2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

You wonder why the cop didn't follow Biden's advice.

BTW, Biden's comment is moronic. If someone is charging you, you shoot them to stop them. But I wanted to highlight the hypocrisy of the left.

Maybe I'm crazy, but I believe if that woman had been shot in the arm or leg the world would be better off today.
This from the poster who compared the capitol riot to kristallnacht.

Civility apparently depends upon your perspective

Below is her final day's livestream recording
Does this sound a long like someone "attempting a coup," as the media says of her?
She is white and maybe what 5'4, 120? A surfer from Ocean Beach (where I once lived). A small, unarmed woman wearing a Trump flag as a cape?
If this was an attempted coup, it was the worst such attempt in history.

We have spent the past several years in this country with blanket media coverage on unarmed people shot by police. And here is a small, unarmed woman killed by law enforcement. Yet most media refuses to look at it
How is that even possible?
I suggest to you that there is only one explanation
It is a form of institutionalized racism

I saw the same video on Good Morning America, along with some words from her grandfather that were painful to watch. The folks who incited the mob with a bunch of Trumped up lies should be searching their souls over her tragic loss of life.
The "ground" was not worth lives lost. Protecting elected representatives from a mob? Maybe at that point it was appropriate for bullets to fly. I consider our Constitution and process sacred ...as much as any man created institution can be.

I guess this means you (and Joe) are slightly more balanced than the poster above
He wants to kill everyone who disagrees with him
You only want to wound them

I saw the same video on Good Morning America, along with some words from her grandfather that were painful to watch. The folks who incited the mob with a bunch of Trumped up lies should be searching their souls over her tragic loss of life.
I have repeatedly said here that brainwashing is the order of the day. This lady was brainwashed for over 2 months. How many Biden voters were brainwashed in 2020 less tragically? Just wait till 2024.
I guess this means you (and Joe) are slightly more balanced than the poster above
He wants to kill everyone who disagrees with him
You only want to wound them

The decision on whether to shoot had to be made by someone who thank God has better training and judgment than I would have. The training to shoot only to kill doesn't make sense to me.
I saw the same video on Good Morning America, along with some words from her grandfather that were painful to watch. The folks who incited the mob with a bunch of Trumped up lies should be searching their souls over her tragic loss of life.

Had she been black, she would not have been shot
If so then the shooting was racially motivated and thus a potential hate crime
With Congress inside doing the people's business? Seriously?

Congress isn't holy either. Do you idolize them?

The "ground" was not worth lives lost. Protecting elected representatives from a mob? Maybe at that point it was appropriate for bullets to fly. I consider our Constitution and process sacred ...as much as any man created institution can be.

I didn't know Congress was in the building.
Her killing wasn't a verdict. It was the action of law enforcement in a desperate confrontation. In North Korea, China or Saudia Arabia masses would have been killed at the outdoor barricade.
Unarmed white woman is a desperate confrontation? A bit unhinged don't you think? Were all the shootings of black criminals not desperate confrontations? But I'll be damned if they didn't start riots across the country that now has POS athletes putting they names on uniforms and helmets. All encouraged by the media and you can't watch a game w/o being reminded you are a racist at some point in the commercial breaks.
If this was an attempted coup, it was the worst such attempt in history.

That checks out.

Also, did you see her last tweet? "Nothing will stop us… .They can try and try, but the storm is here and it lands on DC within 24 hours. Stay in the light!"

These Q drops are gonna get people killed...[checks notes]....oops.
Had she been black, she would not have been shot
If so then the shooting was racially motivated and thus a potential hate crime
Seriously? You've lost it. If they'd been a black group of terrorists like this they wouldn't have made it up the steps without gunfire. The Capitol police would not have been ushering them through the barricades and taking selfies with them.
Ben Shapiro today pretty much hits it out of the park. The hyperbole is so blatant. Biden isn't for unity. The left isn't for unity. Never the lose the opportunity to put a crisis to good use..... Im sickened by all of this. No one is seriously defending the riot at the capitol but the left is intent on framing anyone who votes for Trump is responsible. To equate the riot to race is despicable. Biden isn't even president yet and he's already stoking the fires of racial division.
Look at where he's brought us.

