2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Team Trump still thinks they can/will win PA
PA + AK, GA and NC puts Trump at 267
Any one of WI, MI, AZ or NV would then put him over 270

Is this just a waste of time?
Team Trump still thinks they can/will win PA
PA + AK, GA and NC puts Trump at 267
Any one of WI, MI, AZ or NV would then put him over 270
Is this just a waste of time?

AZ + PA (assuming NC, GA, AK) would put Trump over 270
Without either Mich or Wisc
Even though it may look bad in Michigan I wouldn't count it out yet. With a vote total that close anything can happen, especially with a recount.
Even though it may look bad in Michigan I wouldn't count it out yet. With a vote total that close anything can happen, especially with a recount.

I'm wondering what a recount would entail. So apparently mail in votes weren't counted at all until yesterday. Is that normal every election year?
At this point, having a deadlocked government is the ideal result. Worst case, President and House vs Judiciary and Senate is wonderful. Really don’t want those idiots doing anything.
Even though it may look bad in Michigan I wouldn't count it out yet. With a vote total that close anything can happen, especially with a recount.

Trump needs best attys money can buy
And a team leader as good or better than Houstonian James Baker was for W
AZ + PA (assuming NC, GA, AK) would put Trump over 270
Without either Mich or Wisc
It seems and has seemed for some time that the AG and Gov in Pennsylvania would do whatever it took to ensure Trump didnt win there. The AG all but said so a few days prior to the election...at least that is how I took his words. I thought at that time the election may hinge on Penn and it still may. There is absolutely no reason to trust what is happening and will happen over the next few days there...along with a couple other states, as well.
The ends justify the means crowd lack the integrity, character, and virtue to be trusted with an election...or an elected office.
When people tell you and show you they are determined to get their way no matter what....
...you should take them at their words.
I don't think any of the Rust Belt states did this **** in 2016. I don't know how recounts exactly work either.
The difference this year is the large UNSOLICITED ballots that have come in. It’s possible that one person voted 5 times with ballots mailed to his home address.
I'd like to think if it goes to the SC, they would rule for Trump, but they seem to want to have the media like them lately, so I'm not sure.

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