scenario. Your Congessman comes for a visit to your house. An angry mob shows up on you front porch. You door is secure, but someone smashes your transom in an attempt to enter the house. How do you treat the first person to climb into your home?
So, I'm now held to the standard of the Capitol Police?

What do you do if a criminal with a long rap sheet comes after you? Nothing so riots don't break out?

Seriously, I would never have a Congressman to my house, and your example does not apply. I am not trained to determine if deadly force, that the left never says is justified if it's a male, black criminal, is necessary on MY property.

Nice try.

Look forward to meeting you at the Soirée, your warped political views notwithstanding. You have good football posts.

Since Dion is on sick leave, it is for anyone breaking the Posting Guidelines that we agreed to as members of this site.

If you feel a need to target an individual poster that is your choice.
No. Just seemed odd in the middle of a debate like this to arbitrarily throw that up there with no context.
So, I'm now held to the standard of the Capitol Police?

What do you do if a criminal with a long rap sheet comes after you? Nothing so riots don't break out?

Seriously, I would never have a Congressman to my house, and your example does not apply. I am not trained to determine if deadly force, that the left never says is justified if it's a male, black criminal, is necessary on MY property.

Nice try.

Look forward to meeting you at the Soirée, your warped political views notwithstanding. You have good football posts.

Well I fault your opinion that past mistakes require us to behave stupidly into perpetuity.
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I wasn't aware of that. That is scary. I am not for violence or destruction of property.
Consider that the room with the actual physical State Electoral Votes and sworn certifications being counted was taken over.

Credit to the Staff members who took the EC Votes with them and kept them safe from the rioters.
Rioters. Do any of the resident liberals here freely call the last 8 months riots and those perpetrating them rioters? Sure gets thrown around quickly now.
What term do you prefer in the context of the people who murdered a Capital Police Officer, assaulted and injured many Capital Police Officers requiring hospitalization after breaking into and seizing the building where the Electoral College certification is in process?
What term do you prefer in the context of the people who murdered a Capital Police Officer, assaulted and injured many Capital Police Officers requiring hospitalization after breaking into and seizing the building where the Electoral College certification is in process?
Hey man, I think you are losing me here. What does all that have to do with Posting Guidelines? That is the context I was saying your comment with the PG attached had no context. Normally it would be attached as a warning or reminder of a specific violation of the Guidelines.
What term do you prefer in the context of the people who murdered a Capital Police Officer, assaulted and injured many Capital Police Officers requiring hospitalization after breaking into and seizing the building where the Electoral College certification is in process?

It was a rally/protest up until the point where they crossed police barriers, assaulted police officers and broke into the Capitol Building. There were plenty of peaceful protests for BLM (93% per one study) that unfortunately had some devolve into riots that involved looting. Not sure anyone defended the riots/looting. At the time, most on the right on this board refused to call them anything but riots. Now that that the shoe is on the other foot they want to talk about the "99% of peaceful protesters" (Hannity, Carlson). I'd accept that for anyone in that Trump rally that stopped at the first barrier and let their voice be heard. If you crossed those barriers, walked up those steps or climbed the scaffolding...that was 100% sedition and should be treated as such in the court of law.
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What term do you prefer in the context of the people who murdered a Capital Police Officer, assaulted and injured many Capital Police Officers requiring hospitalization after breaking into and seizing the building where the Electoral College certification is in process?
It was a rally/protest up until the point where they crossed police barriers, assaulted police officers and broke into the Capitol Building. There were plenty of peaceful protests for BLM (93% per one study) that unfortunately had some devolve into riots that involved looting. Not sure anyone defended the riots/looting. At the time, most on the right on this board refused to call them anything but riots. Now that that the shoe is on the other foot they want to talk about the "99% of peaceful protesters" (Hannity, Carlson). I'd accept that for anyone in that Trump rally that stopped at the first barrier and let their voice be heard. If you crossed those barriers, walked up those steps or climbed the scaffolding...that was 100% sedition and should be treated as such in the court of law.

Ahem. It was the media apologists insisting that protests were mostly peaceful while standing in front of burning buildings and while police had bricks thrown at them. Its those same media people now condemning every Trump voter as a supporter of insurrection and the destruction of democracy so get your facts straight.

No one with a brain is condoning what happened at the Capitol, left or right, yet the media and even our future president and VP seem intent on pouring gas on the fire in the most ununifying manner by bringing race into this and accusing anyone who voted for Trump as being somehow for what happened.

It's despicable and only shows Dems aren't interested in unity. They only want revenge.
Ahem. It was the media apologists insisting that protests were mostly peaceful while standing in front of burning buildings and while police had bricks thrown at them. Its those same media people now condemning every Trump voter as a supporter of insurrection and the destruction of democracy so get your facts straight.

No one with a brain is condoning what happened at the Capitol, left or right, yet the media and even our future president and VP seem intent on pouring gas on the fire in the most ununifying manner by bringing race into this and accusing anyone who voted for Trump as being somehow for what happened.

It's despicable and only shows Dems aren't interested in unity. They only want revenge.

Unity was a thing until Trump and supporters went from fake coup to earn money to REAL coup. Fool me once, shame on me...fool me twice....

There were 40k protesters being incited by the likes of Trump, Guiliani and Trump Jr. spewing lies, threats and ultimately really trying to overturn a legal election. It went from rhetoric to reality quick. **** em. Any of them that passed a police barricade need to be charged with sedition as well as those that incited them to act.
Ahem. It was the media apologists insisting that protests were mostly peaceful while standing in front of burning buildings and while police had bricks thrown at them. Its those same media people now condemning every Trump voter as a supporter of insurrection and the destruction of democracy so get your facts straight.

No one with a brain is condoning what happened at the Capitol, left or right, yet the media and even our future president and VP seem intent on pouring gas on the fire in the most ununifying manner by bringing race into this and accusing anyone who voted for Trump as being somehow for what happened.

It's despicable and only shows Dems aren't interested in unity. They only want revenge.
Who the hell is trying for revenge.? Show me a link. Everybody is trying to be an adult from Mich McConnell and the vice president on left, but the narcissistic drama queen in office keeps trying to make it all about him. Dumb *** Trump supporters (not Joe Fan, horninchicago, etc.. who post here) are going to leave the Grand Old Party a smoking ruin. If the party can't give respect to Lindsay Graham Mike Pence, Mitt Romney, Chris Christe, etc. , it's headed for irrelevance led only by the stupid and their enablers. This issue is too damned important to get buried in a pile of whataboutisms.
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Here's a link to a transcript of Trump's Jan. 6th rally speech. I presume it is accurate. I just read through it, admittedly for the first time. Can you guys claiming he incited the crowd to violence and sedition show me the specific language that did so?
Donald Trump Speech "Save America" Rally Transcript January 6 - Rev
Yes. He kept repeating the lies that the election was stolen and exhorted them to "Stand strong and fight." The whole thing is full of lies...after Rudy GIULIANI asked for a trial by combat.

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