2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

So imagine this scenario. Your Congessman comes for a visit to your house. An angry mob shows up on you front porch. You door is secure, but someone smashes your transom in an attempt to enter the house. How do you treat the first person to climb into your home?

Are they White or Black? Are they wearing a Maga hat or a BLM hat? These are important questions. Please advise.
Unarmed white woman is a desperate confrontation? A bit unhinged don't you think? Were all the shootings of black criminals not desperate confrontations? But I'll be damned if they didn't start riots across the country that now has POS athletes putting they names on uniforms and helmets. All encouraged by the media and you can't watch a game w/o being reminded you are a racist at some point in the commercial breaks.
It looked pretty damned desperate in the videos I've seen. You ever faced an angry mob battering the door you are standing behind? I think this incident, like most criminal situations, has to be judged independently. We can't say justice was misapplied elsewhere so we're required to behave stupidly for the rest if our lives.
It looked pretty damned desperate in the videos I've seen. You ever faced an abgr mob battering the door you are standing behind. I think this incident, like most criminal situations, has tobe judged independently. We can't say justice was misapprehended elsewhere so we're required to behave stupidly for the rest if our lives.

You'd almost think in the heat of the moment that police have to make split second decisions and sometimes innocent people die.
The NYT is calling a handful of water bottles left behind "WRECKAGE!"


You'd almost think in the heat of the moment that police have to make split second decisions and sometimes innocent people die.
Yep. Crazy situations require people to make life and death decisions in a split second. Mistakes are made and sound decisions are questioned.
I agree with David. He didn't not say what you say he said. He said, "shooting her is reasonable as she was trying to break into the chamber and she was 'the storm' and 'nothing would stop her' " They had bombs and, scarily, zip ties and they were looking for Pence. I too think non-lethal efforts could have been used but I typically defer from playing Monday Morning QB on these things. A shot in the leg can be deadly as well.

lol, she had a flag!

But, OK, let us be clear that these are rules now
And we are applying to to your people now
(a) if they are "scary"
(b) if they are part of "the storm" and
(c) wear flags as capes
The can be shot and killed. These are your rules
lol, she had a flag!

But, OK, let us be clear that these are rules now
And we are applying to to your people now
(a) if they are "scary"
(b) if they are part of "the storm" and
(c) wear flags as capes
The can be shot and killed. These are your rules
No Joe: I think the existing rules are more carefully formulated than the ones you are suggesting here.
This rises to the Darwin Award rankings:

Most of those entering the Capitol Building would never be confused with rocket scientists. That dude may take the cake. Killed by your own taser while you are trying to steal a painting. He's the king of a pathetic lot that entered the Capitol Building.
Yesterday: Joe Biden on Mitt Romney
"He's going to put ya'll back in chains."

Today: Joe Biden on Mitt Romney
"This is a man of enormous integrity."

Liberal ethics blow around like a weathervane
Yesterday: Joe Biden on Mitt Romney
"He's going to put ya'll back in chains."

Today: Joe Biden on Mitt Romney
"This is a man of enormous integrity."

Liberal ethics blow around like a weathervane

Politics in a nutshell. But Kamala wins I think.

"Biden is a supporter of the KKK. Biden may need to withdraw from running because I believe his accuser."

"I accept Bidens nomination of me for VP and can't wait to work with him."
So when has Mitt Romney violated his conscience to appease the rabble? Except for ludicrous campaign promises we require of every successful candidate, when has he lied? He is guilty in Republicans eyes of not being partisan enough, not lacking integrity.
Yesterday: Joe Biden on Mitt Romney
"He's going to put ya'll back in chains."

Today: Joe Biden on Mitt Romney
"This is a man of enormous integrity."

Liberal ethics blow around like a weathervane
So Trump lies and hyperbole are the only ones that are OK?
Most of those entering the Capitol Building would never be confused with rocket scientists. That dude may take the cake. Killed by your own taser while you are trying to steal a painting. He's the king of a pathetic lot that entered the Capitol Building.
Sad thing is that he may have been a decent enough fellow to his friends, family and community... just got angry, lost his moral compass as part of a mob and ended in death a laughingstock for people of opposite political persuasion.
So imagine this scenario. Your Congessman comes for a visit to your house. An angry mob shows up on you front porch. You door is secure, but someone smashes your transom in an attempt to enter the house. How do you treat the first person to climb into your home?
Imagine this scenario. You're a policeman, out to do the job you were hired to do, respond to a conv store holdup, confront the alleged criminal and he charges. You don't know what weapons he might have. What do you do?

Would you murder the alleged thug just to save your hide?
Imagine this scenario. You're a policeman, out to do the job you were hired to do, respond to a conv store holdup, confront the alleged criminal and he charges. You don't know what weapons he might have. What do you do?

Would you murder the alleged thug just to save your hide?
I'd use the force required up to and including lethal force.

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