2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence


2016 - Trump lost Wayne County Michigan (40% Black) by 290k

2020 - Trump down only 49k with 50% in

The black vote for Trump was strong
Stock futures surged with Trump looking to win
I disagree with that sir......although the NYSE likes Reps (tax cuts) in office I feel that the past 2 days uptick sare for stimulus. Oct has been a big downturn in the market with the dicktease of the stimulus up and down. Now that it will pass the markets are going up.
That's fine. I dont want to hear anyone complain about the electoral college though. California is 1/5th of the entire country. I cant believe Democrats ***** about that.
The electoral college was designed for a reason. Its a stupid Dem talking point. The popular vote shows the countries feeling on executive not down ballot. Down ballot is more important.

Although Trump is a fuckhead and not a President. Its what we got so we have to deal with it. (if he wins again)

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