2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Thaddeus Russell is a post-modernist, anarchist. I agree with him on many things but he is coming at it from a whole different side than you are Joe.

It sounds like he and I agree on the need for an IQ test for voting rights
So he cant be all bad

Since you are familiar with his work, does he also agree with me about using blockchain for future US voting?
Ballot counters in Philly

Wasnt his approval rate among Rs in the 90+ percentile?
Yeah....I personally think the Trump has splintered the Republican party narrative to be false....I do not see that.....maybe in a few leadership pockets....but not with "the people".
Yet less white males voted for Trump than in 2016. How else do you explain that?
Media brainwashing. That is the power of the media. It is more effective on upper middle class, highly intelligent folks who think they are immune to it.
Yet less white males voted for Trump than in 2016. How else do you explain that?
If Biden and Harris are in office, they (upper middle class whites) will see how much gaslighting has been done to them as Dems reverse effective Trump policies.
Yet less white males voted for Trump than in 2016. How else do you explain that?

OK, lets make a quick review of what you supposedly white voters who supposedly left the R-party actually accomplished

(1) You cleared the way for the 2018 midterms, which led directly to VBM and all of its associated fraud which we are seeming play out right now, by the minute, all over the country (but especially in those states with Dem Govs, Dem AGs and Dem SoS')
(2) You were willing to let the SCOTUS now be safely in the hands of liberal justices for the next 30 years
(3) You are now willing to let Court packing be achieved
(4) You are now willing to let Joe change immigration policy to Open Borders which will let anyone in who wants in. Once they are allowed to vote (which they will be), it will create a permanent single Party system and change the US forever.

Well played sir
Dems will cheat and win every election until the end of time if GOP isn’t smart and ballsy enough to stop them. Welcome to Russia.
Is it possible the super early call by FOX on election night of AZ for Joe caused some people to not vote or just leave the line they had been standing in and go home?

I posted this above weeks ago too, but the guy FOX hired to be put in charge of their "election decision desk" is Arnon Mishkin.
Mishkin voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and donated to Obama/Biden in 2008.
He's the one who called AZ early for Biden
I now blame "white people" who left the Republican Party because they got their feelings hurt over some of Trump's tweets
This feeling and emotions over logic and reason thing is a real thing...apparently is communicable
I posted this above weeks ago too, but the guy FOX hired to be put in charge of their "election decision desk" is Arnon Mishkin.
Mishkin voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and donated to Obama/Biden in 2008.
He's the one who called AZ early for Biden
This is too easy...all you have to do these days is follow relationships to solve any apparent riddle

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