2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

There's a difference between a city wide riot and a riot focused on a singular building.

No city in America, even "red" cities has enough police presence to control a city wide riot. If the entire population of Dallas decided to have a free for all in the entire metroplex, the police would have to just sit there and take it. They would be able to do nothing more than focus on a few buildings and otherwise let the mob rampage destroy the rest of the city. Putting 5 or 10 cops on every block wouldn't do jack to control a city wide riot.

Protecting an individual building is different. Police do have the resources to prevent an incursion into the capitol building, or city hall, or the supreme court. They have deadly force authorization to protect those buildings, and they should use it. I don't give a **** if the rioters/terrorists are white rednecks or antifa/BLM.

We need to start seeing dead people on the steps of these buildings when they try to breach. Until that happens, expect this ridiculousness to continue.

95% of the capitol police force needs to be fired for dereliction of duty and gross incompetence. Most of them are cowards who are afraid to stand up to criminals/terrorists.

How stupid must Al Qaeda feel right now? All they had to do was storm the capitol building with a 100 sympathizers and the pathetic police would just let them in without firing a shot.

We spend trillions of dollars on police/military and can't even protect one government building. Our defense mobilization is a joke.
I know what you meant but the way you wrote it was that he would have won 4 years ago. He did.

On your real point, no doubt.
Incorrect smarty pants. I said "the election". The title of this thread is "2020 presidential election...." So there.... :)

methinks it is difficult for the sponser deputy to agree with me wholeheartedly on an issue too easily.
The woman was shot in the chamber were elected leaders were sheltering in place. There was reason to fear for their lives.

Now apply that rule to Kenosha, Minneapolis Philly, Seattle, Portland, Rochester, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, Bakersfield, Boston, Chicago, Columbus, Des Moines, Detroit, Denver, DC, Louisville, LA, Memphis, NYC, Phoenix and San Jose.
Go ahead, we'll wait

Or, do you have different rules for different people?
Which ones and when? I agree that his dumbassery during Covid hurt him, but mindlessly playing the "science card" doesn't explain much. If he had listened to everything Anthony Fauci (who was all over the map over the course of the pandemic - not because he's incompetent but because he's human) said but still mouthed off and acted like a goofball, he still would have lost.
The WHO and the CDC had rationales for their changes. Initially, masks were not advised because PPE was drastically hammered. We had that going on internally. At that point he should have wielded his authority and power to help ramp up real PPE mfg and purchasing. They ramped up buying and nefarious pro-trump people (a few linked to good old Jared) jumped into the void to try make their mint. He also put the states into bidding wars against each other instead of having a coordinated national plan. A few months in we learned that it wasn't so much the touching but the droplets so we changed. Novel viruses lead to changing strategies. Incompetence is not accurate. I'd say working with a hand tied behind your back is more on point.
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Liberals sure do suddenly endorse deadly force by police when property is being threatened. Interesting.

Can't wait to see the justifications for that. Actually, I can wait, because liberals are full of ****.
I just think they should have surrounded the building, arrested everyone inside and let the charges fall where they may - from felony trespass to felony murder to murder. Even the little old lady they helped down the stairs. :)
The analysis here is simple.
These people you call your "friends" are white (an assumption I admit but when we live long enough, we learn how liberals actually roll)
They disagree with you on politics, and probably some social issues too
Since they are white and disagree with you, you think you are justified concluding that they are racists and/or fascists. They must be fascists, right?! They dont agree with you.

