2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

How many millions will Biden let in?
The actual outcome of their asylum case no longer matters. Dems want to change elections in the US forever

This is what I've been banging the drum about. Open borders. THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT THE DEMOCRATS WILL FLING OPEN THE GATES. For some reason, our Liberals friends on here have a world-class blind-spot or that's what they want.

The people singing are beautiful people. BUT THEY ARE NOT WHO LIBERALS WOULD LIVE WITH. They are pawns and the occupants of the feudal society dream of The Liberal Industrial Patronage Complex. This issue alone is reason enough to vote for Trump. It's real and it will happen and the accusations of racism against those wishing to UPHOLD THE LAW will only become more vicious and shrill.
I'm not a FoxNews guy...dont even watch TV or pay attention to major network news or shows. I was just browsing online out of curiosity to see what some msms were saying because I've avoided it for 48hours and found this great article by Tucker Carlson.
Think he captures a very important aspect of this election very well. Easy quick read and worth it....

Tucker Carlson: The election that narrowly saved America
I said that yesterday when SH debunked the WI registered voter numbers. I didn't use the percentage but noted that only 400k of that huge number didn't vote and said that was amazing. Maybe I can get a job with Strassel.

Agree, I think the WSJ is a little behind but at least someone there is looking at it
If we get 60% of the remainder of the votes, which Data Orbital thinks we'll get, we will win. It ain't over.

I have seen some of the other AZ people on the ground there say these last tranches will not give Trump the same %
Better if you are right
We will see
This is what I've been banging the drum about. Open borders. THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT THE DEMOCRATS WILL FLING OPEN THE GATES. For some reason, our Liberals friends on here have a world-class blind-spot or that's what they want.

The people singing are beautiful people. BUT THEY ARE NOT WHO LIBERALS WOULD LIVE WITH. They are pawns and the occupants of the feudal society dream of The Liberal Industrial Patronage Complex. This issue alone is reason enough to vote for Trump. It's real and it will happen and the accusations of racism against those wishing to UPHOLD THE LAW will only become more vicious and shrill.

Let in anyone who wants in to just walk in (or arrive by any means)
+ allow them to vote
= Permanent Dem majority/one party system

Like North Korea and Cuba
It's going yo be paradise on earth
Let in anyone who wants in to just walk in (or arrive by any means)
+ allow them to vote
= Permanent Dem majority/one party system

Like North Korea and Cuba
It's going yo be paradise on earth

And even if they don't vote, you pack 'em in California and the electoral college votes will follow because they are counted in the census under current law.
... It doesn't seem like any Trump mail in ballots are getting through....

His goose was cooked as soon as mail-ins were allowed en masse
He almost overcame it anyway

And the idea that Joe Biden got millions more votes than Barrack Obama, with Trump get over 20% of the black vote, seems preposterous on its face
Why is it that my side never magically discovers 200k new votes 100% for my guy?

I have seen some of the other AZ people on the ground there say these last tranches will not give Trump the same %
Better if you are right
We will see

We'll win at .59 for sure and possibly .58 if it's over 440K left. According to what I read Maricopa might go to .65 or higher. If we don't reach we'll have to hope the Reid Machine in Nevada fell asleep.
On the dog walk this am, I was talking to an older neighbor (they one who kept getting his Trump sign pulled/tossed in the street) and he told me this story --
He has his first heart attack during W's second term. He was put on a related medication that cost him $1572 per month. He has been on that med through the rest of W, all of BHO and then Trump. I think it was year 2 of Trump, that the price of his med went to $512 per month. Made a big difference in his life.
We'll win at .59 for sure and possibly .58 if it's over 440K left. According to what I read Maricopa might go to .65 or higher. If we don't reach we'll have to hope the Reid Machine in Nevada fell asleep.

Here is one of the guys I been reading

I think the Lincoln Project is what sealed Trump's fate. Probably even more than the other things. I bet there were more Republicans who voted for Biden than the other way around due to their influence. This would explain how Trump is losing in many places where Republicans are winning down ballot.

For example, Williamson Co. Trump lost Wilco. But every other Republican candidate won, federal and state. The Republican Party needs to expunge those who aren't Conservative so we can at least understand what is going on.

The Texas Leg is actually going to name a Speaker who is an R but more friendly to Progressives than Conservatives.
If that one Tweeter is right there are still 300k to go in Maricopa. not 250k. That could be game changer.

Edit-Nevermind. Tweet is 6 hours old.

I think AZ releases results at 7pm - so that was last night
7pm again today - if I understand it correctly
I think the Lincoln Project is what sealed Trump's fate. Probably even more than the other things. I bet there were more Republicans who voted for Biden than the other way around due to their influence. ...

I dont. I dont think many people even know who they are
i think it was all the opportunity for fraud that VBM created
I think the Lincoln Project is what sealed Trump's fate. Probably even more than the other things. I bet there were more Republicans who voted for Biden than the other way around due to their influence. This would explain how Trump is losing in many places where Republicans are winning down ballot.

For example, Williamson Co. Trump lost Wilco. But every other Republican candidate won, federal and state. The Republican Party needs to expunge those who aren't Conservative so we can at least understand what is going on.

The Texas Leg is actually going to name a Speaker who is an R but more friendly to Progressives than Conservatives.
Monahorns- I think you are spot on with this assessment. But I wouldn't agree that all R's who didn't vote for Trump are somehow not 'conservatives'. Many people who feel they are strong conservatives don't align with Trump in many areas.

Have the last 4 years of Trump splintered the R party? Could 4 years of the Biden/Harris liberal clown show actually unite the R party back to true conservative roots and bring a tidal wave in 4 years?
Is it possible the super early call by FOX on election night of AZ for Joe caused some people to not vote or just leave the line they had been standing in and go home?

Time to move on over to OAN and Newsmax. Take the opinion makers like tucker, hannity, Ingraham, shannon etc over there too
I dont. I dont think many people even know who they are
i think it was all the opportunity for fraud that VBM created

Joe, less white men voted for Trump in 2020 than 2016. There is your Lincoln Project. I think I know some of them personally.
Have the last 4 years of Trump splintered the R party? Could 4 years of the Biden/Harris liberal clown show actually unite the R party back to true conservative roots and bring a tidal wave in 4 years?

Trump has splintered the R party, but 4 years of Biden won't unify it. We had 8 YEARS OF OBAMA. That let to Trump not unification of conservatives.

We don't need conservatives at this point anyway. We need radical freedom advocates.
Thaddeus Russell is a post-modernist, anarchist. I agree with him on many things but he is coming at it from a whole different side than you are Joe.

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