2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

All we, the wacko Trumpster conservatives, are saying is enforce the rules across the board and have the same reactions. Any liberal on here pretending he would be okay with Antifa/BLM people being shot is full of ****.
A. How do we know she wasn't really an antifa person anyway trying to trick everyone? :)
B. I'm OK with it either way. Don't assault the Capitol.
My great friend, neighbor, GOP voter, Trump supporter, Parler member,and, for the purposes of this post, an OSU fan. I snuck through a federal marshal's yard and another Trump fan's yard to switch out his flag before Bedlam a few years ago and then we posted the photo on facebook. He's a great friend who either of us would drop anything we're doing to go help out. My neighborhood has 3 federal attorneys, a retired federal marshal, 3 FBI agents, and a crap ton of conservatives. I have no "enemies" and we gently disagree and move on down the road as Americans.

Davey says that guy is a fascist, in fact all of them

And screw off with your humble brag - who do you think you are coming in with that?
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We already know the answer to the question of --“imagine if the protestors were black”
How do we know?
Because it has already happened

I think these are the capitol police -- looks like the uni
I hate that woman died. She honorably served her country and was a patriot. But she made a serious mistake by breaking into the capitol and suffered the consequences. Just like those dumbasses who fight with police officers and get shot, your actions have consequences regardless of your race or gender.
A. How do we know she wasn't really an antifa person anyway trying to trick everyone? :)
B. I'm OK with it either way. Don't assault the Capitol.
As long as you are willing to see the rules applied across the board, that's good.

All indications were she was not Antifa. Is there any indication she was being violent and threatening life?
She was attempting to get through a broken window into the Capitol chamber ... the room where you see officers, pistols drawn, facing the mob.
I just think they should have surrounded the building, arrested everyone inside and let the charges fall where they may - from felony trespass to felony murder to murder. Even the little old lady they helped down the stairs. :)

When rioters assault police and breach a building despite warnings, we should shoot them first and ask questions later.

I really dont give a **** if the woman who was shot in the capitol building was an Air Force veteran or not. You play dumb games, you get to win stupid prizes. Hope it was worth it.
So maybe you are conflating me with people with whom I don't have a lot in common. Believe it or not I piss off my liberal friends when I talk about the specifics of what happened in Ferguson and other places where irresponsible folks shouted lies to incite angry mobs
.. kinda like Trump and Giuliani did in Washington
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Ashli Babbitt was a 14-year veteran of the USAF
She was unarmed when shot and killed in the Capitol
Not enough questions are being asked about this killing



She's a white trash conspiracy BS terrorist who thought she could break into the House chamber and assault Nancy Pelosi.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
She's a white trash conspiracy BS terrorist who thought she could break into the House chamber and assault Nancy Pelosi.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

sarcasm using the woman who was just killed?

If not, here we have the predictable evolutionary leap "forward"
"From everyone who disagrees with me is a Fascist/racist/NAZI!"
"Everyone who disagrees with me deserves to die!"

I will credit you with this - you are one step further down the path than the other two goofballs -- the leftist evolutionary path into total darkness. Or is it devolutionary?

To my side - these people want to put you in camps, just like thee Chinese do with their people who disagree. Time to wake up
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So instead of arguing that our extremist wackos are understandable but yours are flat evil...maybe we should try to empower reasonable, honorable truthful people in the middle.
When rioters assault police and breach a building despite warnings, we should shoot them first and ask questions later.

I really dont give a **** if the woman who was shot in the capitol building was an Air Force veteran or not. You play dumb games, you get to win stupid prizes. Hope it was worth it.
Capital Punishment seems a little harsh for breaking into a building. I wonder what type of society we would be if we enforced laws like Iran, North Korea or Russia? I'm all for throwing the law breakers in jail, but that certainly includes all the antifa and BLM protesters, who have been much more violent then the Capital protesters.

She's a white trash conspiracy BS terrorist who thought she could break into the House chamber and assault Nancy Pelosi.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
You exemplify the common liberal. Jacob Blake resisting is a “hero” - veteran protesting is “white trash.” A bit racist don’t you think?

And I repeat, I hate she died, but she had no business being where she was.
Here, your side seeks to create a "No-Fly List" for Trump voters
Your people want to ban Trump supports from the ability to travel by airplane
Again I ask you, who are the modern Fascists in fact (as opposed to the ones living in your mind)?