This is not new. We literally see it every day
You are, of course, wrong in this, on several levels, but you have your mind made up and so that is the end of it. But from my perspective, you secretly hating everyone around you says much more about you than any of them.
Dude that is such a crock of ****. I'm the only Dem in my 20 lot 2 acre edition. I think many of them are amazing people. We just don't agree. Why are you such an aggy sometimes?
If you look out at the current political landscape of the US, ask yourself which political side behaves more like modern Brownshirts?
Who is doing the censoring?
Who is doing the canceling?
Who has created two tiers of justice, one for them, one for the others?
Who bans people from social media?
Who is doing the lockdowns?
Who wants to arrest you for opening your business or going surfing without a mask?
Who has an iron fist control of the media?
Who has an iron fist control of newspapers?
Who has an iron fist control of education?
Who has an iron fist control of universities?
Who has an iron fist control of the movie industry?
Who has an iron fist control of television?
Who has an iron fist control of cable television?
Who has an iron fist control of the music industry?
Who has an iron fist control of publishing?
Who gets their fellow citizens fired from their jobs because they do not share the same opinions?
Which side wants to send the other to re-education camps?
I suggest to you that the actual fascist in all of this is the man in your mirror.

Here, your side seeks to create a "No-Fly List" for Trump voters
Your people want to ban Trump supports from the ability to travel by airplane
Again I ask you, who are the modern Fascists in fact (as opposed to the ones living in your mind)?

Dude that is such a crock of ****. ...

Dude, it literally happens every single day
Being called a fascist and/or racist by fellow white folk over differing opinions on politics and/or social issues has become a part of everyday life in the US
It is so common now it has become somewhat banal
Wo, but no issue with people on flights wearing BLM ****.

Different rules for different people

This has been my point throughout
If our little country is going to survive, this has to end
The same rules have to apply to everyone
But its hard to get anything done when the other side is calling you a racist/fascist before you even speak a word
So I am not very optimistic
In fact, maybe the time is now -- before Biden has a chance to pack the court and trash the Constitution?
Different rules for different people

This has been my point throughout
If our little country is going to survive, this has to end
The same rules have to apply to everyone
But its hard to get anything done when the other side is calling you a racist/fascist before you even speak a word
So I am not very optimistic
In fact, maybe the time is now -- before Biden has a chance to pack the court and trash the Constitution?
And, to your point, if I, as the Captain and final authority as to the operation of a flight, said that someone wearing BLM material posed a threat to the flight and wanted that person removed, how quickly would they move to doxx me and ruin my life and get me fired? Not very long, I suspect.
Really? That is never a justification when police shoot a black criminal. Frankly, we may be better off had some of this "politicians" been done away with. They threaten more lives than anyone with their beliefs and policies and laws they enact.
I think the Capitol police were having to deal with an emergency at hand and were unable to process how their reactions fit into the universe of police lawbreakers interaction. They should be accountable, but let's let folks who carefully examine the facts and context render judgment.
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Dude, it literally happens every single day
Being called a fascist and/or racist by fellow white folk over differing opinions on politics and/or social issues has become a part of everyday life in the US
It is so common now it has become somewhat banal
So in your world every person who affiliates with a Democrat thinks everyone who does NOT agree with them thinks those people are fascists/racists? That's your supposition?
Ashli Babbitt was a 14-year veteran of the USAF
She was unarmed when shot and killed in the Capitol
Not enough questions are being asked about this killing

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I think the Capitol police were having to deal with an emergency at hand and err unable to process how their reactions fit into the universe of police lawbreakers interaction. They should be accountable, but let's let folks who carefully examine the facts and context render judgment.
Nah, I say conservatives ought to just riot, no questions asked, like what happens when a black person is shot.
The WHO and the CDC had rationales for their changes. Initially, masks were not advised because PPE was drastically hammered. We had that going on internally. At that point he should have wielded his authority and power to help ramp up real PPE mfg and purchasing. They ramped up buying and nefarious pro-trump people (a few linked to good old Jared) jumped into the void to try make their mint. He also put the states into bidding wars against each other instead of having a coordinated national plan. A few months in we learned that it wasn't so much the touching but the droplets so we changed. Novel viruses lead to changing strategies. Incompetence is not accurate. I'd say working with a hand tied behind your back is more on point.

