If I'm making wild claims and
not supporting them by all means call me out. Where I've countered the claims I have leveraged supporting facts (see debunking
@Joe Fan claims re: Wisconsin and
@horninchicago claims of Democrat run elections in Atlanta). On a handful of occasions posters here have done that to me and in each case I've acknowledged their correction with a mea culpa.
Show me the
evidence. You have a belief that integrity is lacking on the "other" side. GREAT!
Support it with evidence. Then my "lame accusations" won't carry any water. Challenging each other ensures our logic is sound, the evidence is actually evidence and we don't spread misinformation like JoeFan presented the last 2 days.
That's fine if you don't want to be challenged but don't use the West Mall as a mouthpiece for disinformation. If you do, expect to be challenged.
I can see you and I arent going to get along.
I do not mind being challenged at all, but I cannot make sense of the nature of your "challenge" to be honest. I find it curious, confusing, and lacking much identifiable substance.
I will respond to one point you raised and restate my views of many modern day leftists as being unworthy of trust due to their own stated personal beliefs of ends justify the means, moral relativity, and disbelief in absolute truth, for starters.
Nothing wrong with holding people accountable, but you have disproved nor taken issue with nothing I have specifically stated as fact regarding election results to my knowledge.
I have, to my knowledge, stated very little as specific fact related to the subject and really do not know what issue you have with anything I am asserting that revolves around specific voting accusations or claims.
There are a myriad of people on here posting all kinds of election related specifics that you may take issue with if you like and attempt to press them for substantiation or accept them. It seems most but not all of what you like to do...though you talk alot of evidence and fact...is hurl vague, unsupported, and unspecific claims of misinformation at anyone presenting any ideas or information which you do not wish to be true. Most of my schtick here is more of the philosophical variety if you will, so.....
Not sure what your sudden interest is in me. But I'll be honest, I do not have enough respect for your methods, logic, reason, nor manner to spend any more time on this subject with you.
You have... in a day completely turned off one of the more thoughtful, caring, and reasonable posters you could have.
As I stated...I will steer clear of you and I'd appreciate it if you would do the same.
I don't usually spend too much time over here so you can carry on with whatever it is you do without worrying about this rampant, vile, extensive, unwarranted and unsubstantiated plethora of misinformation that I have so obviously, recklessly. dangerously, maliciously, and yet unwittingly, spewed.