2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Well the alarm is the fact that we're never had a president so mentally unstable and deceitful. The assumption has always been we'd have a responsible adult in that position.

Ye olde "its different this time"
Used to justify all sorts of illegalities throughout history
What scares me is that the left thinks cancelling individuals will stop everything. All it does is gear up the chance for a civil war. I can guarantee you 99% of people at that rally own guns. When the left comes after those guns, hell will come to America.
For sure. I've learned anything it's that the way you deal with narcissistic bullies is you simply ignore them and they will go away. Giving them attention just fuels the flames.

Well, you certainly can't expect the liberals to have any common sense.
The colonists centrists have control. Nobody is going to come get your guns.
I disagree. In the coming months (probably prompted by a shooting incident) I predict a non-stop and intensely focused negative PR campaign from leftist politicians and their MSM cronies intent on abolishing gun ownership in America. The first step is always to "sway" public opinion. Same playbook they used against Trump.
I disagree. In the coming months (probably prompted by a shooting incident) I predict a non-stop and intensely focused negative PR campaign from leftist politicians and their MSM cronies intent on abolishing gun ownership in America. The first step is always to "sway" public opinion. Same playbook they used against Trump.
Right out of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Probably Mein Kampf too, but I haven't researched it.
They won’t give up theirs either. They both hold concealed carry permits also.

As part of your wisdom, why not just put all white trash in concentration camps? And at least white trash don’t freeload on message forums. Throw some of your liberal elitist cash to Dion.
You want to drive off a cliff to protect your guns -- have at it.

Here's the real question -- are you willing to take your wife and kids with you?
Evidently AH24 has already been "swayed". The real question: Will the left be willing to kill American citizens in its overzealous campaign to erase 2A?
I'll say it. Anyone that entered the Capitol building should lose their right to bear arms as a felon. Let the court system find them guilty but when it happens they must forfeit their guns like any other felon.
I like guns too. I have a glock 17, a Ruger SR-9, an AeroPrecision X15, and a Springfield Armory Saint AR-15

My kids are 3, 8, and 10.

I'm not abandoning them so I can fight a war with government and become a martyr for the cause.
Well we might have beefed of background checks. No doubt the NRA will scream like they are having their guns taken away.

Universal background checks are favored by a significant majority of the country. When it comes up in legislation we'll hear the usual slippery slope argument from the NRA crowd.
I like guns too. I have a glock 17, a Ruger SR-9, an AeroPrecision X15, and a Springfield Armory Saint AR-15

My kids are 3, 8, and 10.

I'm not abandoning them so I can fight a war with government and become a martyr for the cause.
Certainly your choice. Thank goodness none of the American Revolutionists had young children in 1776.
Universal background checks are favored by a significant majority of the country. When it comes up in legislation we'll hear the usual slippery slope argument from the NRA crowd.
Please define your proposed version of a UBC. Each and every time a firearm is purchased from an FFL dealer a background check is performed. Are you referring to requiring a UBC for sales between private citizens? If so, since criminals already do not abide by the current laws, do your truly believe they will abide by additional federal requirements? Simply more "feel good" window dressing with the hidden agenda of yet another incremental step in the erosion of 2A in the form of bureaucratic red tape and fees. This will be the left's chosen strategy toward gun control, imposition of exorbitant fees, taxes and regulations (as will be the case with the oil & gas industry).
You know , all Presidents are imperfect. Nobody has challenged our traditions and decorum like the man about to leave.

You guys say that about every Republican President every time
Maybe you forget what ya'll said about Reagan, but I haven't
And rmbr how much you guys loved W? Yeah right.
It's the same **** oozing out of your nostrils every time
They brought guns to the state capital
No arrests
No prosecutions
I like guns too. I have a glock 17, a Ruger SR-9, an AeroPrecision X15, and a Springfield Armory Saint AR-15

My kids are 3, 8, and 10.

I'm not abandoning them so I can fight a war with government and become a martyr for the cause.
One more point (not meaning to pile on to AH24). It's truly not about whether you like guns or not . It's about the undeniable truth that 2A provides the American people with the teeth to defend the entire Bill of Rights. Without 2A, all other rights and liberties can be stripped away without recourse.

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