2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Okay, now that is more like it. But, do you fact check the other liberals around here?

It's impossible to factcheck opionions. Most here only post comments so it doesn't make sense to factcheck them. JoeFan is posting information he is representing as facts, occurrences or real events. They should be fact checked, especially if they are as egregiously wrong as they have been today.

My tone is condescending, especially to JoeFan. This goes back a decade or more because he's been the biggest purveyor of disinformation on the West Mall, I've called him on it where appropriate. His response? If proven wrong wouldn't you expect to someone to say "thank for the correction, I'll be more careful in the future"? Nope, he questioned my intelligence. In turn, I'll continue to say that JoeFan is either dishonest or completely careless in the in the information he posts.

Now let's talk about your tone. ;)
I did correct him about the Wisconsin RV and I did it without being a dick about it.

I can appreciate that. Of course, you didn't fact check him but rationally read my fact check and realized that his information wasn't accurate. JoeFan has also not questioned your intelligence, sexuality and any other number of personal attacks simply because you proved his information to be inaccurate.
I don't mind Twitter putting the censor. I just go there for entertainment. Everyone knows you go to Hornfans for the truth!
Personally, I think it's over Biden is going to win. I am ok with this because the Rs are more than likely going to retain the Senate and have a bigger voice in the House. Essentially it will be a lame duck administration for the next two years.

I just hope that the economy doesn't tank since my job, the railroad industry, mirrors the economic climate. If it's down less jobs for us and if it's up more jobs for us.
I just hope that the economy doesn't tank since my job, the railroad industry, mirrors the economic climate. If it's down less jobs for us and if it's up more jobs for us.
Gotta admit that I have a similar fear. Biden and Harris have been clear on the alliance with unions and that isn't good for my company in the transportation industry.
I can appreciate that. Of course, you didn't fact check him but rationally read my fact check and realized that his information wasn't accurate. JoeFan has also not questioned your intelligence, sexuality and any other number of personal attacks simply because you proved his information to be inaccurate.

Huh? I corrected him before you did. Just look. No, he didn't attack me because I wasn't an *** toward him. All anybody has to do is look at the old posts in here and see how you went after him constantly. There's a reason he's a dick toward you.
Gotta admit that I have a similar fear. Biden and Harris have been clear on the alliance with unions and that isn't good for my company in the transportation industry.
Depends i guess on what you transport and how you do it.

The railroad has a lot of coal, oil, and other bulk commodities that we transport. Trucking companies or road transportation can probably still survive.
Huh? I corrected him before you did. Just look.

You're right. I sit corrected. Kudos to you for correcting him. I'd encourage you to do it more often because you're leaving a lot of opportunities on the floor.

No, he didn't attack me because I wasn't an *** toward him. All anybody has to do is look at the old posts in here and see how you went after him constantly. There's a reason he's a dick toward you.

Yeah, that's the ONLY reason. It couldn't also be because you love his content, like most of what he posts and generally agree with his politics, right? You're relatively new here. You weren't here through the attempts by JoeFan to disparage me for correcting him, personally insult me, get put in a timeout then absurdly claim that I reported him (I didn't).
Depends i guess on what you transport and how you do it.

The railroad has a lot of coal, oil, and other bulk commodities that we transport. Trucking companies or road transportation can probably still survive.
My company is a pretty diverse conglomerate in Transportation- I handle Managed Transportation. We have large presence in Intermodal that continues to be down and agree with you on the Bulk commodities for the RR's. Tier 1's still have muscle to monopolize but my business is like yours- when the economy is booming- business is good. When it's struggling, we struggle.
You're right. I sit corrected. Kudos to you for correcting him. I'd encourage you to do it more often because you're leaving a lot of opportunities on the floor.

Yeah, that's the ONLY reason. It couldn't also be because you love his content, like most of what he posts and generally agree with his politics, right? You're relatively new here. You weren't here through the attempts by JoeFan to disparage me for correcting him, personally insult me, get put in a timeout then absurdly claim that I reported him (I didn't).

Depends on what you call "new". I've been here since 2016, maybe 2015. I've corrected him on a few occasions and I've had him correct me. No big deal. I don't always "correct" him because a lot of what he says is opinion and I don't follow his posts so I miss quite a few. Also, what you think needs correcting isn't necessarily wrong on his part. Your version of what truth is different from his version.
What’s the vibe on leftist sites and places like twitter? If Trump pulls out AZ and PA, will they go ape ****? Or will they say we tried to our best to steal the election with mail in ballots and came up short in PA and GA? Thus, Trump must have won fairly. I’ve seen a few tweets before the election suggesting Trump suppressed the vote. But where and how and in which states where it mattered?
It's impossible to factcheck opionions. Most here only post comments so it doesn't make sense to factcheck them. JoeFan is posting information he is representing as facts, occurrences or real events. They should be fact checked, especially if they are as egregiously wrong as they have been today.

My tone is condescending, especially to JoeFan. This goes back a decade or more because he's been the biggest purveyor of disinformation on the West Mall, I've called him on it where appropriate. His response? If proven wrong wouldn't you expect to someone to say "thank for the correction, I'll be more careful in the future"? Nope, he questioned my intelligence. In turn, I'll continue to say that JoeFan is either dishonest or completely careless in the in the information he posts.

Now let's talk about your tone. ;)
I guess I'm one of the gullible ones. I think most of what he posts is accurate.

And, go ahead...
All I have to say is....
To some on here whom I can see are well intentioned and sincere but fail to see what is occurring in this country...and I'm not just talking about this election...
If you support "the Left" and their movement, if you continue to pass off every single clear indictator of their bad intention as mere conspiracy theory and paranoia...and if you fail to be discerning and recognize those things which will be the bricks in the wall between truth and emotion, between liberty and enslavement, between order and chaos, justice and injustice, between good and evil even....you will unwittingly be complicit in one of the saddest days in history...
.No...not today, not when this election is over....but someday sooner than we all wish...the fruits of all that has been sewn these days will come to fruition and there will be regret for many who helped usher in that dark day.
Believe me now or believe me later.
You are indeed the proverbial frog in the pot....and yet you help bring the water to boil yourself.
This is how what will eventually happen has happened all throughout history (though I think our particular case will be unique)...The doubters, the naysayers, the scoffers...It takes people like this^^^^^to bring it to pass. In fact, it is largrly dependent on you.
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Personally, I think it's over Biden is going to win. I am ok with this because the Rs are more than likely going to retain the Senate and have a bigger voice in the House. Essentially it will be a lame duck administration for the next two years.

I just hope that the economy doesn't tank since my job, the railroad industry, mirrors the economic climate. If it's down less jobs for us and if it's up more jobs for us.
Biden will use The Pen to reverse everything Trump reversed from Obama/Biden, so I'm not okay with it. Senate won't do anything.
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US elections have not that much since the 1940s, at least when Democrats are involved
These practices need to change
Maybe vote using blockchain?


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