2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

The California State Capitol building and it was the start of gun regulation by none other than Ronald Reagan. It triggered the California Legislature (introduced/signed by a Republican) to immediately pass the Mulford Act of 1967.

The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill that repealed a law allowing public carrying of loaded firearms. Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, and signed into law by then governor of California, Ronald Reagan, the bill was crafted with the goal of disarming members of the Black Panther Party who were lawfully conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods, in what would later be termed copwatching.[1][2] They garnered national attention after Black Panthers members, bearing arms, marched upon the California State Capitol to protest the bill.[3][4][5]

Assembly Bill 1591 was introduced by Don Mulford (R) from Oakland on April 5th, 1967, and subsequently co-sponsored by John T. Knox (D) from Richmond, Walter J. Karabian (D) from Monterey Park, Frank Murphy Jr. (R) from Santa Cruz, Alan Sieroty (D) from Los Angeles, and William M. Ketchum (R) from Bakersfield,[6]. AB-1591 was made an “urgency statute” under Article IV, §8(d) of the Constitution of California after “an organized band of men armed with loaded firearms [...] entered the Capitol” on May 2nd, 1967;[7] as such, it required a 2/3 majority in each house. It passed the Assembly (controlled by Democrats 42:38) at subsequent readings, passed the Senate (controlled by Democrats, 20:19) on July 26th by 29 votes to 7,[8] and was signed by Governor Ronald Reagan on July 28th, 1967. The law banned the carrying of loaded weapons in public.[9]

Both Republicans and Democrats in California supported increased gun control, as did the National Rifle Association of America, a major supporter of the act.[9] Governor Ronald Reagan, who was coincidentally present on the capitol lawn when the protesters arrived, later commented that he saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons" and that guns were a "ridiculous way to solve problems that have to be solved among people of good will." In a later press conference, Reagan added that the Mulford Act "would work no hardship on the honest citizen."[1]

The bill was signed by Reagan and became California penal code 25850 and 171c.
More than one person wears the Shaman costume. Some media identify the guy in the Capitol photo as a well known qannon/Trump cult figure.
I'm sure Hitler's blackshirts felt the same was after kristallnacht.

If you look out at the current political landscape of the US, ask yourself which political side behaves more like modern Brownshirts?

Who is doing the censoring?
Who is doing the canceling?
Who has created two tiers of justice, one for them, one for the others?
Who bans people from social media?
Who is doing the lockdowns?
Who wants to arrest you for opening your business or going surfing without a mask?
Who has an iron fist control of the media?
Who has an iron fist control of newspapers?
Who has an iron fist control of education?
Who has an iron fist control of universities?
Who has an iron fist control of the movie industry?
Who has an iron fist control of television?
Who has an iron fist control of cable television?
Who has an iron fist control of the music industry?
Who has an iron fist control of publishing?
Who gets their fellow citizens fired from their jobs because they do not share the same opinions?
Which side wants to send the other to re-education camps?

I suggest to you that the actual fascist in all of this is the man in your mirror.
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So what happens during the next BLM protest/riot? Are they not allowed anymore since the hypocrisy would be obvious?
If you look out at the current political landscape of the US, ask yourself which political side behaves more like modern Brownshirts?

Who is doing the censoring?
Who is doing the canceling?
Who has created two tiers of justice, one for them, one for the others?
Who bans people from social media?
Who is doing the lockdowns?
Who wants to arrest you for opening your business or going surfing without a mask?
Who has an iron fist control of the media?
Who has an iron fist control of newspapers?
Who has an iron fist control of education?
Who has an iron fist control of universities?
Who has an iron fist control of the movie industry?
Who has an iron fist control of television?
Who has an iron fist control of cable television?
Who has an iron fist control of the music industry?
Who has an iron fist control of publishing?
Who gets their fellow citizens fired from their jobs because they do not share the same opinions?
Which side wants to send the other to re-education camps?

I suggest to you that the actual fascist in all of this is the man in your mirror.
Well I guess Major media refusing to join Trump's disinformation campaign is censorship?? There is no criminal penalty for Fox, Newsmax OAN for spreading Goebbels sounding propaganda. No gestapos. The one thing The Brownshirts did is intimidate government with violence.
Well I guess Major media refusing to join Trump's disinformation campaign is censorship?? ....

You always talk in broad terms of things that might have happened or could have happened - maybe this or maybe that. You dont need do that that. Why? Because actual censorship was just in front of your face. It was real. It was massive. It was coordinated. It was not made up, it was not a maybe or a mighta.

What the US media did to censor the the New York Post's Hunter Biden story before the election was staggering. And they did not block it because the story lacked veracity but because they wanted to help Joe Biden win. This was corruption at the highest levels. This is what modern Fascism looks like.

Goebbels can only look on with envy of what your side did.
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Well I guess Major media refusing to join Trump's disinformation campaign is censorship?? There is no criminal penalty for Fox, Newsmax OAN for spreading Goebbels sounding propaganda. No gestapos. The one thing The Brownshirts did is intimidate government with violence.
When parts of Seattle were taken over what did the city do? They let them have it.

How many of those people yesterday should have been shot dead to make everyone feel better?
I swear, the double talk, revisionist history or just lack of remembering anything that happened more than 48 hours ago is mind numbing. And there are people associating Joseph Goebbels to conservatives? The hell? I just can't even.
I swear, the double talk, revisionist history or just lack of remembering anything that happened more than 48 hours ago is mind numbing. And there are people associating Joseph Goebbels to conservatives? The hell? I just can't even.
When are we going to hear someone in the media call Kamala a lying whorè?

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