2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I only can you recall commenting something like "looting is knda bad but I am sure they had their reasons"
I do not believe you have ever condemned looting, arson and/or rioting by liberals unless you were first prompted to do so. I do not recall you ever coming out with a condemnation all on your own without first being prompted to after being called out by other posters. In other words, you only do it as a response, never in the first instance.
Today, however, is different
And, again, I suggest there is only one reason for that
Prove it or you’re an aggy. This place has a pretty good search feature.

if not I will call for trial by combat.
Wake up people.

Intifa, BLM and DNC finergerprints are all over this event today.

No, I don't have a link but I have a brain and can see all the left / DNC strategy that went into cheating a lame, semi brain dead candidate that campaigned very little into POTUS. A very compromised candidate and alleged winner of POTUS. Then using the peaceful demonstrations today to set up far right wing violent act(s) against the process they disagreed with - to constitutionally challenge the result.

This was largely carried out by the violent left wing of the DNC.

I stand by my post about Antifa.

I already admitted some today may / were right wing thugs and should be prosecuted.

So you vetted this dude in the photo and are sure he was a true Trump supporter... no chance he " borrowed" the hat and was especially friendly, hoping the camera person would take his photo and get him on social media for the optics desired by the left?
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I stand by my post about Antifa.

I already admitted some today may / were right wing thugs and should be prosecuted.

So you vetted this dude in the photo and are sure he was a true Trump supporter... no chance he " borrowed" the hat and was especially friendly, hoping the camera person would take his photo and get him on social media for the optics desired by the left?

Antifa was there along with white nationalists from what I've read.
I will state, I denounce any Trump supporter that took part in entering and violating The Capitol today and anyone else involved, they should be arrested and tried.

Nope, they should have been shot the moment they breached the capitol building doors.

And if BLM or antifa breach the doors, they should be shot too.

I stand by my post about Antifa.

I already admitted some today may / were right wing thugs and should be prosecuted.

So you vetted this dude in the photo and are sure he was a true Trump supporter... no chance he " borrowed" the hat and was especially friendly, hoping the camera person would take his photo and get him on social media for the optics desired by the left?
They should get felony murder.
Imagine what would have happened if the rioters had breached the House chamber while Pelosi was in there.

She would have been raped and hanged from the balcony.

I'm no fan of Pelosi, but enough is enough.
What I just saw on a live news stream was Trump condemning the protesters to leave and go home, protesting is just letting the other side win.

That's certainly not the message in the MSM though.
He didn't condemn the protestors. He said he loved em. He did ask them to go home while making ludicrous claims the election was stolen after he won by a landslide.

Wow. More people arrested then than during yesterday's escapade.

Hammer and others are right that the media has a double standard on this as it does on many things. Mobs of the Left are given far more sympathy, and their grievances are taken far more seriously and given far more respect. There's a lot of, "even if they shouldn't destroy property, take over public property, and assault people, it's hard to blame them." Their cause is treated as just and merited. There's none of that when mobs or even totally peaceful demonstrations of the Right are covered. They are always covered with varying degrees of suspicion and contempt.

But why make that an issue now? Hopefully we condemn BLM, Antifa, and the failure of Democratic politicians to enforce the laws on them because we think rioting, violence, and failure of the rule of law are wrong on their own. We don't condemn them to give our own idiots license to behave similarly, and we don't do it to rack up gotcha points on the media. That'll happen on its own, and frankly I'd rather bring up the media's hypocrisy when they're tolerating BLM and Antifa than when they're condemning Trump's rioters. After all, I want the media to treat BLM and Antifa the way they treat Trump's rioters, not the other way around.
He didn't condemn the protestors. He said he loved em. He did ask them to go home while making ludicrous claims the election was stolen after he won by a landslide.
He did in the clip I saw, he told them it was wrong and will only hurt their cause and to go home.
Maybe this riot was a good thing. Over the last 9 months, politicians have sat on their asses while cities burned. Now all of a sudden, they are upset because it happened to them. I reiterate my position that those who breached the capitol yesterday should have been shot, but so should the looters over the last 9 months. I can’t wait for Democrat lawmakers to push defunding the police as part of their agenda.
But why make that an issue now? Hopefully we condemn BLM, Antifa, and the failure of Democratic politicians to enforce the laws on them because we think rioting, violence, and failure of the rule of law are wrong on their own.
Just for the record, I do not support the actions of the protestors yesterday. They should not have stormed the Capitol.

But it's important to point out that this type of disruptive, unlawful behavior has been normalized by the Left and the media for quite some time. Why are we surprised when right wing groups decide to do the same? I see this as analogous to the Broken Window theory in criminology. If the left and MSM continue to encourage antisocial behavior for left wing groups then they should expect the same antisocial behavior from right wing groups. As a society, we have to be consistent in condemning unlawful and unruly behavior regardless of politics. Its not enough for us just to condemn unlawful actions of right wing groups.

This protest may have taken it to a new level but it was a predictable next step in a slippery slope that the MSM has encouraged for years.
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