2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Or ....
I cannot imagine what kind of woman ...or liberal/liberated "man"....wears those.
OK, lets make a quick review of what you supposedly white voters who supposedly left the R-party actually accomplished
(1) You cleared the way for the 2018 midterms, which led directly to VBM and all of its associated fraud which we are seeming play out right now, by the minute, all over the country (but especially in those states with Dem Govs, Dem AGs and Dem SoS')...

Jason Miller still thinks Trump will win NV (if they ever resume counting)

The GA SoS thinks they have another 60,000 remaining ballots to be counted Thursday

The bulk of outstanding GA ballots are supposed to come from "blue counties"
17K from Chatham
7K from Clayton
11K from Fulton
7K from Gwinnett

(update - Fulton CO now says they are down to 2,000)
I read in the SA Express-News that more people voted for Biden than any candidate in history! Think about that. All those Americans voting for an crooked politician who obviously isn't physically capable of doing the job. He barely came out of his basement to campaign. He's just going to be a figure-head for the radical Left.
This just blows my mind. How is it even possible to not allow watchers?

Because it's not. The watchers are there. They are arguing over the rules of monitoring. Don't believe Erik Trump who claimed the PA watchers were "40-50 yards away" or even Guiliani who claimed they were "20-30ft away behind a fence". There are certainly rules for Certified Poll Watchers and if they aren't being followed the courts will weigh in. So far, we only have wild *** claims with no evidence.
Despite being larger and more diverse than most every other state, Florida released it statewide voting results by 9pm on election day. Quick, clean and, most importantly, transparent. Ron DeSantis deserves a lot of credit for cleaning up what had been a big mess for decades

How do we force all the little corrupt Dem fiefdoms to adopt the Florida model? All of it -- procedures, methods and rules

It should be in the national interest for all Americans to feel and believe the outcome of their elections are legitimate. Right now, at least half the country does not think this election was legitimate (which puts us in Banana Republic territory)
I posted this above weeks ago too, but the guy FOX hired to be put in charge of their "election decision desk" is Arnon Mishkin.
Mishkin voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and donated to Obama/Biden in 2008.
He's the one who called AZ early for Biden

By the way, Mishkin at FOX, the guy who called Arizona early Tuesday evening, has still refused to call Alaska for Trump

Trump 62.1% 118,602
Biden 33.5% 63,992
Atlanta, the biggest city, yet the city that can't get it together, is Democrat run and controlled.

Here is the Fulton County Elections board. Aside from the Elections Director, it has 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats. Not sure the Mayor of Atlanta has much influence in the election process.

This may be a surprise to you but big cities tend to have bigger problems due to more voters. Scale can be problem in election processing, especially when volunteers are so heavily relied on.

The Election Board above each get $300/month stipend. These people are doing these jobs out of civic duty, not for money.
Here is the Fulton County Elections board. Aside from the Elections Director, it has 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats. Not sure the Mayor of Atlanta has much influence in the election process.

This may be a surprise to you but big cities tend to have bigger problems due to more voters. Scale can be problem in election processing, especially when volunteers are so heavily relied on.

The Election Board above each get $300/month stipend. These people are doing these jobs out of civic duty, not for money.
Okay, you got me. No shenanigans going on with the counting and all the mail in ballots in heavily Democrat Atlanta, the 3 republicans on the Election Board notwithstanding. You will never admit Democrats are just filthy, lying, cheaters, so there is really no need to discuss it. And, to be fair, I'll never say they aren't filthy, lying cheaters. Much like Oklahoma Sooners, really.
Okay, you got me. No shenanigans going on with the counting and all the mail in ballots in heavily Democrat Atlanta, the 3 republicans on the Election Board notwithstanding. You will never admit Democrats are just filthy, lying, cheaters, so there is really no need to discuss it. And, to be fair, I'll never say they aren't filthy, lying cheaters. Much like Oklahoma Sooners, really.

It is pretty weird how Rs keep picking up seats in the House while, at the same time, more magic votes for Biden are being "found."
Furthermore, I can't prove they are cheating, but conversely, you, @Seattle Husker, can't prove they aren't. So, while this board deals mostly in facts, it is not out of bounds for guys like me on here to OPINE that the Dems are, in fact, cheating.

Oh good. Well, since it has been shown GA is run by Republicans, sounds like we have GA locked up since they will do that. You know, since Republicans always go with Party over anything like the Democrats do.

Cough cough...McCain, Romney, Collins, Flake....cough cough.
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Oh good. Well, since it has been shown GA is run by Republicans, sounds like we have GA locked up since they will do that. You know, since Republicans always go with Party over anything like the Democrats do.
Cough cough...McCain, Romney, Collins, Flake....cough cough.

Here is Bannon with Maria on Trump's remaining options, "if interested"


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