2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Here is the line from the PA Supreme Ct case
Which basically allows Dems to print as many votes as they need -- they have days to fill in as many Bidens as they need, then record them without a postmark.


http://www.pacourts.us/assets/opinions/Supreme/out/J-96-2020mo - 104548450113066639.pdf
This is wrong, dangerous, and illegitimate.
It is also inconsistent with what they said and defended publicly...which was ballots must be postmarked on/by election day...a small, but important safeguard they have removed that is indefensible legally, historically, logically, or from a common sense perspective.
I believe it was also stated they had 3 days from election day as a cap supposedly FWIW
The difference this year is the large UNSOLICITED ballots that have come in. It’s possible that one person voted 5 times with ballots mailed to his home address.
A friend of mine on FB posted a picture of her mail in ballots. She received three ballots with three different names to the same address. I personally feel NC, where she lives, is not the only place this happened but nothing anybody can do to change it. We can only hope that those that this happened to have integrity to only use their one ballot.
A friend of mine on FB posted a picture of her mail in ballots. She received three ballots with three different names to the same address. I personally feel NC, where she lives, is not the only place this happened but nothing anybody can do to change it. We can only hope that those that this happened to have integrity to only use their one ballot.
Integrity to do the right thing. Democrat voters. Good one.
No, she won an easy D+27 seat by +38. It's strange that anyone truly thought "The Squad" would be voted out.

People had hope that the poor decisions by AOC as well as the bullshittery of Bill DiBlasio and Andrew Cuomo would have awoken some people...but instead the stupid remained stupid.
As of this morning, that quirky one was still not called...rest of the State had been called if I remember correctly.
If Trump wins AZ or NV, then the congressional districts in NE (lost) or ME don’t matter.

This election is never going to end. If it shows that this is true a whole bunch of votes might change Arizona back to Trump. You can't blame Biden for protesting this if it happens. We're going to have Biden and his lawyers fighting for Arizona and Trump and his lawyers will be fighting for the Rust Belt states. What a freaking mess.
I'd like to think if it goes to the SC, they would rule for Trump, but they seem to want to have the media like them lately, so I'm not sure.
The key to getting to the Supremes is to ensure that a federal question is properly implicated. Too many of these cases seem only to focus on the State procedure without invoking some manner of federal right/law. And if they file without the federal question, it makes it easy for the Supremes to bow out of things...
The key to getting to the Supremes is to ensure that a federal question is properly implicated. Too many of these cases seem only to focus on the State procedure without invoking some manner of federal right/law. And if they file without the federal question, it makes it easy for the Supremes to bow out of things...
And they will since they are mostly RINOs. Roberts is a Democrat.
This election is never going to end. If it shows that this is true a whole bunch of votes might change Arizona back to Trump. You can't blame Biden for protesting this if it happens. We're going to have Biden and his lawyers fighting for Arizona and Trump and his lawyers will be fighting for the Rust Belt states. What a freaking mess.
Republicans need to stop being wussies and fight tooth and nail for this. Useless RINOs.
Dems spent $100M to defeat Mitch

Don't forget the fortune pissed away in South Carolina in the effort to defeat Graham...

To say nothing of the $23M Bloomberg tried shoveling into the Texas Railroad Commission race. I think THAT woke some people up who might otherwise have skipped over a race for a position most likely don't understand...

Meanwhile, the left mocked the $7M spent by Kim Klacik.
Didn't the courts already rule in PA that even if ballots were not received or dated by the cutoff or if they could not tell, to error on the side of counting the vote? If so, the sharpie issue should be treated the same.

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