2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence


Why would a protester need zip ties?
Yes. He kept repeating the lies that the election was stolen and exhorted them to "Stand strong and fight." The whole thing is full of lies...after Rudy GIULIANI asked for a trial by combat.
He repeated lies (your opinion) and exhorted them to "stand strong and fight"??? That's what you got? That, in your mind equals incitement of sedition?

Zip cuffs inside Capital complex
So exactly how was he going to cuff anyone without a gun or something to force them on the ground? Far more likely that he found found them near the capitol guards.

my gracious, people have lost their minds.
So exactly how was he going to cuff anyone without a gun or something to force them on the ground? Far more likely that he found found them near the capitol guards.

my gracious, people have lost their minds.
If you have 100s of like minded people on your side armed with anything from tazer, pocket knife or a iron pipe and the Capital Police have left their position it would be easy to zip cuff the individuals you are interested in cuffing. There are multiple pix of rioters or if you prefer protesters with zip cuffs. They brought them for a reason.
If you have 100s of like minded people on your side armed with anything from tazer, pocket knife or a iron pipe and the Capital Police have left their position it would be easy to zip cuff the individuals you are interested in cuffing. There are multiple pix of rioters or if you prefer protesters with zip cuffs. They brought them for a reason.
Yeah, it was well organized. If what you say is true, how come not one person was cuffed?
Who the hell is trying for revenge.? Show me a link. Everybody is trying to be an adult from Mich McConnell and the vice president on left, but the narcissistic drama queen in office keeps trying to make it all about him. Dumb *** Trump supporters (not Joe Fan, horninchicago, etc.. who post here) are going to leave the Grand Old Party a smoking ruin. If the party can't give respect to Lindsay Graham Mike Pence, Mitt Romney, Chris Christe, etc. , it's headed for irrelevance led only by the stupid and their enablers. This issue is too damned important to get buried in a pile of whataboutisms.

Link? Um Biden's speech. Kamala Harris' statements. Michelle Obama's response... people like Jamele Hill, Joy Reid and dozens of other talking heads that have done nothing to exude or promote anything remotely identifiable as unity. It's been attack attack attack. It's disgusting. There's no whataboutism. There's only what we've been through the last 9 months and the lefts own tweets and speeches coming home to roost. Except the left controls most media so they pretend the past never happened as this all of a sudden is something brand new.
Politics in a nutshell. But Kamala wins I think.
"Biden is a supporter of the KKK. Biden may need to withdraw from running because I believe his accuser."
"I accept Bidens nomination of me for VP and can't wait to work with him."

I am not sure Joe Biden can put his own shoes on each day
If you look out at the current political landscape of the US, ask yourself which political side behaves more like modern Brownshirts?
Who is doing the censoring?
Who is doing the canceling?
Who has created two tiers of justice, one for them, one for the others?
Who bans people from social media?
Who is doing the lockdowns?
Who wants to arrest you for opening your business or going surfing without a mask?
Who has an iron fist control of the media?
Who has an iron fist control of newspapers?
Who has an iron fist control of education?
Who has an iron fist control of universities?
Who has an iron fist control of the movie industry?
Who has an iron fist control of television?
Who has an iron fist control of cable television?
Who has an iron fist control of the music industry?
Who has an iron fist control of publishing?
Who gets their fellow citizens fired from their jobs because they do not share the same opinions?
Which side wants to send the other to re-education camps?

I suggest to you that the actual fascist in all of this is the man in your mirror.

Musicians dropped from their label for attending the DC protest

Who are the actual Fascists in America?

It is the left (just as its always been)

They are hunting down conservatives and taking them out

Ariel Pink dropped from label after attending Trump rally that led to D.C. riots
If you have 100s of like minded people on your side armed with anything from tazer, pocket knife or a iron pipe and the Capital Police have left their position it would be easy to zip cuff the individuals you are interested in cuffing. There are multiple pix of rioters or if you prefer protesters with zip cuffs. They brought them for a reason.
Isn’t it Ironic.
He repeated lies (your opinion) and exhorted them to "stand strong and fight"??? That's what you got? That, in your mind equals incitement of sedition?

Yep. The Hunter Biden laptop and the FBI's corruption in the Trump investigation were right wing lies/conspiracy theories too. LOL! If election corruption is a lie/conspiracy theory why are counties fighting in court right now to stop forensic audits of their ballots/machines? We're not allowed to have any transparency in these elections then they call us conspiracy theorists if we don't buy the BS they're selling us.
Musicians dropped from their label for attending the DC protest

Who are the actual Fascists in America?

It is the left (just as its always been)

They are hunting down conservatives and taking them out

Ariel Pink dropped from label after attending Trump rally that led to D.C. riots

THIS. Just for being one of hundreds of thousands of peaceful protesters, everyone on the Left is now demanding you be canceled.

We spent months being told protests were mostly peaceful but now it's different. This is but one example of many of the current attack by the Left to crush anyone who dared to vote for Trump, no matter what their reasons were. This is insanity.
If you look out at the current political landscape of the US, ask yourself which political side behaves more like modern Brownshirts?
Who is doing the censoring?
Who is doing the canceling?
Who has created two tiers of justice, one for them, one for the others?
Who bans people from social media?
Who is doing the lockdowns?
Who wants to arrest you for opening your business or going surfing without a mask?
Who has an iron fist control of the media?
Who has an iron fist control of newspapers?
Who has an iron fist control of education?
Who has an iron fist control of universities?
Who has an iron fist control of the movie industry?
Who has an iron fist control of television?
Who has an iron fist control of cable television?
Who has an iron fist control of the music industry?
Who has an iron fist control of publishing?
Who gets their fellow citizens fired from their jobs because they do not share the same opinions?
Which side wants to send the other to re-education camps?
I suggest to you that the actual fascist in all of this is the man in your mirror.

No fly lists
Musicians dropped from labels
Now cable carriers dropping entire networks?

Again, I ask you, who are the actual Fascists in modern America?

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So exactly how was he going to cuff anyone without a gun or something to force them on the ground? Far more likely that he found found them near the capitol guards.

my gracious, people have lost their minds.

You think he needs a gun to handcuff a congressman? All he needs are a few of his low IQ buddies and lack of protection from the capitol police to do so. Most of the congress people are 60+ years old, they aint puttin up much of a fight.
Asking the military to extralegally remove the President is the very definition of a coup. An actual coup, not breaking and entering or vandalism.
Dems have been talking about doing this for over a year.

Well the alarm is the fact that we're never had a president so mentally unstable and deceitful. The assumption has always been we'd have a responsible adult in that position.
What scares me is that the left thinks cancelling individuals will stop everything. All it does is gear up the chance for a civil war. I can guarantee you 99% of people at that rally own guns. When the left comes after those guns, hell will come to America.

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