I spoke to a VP of HR for a major airline last night who also happens to live in my neighborhood and sit on a board that I'm also a member of. The move by the flight attendants union was not political based but rather for the safety of it's members. This particular group of passengers that dominated flights into D.C. was rowdy and unruly. They had many incidents where passengers threatened flight attendants and other passengers. She wouldn't share with me specific details but none-the-less they know who these passengers are. Think of this move like limiting the transportation of UK's Hooligans.

Fun fact: Mitt Romney always flies Coach and by himself. I'm assuming it's passengers like these that the FA Union is pointing the finger at.

Passengers yell at Mitt Romney on flight heading to DC | Daily Mail Online

I just don't see the Capitol as sacred space. It isn't my idol.

I agree with others here who have said those breaking in should have been arrested. That means taking a beating in some instances. But not murder. Murderers on both sides of the line should be held legally accountable.
I spoke to a VP of HR for a major airline last night who also happens to live in my neighborhood and sit on a board that I'm also a member of. The move by the flight attendants union was not political based but rather for the safety of it's members. This particular group of passengers that dominated flights into D.C. was rowdy and unruly. They had many incidents where passengers threatened flight attendants and other passengers. She wouldn't share with me specific details but none-the-less they know who these passengers are. Think of this move like limiting the transportation of UK's Hooligans.

Fun fact: Mitt Romney always flies Coach and by himself. I'm assuming it's passengers like these that the FA Union is pointing the finger at.

Passengers yell at Mitt Romney on flight heading to DC | Daily Mail Online

Damn. Civility is being degraded.
Capital Punishment seems a little harsh for breaking into a building. I wonder what type of society we would be if we enforced laws like Iran, North Korea or Russia? I'm all for throwing the law breakers in jail, but that certainly includes all the antifa and BLM protesters, who have been much more violent then the Capital protesters.
Her killing wasn't a verdict. It was the action of law enforcement in a desperate confrontation. In North Korea, China or Saudia Arabia masses would have been killed at the outdoor barricade.
The House will start impeachment proceedings in the near future. This time I'd expect the charges to be much more welcome among Senate Republicans.

The benefit of impeaching Trump at this point is that it ensures he can never again hold elected Federal office.
Her killing wasn't a verdict. It was the action of law enforcement in a desperate confrontation. In North Korea, China or Saudia Arabia masses would have been killed at the outdoor barricade.
The person I quoted was suggesting it should be a verdict.
If you look out at the current political landscape of the US, ask yourself which political side behaves more like modern Brownshirts?
Who is doing the censoring?
Who is doing the canceling?
Who has created two tiers of justice, one for them, one for the others?
Who bans people from social media?
Who is doing the lockdowns?
Who wants to arrest you for opening your business or going surfing without a mask?
Who has an iron fist control of the media?
Who has an iron fist control of newspapers?
Who has an iron fist control of education?
Who has an iron fist control of universities?
Who has an iron fist control of the movie industry?
Who has an iron fist control of television?
Who has an iron fist control of cable television?
Who has an iron fist control of the music industry?
Who has an iron fist control of publishing?
Who gets their fellow citizens fired from their jobs because they do not share the same opinions?
Which side wants to send the other to re-education camps?
I suggest to you that the actual fascist in all of this is the man in your mirror.

Glenn Greenwald is something of a unicorn
He is hard left, yet honest
How rare is that?

He sees the same thing I see with regard to the above
He knows who the actual modern Brownshirts are

Her killing wasn't a verdict. It was the action of law enforcement in a desperate confrontation. In North Korea, China or Saudia Arabia masses would have been killed at the outdoor barricade.
You wonder why the cop didn't follow Biden's advice.

BTW, Biden's comment is moronic. If someone is charging you, you shoot them to stop them. But I wanted to highlight the hypocrisy of the left.
I just don't see the Capitol as sacred space. It isn't my idol.

I agree with others here who have said those breaking in should have been arrested. That means taking a beating in some instances. But not murder. Murderers on both sides of the line should be held legally accountable.
The "ground" was not worth lives lost. Protecting elected representatives from a mob? Maybe at that point it was appropriate for bullets to fly. I consider our Constitution and process sacred ...as much as any man created institution can be.
Below is her final day's livestream recording
Does this sound a long like someone "attempting a coup," as the media says of her?
She is white and maybe what 5'4, 120? A surfer from Ocean Beach (where I once lived). A small, unarmed woman wearing a Trump flag as a cape?
If this was an attempted coup, it was the worst such attempt in history.

We have spent the past several years in this country with blanket media coverage on unarmed people shot by police. And here is a small, unarmed woman killed by law enforcement. Yet most media refuses to look at it
How is that even possible?
I suggest to you that there is only one explanation
It is a form of institutionalized racism


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