Like I said, he wasn't incompetent, but he was human. Furthermore, you act as though the science was unanimous. It wasn't especially at any given moment in time. But even if it was, there's a reason why there are differences between how countries handle this. They don't exist because some follow science and others don't. Most follow it in general but balance it against other considerations (economic, cultural, legal, etc.). which frankly is what's responsible. Well, that's going to lead to great variances, and sure enough, it has. The US did it one way. Germany did it another way. China did it another. Sweden did it another. The UK did it another. You can judge one more harshly than others, but there was never a true "scientifically right" method. If there was, everybody would have followed it.
So in your world every person who affiliates with a Democrat thinks everyone who does NOT agree with them thinks those people are fascists/racists? That's your supposition?

Wow, you sure love using absolutes. As George Carlin used to say: “Somewhere in the world is the world’s worst doctor. And what’s truly terrifying is that someone has an appointment with him tomorrow morning.”

Here's another pro-tip since I am feeling generous today - When you have to alter what was said or written in order to make your point, then you have already lost the argument
Ashli Babbitt was a 14-year veteran of the USAF
She was unarmed while shot and killed in the Capitol
Not enough questions are being asked about this killing

What did you guys say when it was someone of color "stay stupid games, win stupid prizes?"
Wow, you sure love using absolutes. As George Carlin used to say: “Somewhere in the world is the world’s worst doctor. And what’s truly terrifying is that someone has an appointment with him tomorrow morning.”

Here's another pro-tip since I am feeling generous today - When you have to alter what was said or written in order to make your point, then you have already lost the argument
"The analysis here is simple.
These people you call your "friends" are white (an assumption I admit but when we live long enough, we learn how liberals actually roll)
They disagree with you on politics, and probably some social issues too
Since they are white and disagree with you, you think you are justified concluding that they are racists and/or fascists. They must be fascists, right?! They dont agree with you.

This is not new. We literally see it every day
You are, of course, wrong in this, on several levels, but you have your mind made up and so that is the end of it. But from my perspective, you secretly hating everyone around you says much more about you than any of them."

That's pretty much what you said above. "everyone" seems like a mother ******* ABSOLUTE term, right? Here's what Merriam says: "not qualified or diminished in any way; total." Maybe you should work on your communications skills - (my wife is a communications professor and I gently use that one twice a year).
Ashli Babbitt was a 14-year veteran of the USAF
She was unarmed while shot and killed in the Capitol
Not enough questions are being asked about this killing

I think what happened will be investigated. Like a llot of people caught up in a disorderly mob. she was not a habitual criminal. Did she pose a threat? It may well have looked that way from the other side of the window she was trying to climb through. It needs to be examined.
What did you guys say when it was someone of color "stay stupid games, win stupid prizes?"

When a black man dies at the hands of law enforcement, we get 7 months of chaos, riots, looting and arson, incited on by the natl and local media
When an unarmed white woman dies at the hands of law enforcement, the media will drop her like a hot potato

You doubt this? Then bet me
Winner gets to pick the other's avatar for a month
Gonna need the okie translator again
An aggy wouldn't need a translation.

Try to break into the House chamber that is protected by folks carrying firearms and you may get shot. Just like those idiots in Portland. If they breached the fence and then the entrance they just might get shot by a real bullet at some point.
An aggy wouldn't need a translation.

Try to break into the House chamber that is protected by folks carrying firearms and you may get shot. Just like those idiots in Portland. If they breached the fence and then the entrance they just might get shot by a real bullet at some point.
But if they did, more riots would ensue. Why are you not able to follow along on this? The media says it is okay when Trump people get shot. How do you not see this?
All we, the wacko Trumpster conservatives, are saying is enforce the rules across the board and have the same reactions. Any liberal on here pretending he would be okay with Antifa/BLM people being shot is full of ****.
My great friend, neighbor, GOP voter, Trump supporter, Parler member,and, for the purposes of this post, an OSU fan. I snuck through a federal marshal's yard and another Trump fan's yard to switch out his flag before Bedlam a few years ago and then we posted the photo on facebook. He's a great friend who either of us would drop anything we're doing to go help out. My neighborhood has 3 federal attorneys, a retired federal marshal, 3 FBI agents, and a crap ton of conservatives. I have no "enemies" and we gently disagree and move on down the road as Americans.

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