2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence


I know many of them were apparently flying in.

When I came back from Las Vegas on Tuesday, I had one of them in the seat next to me in First Class that was enroute to Washington. Clearly had money and had enjoyed a good career (she was a bit older than me). Heads up a State-level Republican organization in a western State. And while some of what she said during the three-plus hour flight makes Q-Anon seem liberal, she WAS coherent in speech.

I've also seen video from several other flights that seemed to have been planes almost entirely filled with persons in support of DJT.

Are there entities who may have funded other modes of transport? Probably. But the media overlooks that a substantial number of Trump's base does, in fact, actually have money. This ALSO contributes to why the socialist agenda is NOT a good thing for the base...the ones who ultimately have to pay for all the free crap ARE those who have money right now. Pelosi, et al, are going to try and do their damndest to take the funds away from those who currently have them, while somehow preserving the exemptions for sitting elected officials (just as we saw with healthcare).
52 arrested by DC PD and FBI looking to identify the protesters/domestic terrorists on the cctv from inside should be able to identify who was involved.
The guy with Molotov cocktails is arrested and vehicle seized.
Bigo has said he was in Pelosi's office and left her a message on her desk. Blood from a cut.
Easy to identify on social media posts who is involved. Plenty of video and posts.
The dead woman was MAGA and QA per her husband.
52 arrested by DC PD and FBI looking to identify the protesters/domestic terrorists on the cctv from inside should be able to identify who was involved.
The guy with Molotov cocktails is arrested and vehicle seized.
Bigo has said he was in Pelosi's office and left her a message on her desk. Blood from a cut.
Easy to identify on social media posts who is involved. Plenty of video and posts.
The dead woman was MAGA and QA per her husband.

3 Pipebombs were found, 1 at the Capitol Building, 1 each at RNC/DNC HQ.
I hope you guys are smart enough to know the media hysteria about the Capitol protest is to help the Swamp kill Trumpism once and for all. You could argue Trump set himself up for this and I wouldn’t disagree. I also think Trump had no intention to run in 2024, but shift to media instead. His post-election strategy can only be explained in that light. So, in a weird way, what has happened benefits both parties: Swamp kills Trump as a viable candidate and Trump has an inglorious send off from elected office as he transitions to media.
I hope you guys are smart enough to know the media hysteria about the Capitol protest is to help the Swamp kill Trumpism once and for all. You could argue Trump set himself up for this and I wouldn’t disagree. I also think Trump had no intention to run in 2024, but shift to media instead. His post-election strategy can only be explained in that light. So, in a weird way, what has happened benefits both parties: Swamp kills Trump as a viable candidate and Trump has an inglorious send off from elected office as he transitions to media.

Initially I thought Trump was angling for a 2024 run but the past 2 weeks have killed that chance with the final nail being yesterdays siege. He has $250M to be a kingmaker in politics but accepting his money may soon also be toxic. Anticipate that money to be used to carry out grudges against politicians Trump thinks are disloyal. Rather than the Kingmaker he'll be the executioner of politicians which may suit his supporters interests equally as well.

Trump will certainly have a media presence, though Newsmax has already stated they do not want to be owned by him.

The real question is whether yesterday's soiree killed the Trump legacy to the point that Don Jr. and Lara's political ambitions are cooked?
number of times riots have broken out in American cities since 1812: >> 10000
number of times the Capitol has been stormed since 1812: 1

So stop comparing yesterday's storming to last summer's riots across the country. They are not equivalent. You bet your *** that if BLM pulled that **** instead of Trump supporters yesterday, more than 1 person would've been dead.
I hope you guys are smart enough to know the media hysteria about the Capitol protest is to help the Swamp kill Trumpism once and for all. You could argue Trump set himself up for this and I wouldn’t disagree. I also think Trump had no intention to run in 2024, but shift to media instead. His post-election strategy can only be explained in that light. So, in a weird way, what has happened benefits both parties: Swamp kills Trump as a viable candidate and Trump has an inglorious send off from elected office as he transitions to media.
Media hysteria...yeah our Constitution, democracy and institutions under mob assault and the "MEDIA" is overreacting.
So burning and looting private citizens, beat and kill them is good. Storming politicians bad. Got it. Your opinion is a difference maker here. Feel free to sponsor and grace us with more.
number of times riots have broken out in American cities since 1812: >> 10000
number of times the Capitol has been stormed since 1812: 1

So stop comparing yesterday's storming to last summer's riots across the country. They are not equivalent. You bet your *** that if BLM pulled that **** instead of Trump supporters yesterday, more than 1 person would've been dead.
If BLM and antifa had stormed the Capital, looted it and burned it down the MSM would be touting it as persecuted people exercising their right of free speech and peaceful protest. You're nothing but another wingnut hypocrite.
Let's talk Article 25 since this is quickly becoming a topic of right/left media. Senator Schumer became the highest ranking politician this morning to say it should be invoked. Multiple news sources last night said that Cabinet members started the discussion yesterday with Pence/Republican leadership being briefed on the the discussion.

Reality check, 2 weeks is not enough time to carry out the full process. Even if Pence and a majority of Trump's cabinet agreed to invoke Trump has a Constitutionally laid out appeal process that would require 2/3rds of congress to agree to oust him.

Mike Pence is reportedly angry with Trump after yesterday. It's not just the fact that Trump threw him under the bus after putting him in a no-win position by convincing his supporters that Pence would conduct an illegal act. Trump reportedly also refused to call in the National Guard, even after the Capitol Building was breached. Pence is the one who reportedly approved the National Guard, resulting in his CoS Marc Short to be banished from the White House.

Should Article 25 be invoked and the process started even if Biden's inauguration would make it moot in 2 weeks?

I'd argue yes. It needs to be done to demonstrate accountability for the next politician that uses populism to carry out a coup.
number of times riots have broken out in American cities since 1812: >> 10000
number of times the Capitol has been stormed since 1812: 1

So stop comparing yesterday's storming to last summer's riots across the country. They are not equivalent. You bet your *** that if BLM pulled that **** instead of Trump supporters yesterday, more than 1 person would've been dead.
number of times riots have broken out in American cities since 1812: >> 10000
number of times the Capitol has been stormed since 1812: 1

So stop comparing yesterday's storming to last summer's riots across the country. They are not equivalent. You bet your *** that if BLM pulled that **** instead of Trump supporters yesterday, more than 1 person would've been dead.
Remember I warned after the election that the media treatment of Trump prior to the election will be repeated for the next presidential cycle. People on this board can’t recognize they are being manipulated again. Maybe they will see the light when their favorite candidate gets “Trumped”.
Remember I warned after the election that the media treatment of Trump prior to the election will be repeated for the next presidential cycle. People on this board can’t recognize they are being manipulated again. Maybe they will see the light when their favorite candidate gets “Trumped”.

Trump "trumped" himself. Nobody but Trump can be blamed for yesterday's shameful actions.
I didn't sayb
So burning and looting private citizens, beat and kill them is good. Storming politicians bad. Got it. Your opinion is a difference maker here. Feel free to sponsor and grace us with more.
Who on these threads have ever supported mob violence?

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Sat, Oct 26 • 3:15 PM on SECN

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