Yep....These guys who say they are all fact based, evidenced based "thinkers" are some of the most subjectively biased people walking the planet. What they mean is they will absolutely not even consider another view and will presume no evidence exists in opposition to their own, preconceived and strongly held determination....not to be confused with our own suppositions...which we seek to prove or disprove based on truth.
These^^^^^people types makeup a good portion of our modern day scientific community. It isnt form a theory based on observation and objectively seek proof or evidence against or an alternate explanation. Rather, it is form a desired conclusion. Seek only evidence supporting said conclusion, highlight anything to the contrary you can readily disprove to bolster your view, and ignore anything to the contrary that you cannot disprove.
The truth is, at least for myself and all those I associate with......we simply want the truth. That is all.
One side wants truth, justice, and some semblance of righteousness....The other only wants what they want and seeks to create their own truth.
I've said it over and over...
You cannot trust people who are moral relativist, ends justify the means, and reject absolute truth (or at least if it isnt "their truth").
Some think old Bill's freudian slip..."It depends on what the meaning of the word is is" was insignificant.
I say it is quite significant, and telling, and perfectly sums up these people and how they "think".