At different poles here, I look at my IRA and I’m delighted at where he ‘brought’ us. I look at the political environment and I think if he had not spent every day fighting the forces trying to remove him (from before inauguration) he would have brought us even more.
She may not have openly stated it but in effect, that's exactly what she was doing by invading the Capitol Building and trying to climb though a window into the House Chamber.

Was it a coup attempt when protesters stormed the Supreme Court building and attempted to break down the doors? Or was that just mostly peaceful protesting?
Seriously? You've lost it. If they'd been a black group of terrorists like this they wouldn't have made it up the steps without gunfire. The Capitol police would not have been ushering them through the barricades and taking selfies with them.

There seems to be a split among your fellow liberal posters and you are needed to break the tie

-- One says anyone who disagrees with him should be killed
-- The other says that is wrong, Americans who disagree with the Democrats should only be shot in the leg. Or maybe the arm

Who is right bubba? Liberalville needs your unique wisdom
That checks out.
Also, did you see her last tweet? "Nothing will stop us… .They can try and try, but the storm is here and it lands on DC within 24 hours. Stay in the light!" These Q drops are gonna get people killed...[checks notes]....oops.

Is this your life's biggest achievement? Trolling a Longhorn board is the pinnacle of life's work? Well done young man, I am sure you have gone further than your parents ever dreamed
There seems to be a split among your fellow liberal posters and you are needed to break the tie

-- One says anyone who disagrees with him should be killed
-- The other says that is wrong, Americans who disagree with the Democrats should only be shot in the leg. Or maybe the arm

Who is right bubba? Liberalville needs your unique wisdom
I agree with David. He didn't not say what you say he said. He said, "shooting her is reasonable as she was trying to break into the chamber and she was 'the storm' and 'nothing would stop her' " They had bombs and, scarily, zip ties and they were looking for Pence. I too think non-lethal efforts could have been used but I typically defer from playing Monday Morning QB on these things. A shot in the leg can be deadly as well.
Is this your life's biggest achievement? Trolling a Longhorn board is the pinnacle of life's work? Well done young man, I am sure you have gone further than your parents ever dreamed
3 kids. One a special ed teacher. A nice career. A few masters degrees. Trolling a troll like you is just the chocolate gravy.
Unarmed white woman is a desperate confrontation? A bit unhinged don't you think? Were all the shootings of black criminals not desperate confrontations? But I'll be damned if they didn't start riots across the country that now has POS athletes putting they names on uniforms and helmets. All encouraged by the media and you can't watch a game w/o being reminded you are a racist at some point in the commercial breaks.
So imagine this scenario. Your Congessman comes for a visit to your house. An angry mob shows up on you front porch. You door is secure, but someone smashes your transom in an attempt to enter the house. How do you treat the first person to climb into your home?
That's actual bull stitt (it's an oklahoma term). 427 people were arrested over 4 days in May/June in the BLM marches. They deployed the National Guard in riot gear.

You're very selective. Over several months there dozens of protests and riots across the country. Many people arrested were promptly released without bail. Police stations and Court houses firebombed and taken over. City blocks taken over. People killed. Countless stores looted and burned. And what did government officials do? Shrug their shoulders. "Summer of Love." People died.

What did the DC mayor do when DC was on fire? Call in the national guard? Nope. She used taxpayer dollars to paint the street in solidarity with the protesters who were setting fires and smashing windows and tearing down statues.

We all saw this. Night after night. City after City. City leaders doing nothing. Governors sucking their thumbs.

But the one Fing time a very small number of pro Trump (mostly) storm the Capitol, the media and DNC in unison proclaim "see we told you so!"

The hyperbole is astounding. Utterly astounding. And to see people just buy into it hook, line and sinker is incredible.

Almost noone is condoning what happened. People are united on this yet the Left is hell bent on framing this as a battle of the Right versus Left, of a battle against racism... its sick.
Congress isn't holy either. Do you idolize them?

I don't idolize anything other than our Democratic system of government. In this case these protesters were physically threatening our Democratic system because they weren't happy with the results. When they arrived at the Capitol Building Congress was actively counting the electoral votes. After breaching the building Congress was forced to don gas masks and be evacuated. We've all seen the pictures of the mob breaking windows and trying to get into House chamber with guns drawn, while some Reps were still hiding in the upper Gallery. From what I understand that is where that poor woman was shot, while trying to enter through a broken window.

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