2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence


When DeSantis won in Florida, he immediately kicked out or chased off several (corrupt) Dem county election supervisors. He cleaned up the entire process and made it transparent. As a result, Florida got its votes counted and results announced in a timely fashion last night.

Florida is larger and more diverse than Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia or North Carolina. Yet none of these states came close to matching Florida's professional operation. Why? These other states still have way to much old school Democratic Party Machinery still at work there. They can still produce any amount of votes you need.

However this one ends, these other states must be forced to move towards the same level of transparency and professionalism as Florida. Florida made these changes in one cycle. These other states can do it too.
When DeSantis won in Florida, he immediately kicked out or chased off several (corrupt) Dem county election supervisors. He cleaned up the entire process and made it transparent. As a result, Florida got its votes counted and results announced in a timely fashion last night.

Florida is larger and more diverse than Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia or North Carolina. Yet none of these states came close to matching Florida's professional operation. Why? These other states still have way to much old school Democratic Party Machinery still at work there. They can still produce any amount of votes you need.

However this one ends, these other states must be forced to move towards the same level of transparency and professionalism as Florida. Florida made these changes in one cycle. These other states can do it too.
I'm not pissing on your parade here, but is this the beginning of the excuses if Trump ends up losing this? Since he has already declared victory.
I have seen that Wisc is reporting ELECTION DAY votes earliest and ABSENTEE VOTES latest.
And they need more time to count
The absentee part is a little troubling

This is the issue for Trump, as I understand it at this moment. Two of the states Trump won last night -- Wisconsin and Penn -- started their vote counting with Election Day votes and finished with the VBMs. I dont know why they went with this order. But I do know that the governors of both states are Democrats. So whatever reason they might give for doing this, the appearance is and always will be that they wanted to see how many VBM votes they would need. And this is exactly what is happening today.

I totally support a person supporting their candidate. Tell me when you have EVER seen someone fly a flag for a person or for that matter a president? Express your views with your voice. Real debate wo bias. Americans have lost the art of compromise. Compromise makes or democracy the greatest in the history of democracy. Our Founding Fathers knew that.
I don't need to see a freakin flag to know that you support Trump. This isn't a tailgate party....act like adults.

I didn't fly a flag in faces of Iraqis like a child to show them that I'm "superior"......its childish. I don't drive around with a UT flag to let people know I have a better education than them.
I honestly dont understand anything about this^^^^^
But I do understand that if you do not understand why people are flying flags more these days then you certainly do not understand the threat at our doorstep. I believe those flying flags do understand....So who is the wiser??
It is a clear message... and a valid one...
We arent among those who seek to vilify, demonize, and ultimately remake or destroy this country...but rather, we are those who stand in their way.
I dont put flags on my car...but I've got a big one right out on my front porch. Funny...I never see them on the houses of these left wing folks....other than a few old-timer Democrats.
Wonder why that is....
I honestly dont understand anything about this^^^^^
But I do understand that if you do not understand why people are flying flags more these days then you certainly do not understand the threat at our doorstep. I believe those flying flags do understand....So who is the wiser??
It is a clear message... and a valid one...
We arent among those who seek to vilify, demonize, and ultimately remake or destroy this country...but rather, we are those who stand in their way.
I dont put flags on my car...but I've got a big one right out on my front porch. Funny...I never see them on the houses of these left wing folks....other than a few old-timer Democrats.
Wonder why that is....
Threat at our doorstep? I imagine that you are talking about the Republican talking point of socialism. I guess its bigger than the threat we had in the 40's and 50's when Communists were in our government. But who am I to say. Did they fly flags for Ike or Truman?
Threat at our doorstep? I imagine that you are talking about the Republican talking point of socialism. I guess its bigger than the threat we had in the 40's and 50's when Communists were in our government. But who am I to say. Did they fly flags for Ike or Truman?

1) Reparations
2) Sanctuary cities, abolish ICE, benefits for illegals
3) Demonize and defund the police
4) Raise taxes

Then you have the demonization of white people campaign.

These things are real and they are exactly what is at our doorstep.
I totally support a person supporting their candidate. Tell me when you have EVER seen someone fly a flag for a person or for that matter a president? Express your views with your voice. Real debate wo bias. Americans have lost the art of compromise. Compromise makes or democracy the greatest in the history of democracy. Our Founding Fathers knew that.
I don't need to see a freakin flag to know that you support Trump. This isn't a tailgate party....act like adults.

I didn't fly a flag in faces of Iraqis like a child to show them that I'm "superior"......its childish. I don't drive around with a UT flag to let people know I have a better education than them.
And your comment on losing the art of compromise can be mostly blamed on the fact that the Progressives have made it abundantly clear they will stop at no one and no thing to get what they want. They are the ends justify the means crowd...and they know better than anyone else. They will do literally anything to force their way. There is no compromise in them and this has been clear for some time now. I fully believe there are decent, reasonable people who would be able to dialogue and compromise on the "other" side...but Will you clearly do not understand the kind of people we are dealing with over there. You will one day....
Just look at how they are approaching this election. Theyve even telegraphed their moves. They would not and will not a accept a Trump victory no matter what. How would you expect that threat to accept those on the "other side"? Do you think that attitude exists on "the right "? No. these are two totally different kind and makeup of people here...and if you cant see the difference man I feel for you. It is clear one side divystes this and the other side has been simply reacting to it out of necessity.
Seems clear already you and I better stick to talking football picks and stuff.
You're stuck in the middle in a time when there are clear and obvious -not to mention consequential- differences. One day your hand will be forced. I hope you are prepared.
This is the issue for Trump, as I understand it at this moment. Two of the states Trump won last night -- Wisconsin and Penn -- started their vote counting with Election Day votes and finished with the VBMs. I dont know why they went with this order. But I do know that the governors of both states are Democrats. So whatever reason they might give for doing this, the appearance is and always will be that they wanted to see how many VBM votes they would need. And this is exactly what is happening today.

Exactly what I said last night.
I HATE the left too. But flying a flag to me is lowering to their level....
There is just no way I can understand this^^^ ever Will.
How is flying the flag of your country stooping to any low level of anything ever?
It has nothing to do with them (other than >>>>>) and everything to do with what we believe
losing the art of compromise can be mostly blamed on the fact that the Progressives have made it abundantly clear they will stop at no one and no thing to get what they want. They are the ends justify the means crowd...and they know better than anyone else. They will do literally anything to force their way. There is no compromise in them and this has been clear for some time now.

And your comment on losing the art of compromise can be mostly blamed on the fact that the Progressives have made it abundantly clear they will stop at no one and no thing to get what they want. They are the ends justify the means crowd...and they know better than anyone else. They will do literally anything to force their way. There is no compromise in them and this has been clear for some time now. I fully believe there are decent, reasonable people who would be able to dialogue and compromise on the "other" side...but Will you clearly do not understand the kind of people we are dealing with over there. You will one day....

Rewind to 1994, 2000, and 2010 and replace the word "Progressives" with Gingrich, "Compassionate Conservatives," and Tea Party and that's exactly how the other side feels.
I'm not pissing on your parade here, but is this the beginning of the excuses if Trump ends up losing this? Since he has already declared victory.
Can you genuinely not see the problems with what the Democrats are doing right now??
You think this is how an election and vote counting should be handled?
They told us they wouldn't let him win, they have shown previously how they would approach this, and now it is happening and you have no problem with it as an American?

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