2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Question about Arizona

Republican governor
Republican AG

Why is the count so slow?

This would smell like sewage if Democrats ran the joint, so why are we seeing this play out so slowly? Demonstrators for trump are outside the counting facility. Get the count done, get it accurate
Question about Arizona

Republican governor
Republican AG

Why is the count so slow?

This would smell like sewage if Democrats ran the joint, so why are we seeing this play out so slowly? Demonstrators for trump are outside the counting facility. Get the count done, get it accurate
Question about Arizona

Republican governor
Republican AG

Why is the count so slow?

This would smell like sewage if Democrats ran the joint, so why are we seeing this play out so slowly? Demonstrators for trump are outside the counting facility. Get the count done, get it accurate
Personally I think both Biden and Trump are idiots.

You Republicans need to ask yourself something -- between 2008 and 2016 a democrat much more liberal than Biden was in power for 8 years.

Was your life really that bad under Obama?

Yes it was. It will be worse under President Kamala. What’s even worse is the cheating and Dems don’t care.
If you think Biden will be acting President, you are not paying attention. And yes, Harris is much more leftist than Obama.
Unless the lawsuit is successful, it looks like the Libertarian will get 38k+ votes in Wisconsin. where the Biden margin is ~21k

Is winning the election for Biden is a victory for libertarianism?
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Unless the lawsuit is successful, it looks like the Libertarian will get 38k+ votes in Wisconsin. where the Biden margin is ~21k

Is winning the election for Biden is a victory for libertarianism? Probably
Yeah, Libertarians love everything the Dems stand for. Big government that wants total control of your life, etc.
Yeah, Libertarians love everything the Dems stand for. Big government that wants total control of your life, etc.

Last I saw on AZ
Biden lead down to 68,390
With 430k or so ballots left
Probably an update somewhere this am

It's going to be close but it sort of looks like Trump will fall just short
We will see
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Just more evidence of Dem cheating to the highest level.
I stated Tuesday night that I would be very worried about integrity in GA if I were Republicans based on everything I had seen and heard there. Its crazy the left called their shots, telegraphed their moves, made their intentions clear, and some still dont see it or get it.
How many millions will Biden let in?
The actual outcome of their asylum case no longer matters. Dems want to change elections in the US forever

Free stuff for all who have never contributed a penny to the US economy. Thousands more little girls trafficked and brutally raped every day. So what if it means permanent democratic (marxist) control.
Last I saw on AZ
Biden lead down to 68,390
With 430k or so ballots left
Probably an update somewhere this am

It's going to be close but it sort of looks like Trump will fall just short
We will see

Is it possible the super early call by FOX on election night of AZ for Joe caused some people to not vote or just leave the line they had been standing in and go home?
And Dems may overtake in GA too

I don't see any white people in there counting...

Let me take this opportunity on race, since Obama was brought up, to say no president in recent history so stirred racial division.
It began even before he was sworn in. He was steeped in racism...from attending a racist church, circles of racist friends, being raised to view life through a racist lens...and to despise America. From the moment he took office his rhetoric fanned racial tensions and provoked both blacks and then whites in response. The left and their media then doubled down on this when Trump took office and furthered this by labeling him racist, painting him as white supremacist, and fanning racial tension....despite no evidence that Trump is any more pro-white nor anti-black than any other president. In fact, Trump has received more accolades and credit for his work with the black community and black interest groups than any white president in recent memory. If you will look beyond the liberal propaganda machine you will find many black leaders who have been stating this for a while now, though it goes ignored by the msm as it doesnt fit their desired narrative to sew social discord among racial groups for their own gain.
I have asked people many many times....
Quick....tell me....Name one thing Donald Trump has done or said against the black community?
I think some are catching on...
The election results with minorities seem to suggest and are in line with what I was seeing and hearing leading up to this election....that there has been a slight shift in sentiment stirring and many minorities are starting to get wise to the left's pandering. patronizing, propaganda, and pimping. Let's hope it is a real thing and that it sticks.
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When Texas tried to clean up the voter roles of 100,000 non-citizens it had identified, the ACLU and others sued the crap out it. Texas gave up. According to the ACLU it is better to let 40,000 illegal votes count, like in Michigan, than disenfranchise one minority.
Last I saw on AZ
Biden lead down to 68,390
With 430k or so ballots left
Probably an update somewhere this am

It's going to be close but it sort of looks like Trump will fall just short
We will see

If we get 60% of the remainder of the votes, which Data Orbital thinks we'll get, we will win. It ain't over.

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