2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Troy Nehls (Ft Bend) in the blue short
If the face looking through that window were black, this story would have a completely different media narrative
Which is wrong

I am not defending Trump, nor am I indicting him either for what other politicians often get away with.
Comparing one stupid tweet to months of lying bullying and calling gullible people to Washington? When the hell have we had comparable irresponsible political Leadership? Andrew Jackson maybe?
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How is that different from storming the Federal Building in Portland?

Now I'll agree with you on that, Will. It applies to those storming the Capitol, just as it should have applied to rioters in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis, Kenosha....and so on.
It's different because he says it's different and he's the one that knows these things and determines what's acceptable and what's not. If you can't understand that you're just another stupid, uneducated conservative.
No, you can actually have a more transparent election. Ask yourself why we don’t have one and who is standing in the way.

All I ask for is a forensic audit of the machines and the ballots in the battleground states. Is that too much to ask? Perhaps I'm wrong and the massive ballot drops are fooling the statheads. I would like to know for sure. Naysayers call all of this a conspiracy theory which is stupid. Election fraud has occurred in every country in this world and will continue due to human nature. Is it enough to overturn an election? Who knows unless we take a look. I think it can.
What I just saw on a live news stream was Trump condemning the protesters to leave and go home, protesting is just letting the other side win.

That's certainly not the message in the MSM though.
What I just saw on a live news stream was Trump condemning the protesters to leave and go home, protesting is just letting the other side win.

That's certainly not the message in the MSM though.
Just as he condemned white supremacists many times over, that is always ignored by the media and idiot liberals.
Trump spent more time advancing the ludicrous claim that an overwhelming electoral victory was stolen from him than he did n calming violent destructive protestors. He's lost his mind.
Trump spent more time advancing the ludicrous claim that an overwhelming electoral victory was stolen from him than he did n calming violent destructive protestors. He's lost his mind.
With these crazy yarns you spin on here, I look forward to seeing you at @WorsterMan's DFW soiree. You'll have us all in stitches!
Our police commanders have gone soft.

When antifa stormed and burned the Seattle police station, they should have been shot on sight.

When loser white trash rednecks stormed the capitol building, they should have been shot on sight.
Apparently Capitol Police are now using live heavy munitions against the people

Wake up people.

Intifa, BLM and DNC finergerprints are all over this event today.

No, I don't have a link but I have a brain and can see all the left / DNC strategy that went into cheating a lame, semi brain dead candidate that campaigned very little into POTUS. A very compromised candidate and alleged winner of POTUS. Then using the peaceful demonstrations today to set up far right wing violent act(s) against the process they disagreed with - to constitutionally challenge the result.

This was largely carried out by the violent left wing of the DNC.
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Wake up people.

Intifa, BLM and DNC finergerprints are all over this event today.

No, I don't have a link but I have a brain and can see all the left / DNC strategy that went into cheating a lame, semi brain dead candidate that campaigned very little into the POTUS compromised and alleged winner of POTUS in 2021. Then using the peaceful demonstrations to set up far right wing violent acts against the process.
Your first 72 drinks are on me at the Soirée.

Wake up people.

Intifa, BLM and DNC finergerprints are all over this event today.

No, I don't have a link but I have a brain and can see all the left / DNC strategy that went into cheating a lame, semi brain dead candidate that campaigned very little into the POTUS compromised and alleged winner of POTUS in 2021. Then using the peaceful demonstrations to set up far right wing violent acts against the process carried out by violent left.

I don't care who it is. Anybody who breaches those doors needs to be shot.

We don't let armed bandits storm the capitol building.

Now that crazy lefties and righties see how easy it is, with no consequences whatsoever, it will become a routine occurrence.

Biden's going to need to activate the Army and flood the capital with 10,000 troops on his inauguration day.
Riddle me:

Media was all over events from the Capitol today... where was MSM when ongoing VILOLENT riots and mayhem were going on in Seattle, Minneapolis, Portland, Kenosha, Chicago and NYC???
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I don't care who it is. Anybody who breaches those doors needs to be shot.

We don't let armed bandits storm the capitol building.

Now that crazy lefties and righties see how easy it is, with no consequences whatsoever, it will become a routine occurrence.

Biden's going to need to activate the Army and flood the capital with 10,000 troops on his inauguration day.
I agree. This started this summer and continues today unabated. So as similar protests continue in other cities, should those protesters be shot?
Prosecute everyone that went inside the capitol today. Don’t let them out without bond. Similarly, prosecute everyone arrested over the last 7 months who have rioted, looted and violated law. This problem only gets worse if there is selective prosecution.
Wake up people.

Intifa, BLM and DNC finergerprints are all over this event today.

No, I don't have a link but I have a brain and can see all the left / DNC strategy that went into cheating a lame, semi brain dead candidate that campaigned very little into the POTUS compromised and alleged winner of POTUS in 2021. Then using the peaceful demonstrations to set up far right wing violent acts against the process carried out by violent left.
We've been promised prosecution. Dozens of folks are clearly identifiable from pictures and video. Well find out who the are and their political affiliations soon enough.
I think my invitation was lost in the mail. HIC could pick me up in Nashville on his way down. Plus he would have the opportunity to recognize me on the PA.
What? You're a right wing whack job. Oh who am I kidding? I'll swing by and pick you up.

Folks, special welcome to eyesoftexas.
I will state, I denounce any Trump supporter that took part in entering and violating The Capitol today and anyone else involved, they should be arrested and tried.
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