2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I think Trump wins Virginia. 100% of Fairfax is in. Trump still leads by over 50K. Only rural counties are left. What am I missing? Are the EV/VBM still out?
A decision even partly based off 'exit polls' makes the whole call dubious
Fox is playing games with a national election
I have seen that Wisc is reporting ELECTION DAY votes earliest and ABSENTEE VOTES latest.
And they need more time to count
The absentee part is a little troubling

I wonder if all early voting is going to go last which means a lot of dem votes haven't been counted. If it is winning Wisconsin became a whole lot harder.
I totally support a person supporting their candidate. Tell me when you have EVER seen someone fly a flag for a person or for that matter a president? Express your views with your voice. Real debate wo bias. Americans have lost the art of compromise. Compromise makes or democracy the greatest in the history of democracy. Our Founding Fathers knew that.
I don't need to see a freakin flag to know that you support Trump. This isn't a tailgate party....act like adults.

I didn't fly a flag in faces of Iraqis like a child to show them that I'm "superior"......its childish. I don't drive around with a UT flag to let people know I have a better education than them.

First of all, a genuine thank you for serving our country from me and the other weak & worthless posters here. My response is not an attack in any way.

Agree for years our society has expressed ourselves too often with symbols and not enough with dialogue.

I'm a patriot. FWIW, I was 1A fall 1972 and nearly drafted to serve in Vietnam. I would have served if I was called up.

So, my question is what is the difference between displaying a flag for your candidate and putting a bumper sticker on your car ?

I put the following pro bumper stickers on my car pre-election:

Bush 1

I'm ok if a person puts a flag(s) or any adornment on their vehicle for Biden, Trump, Hillary, Bernie, etc. if that is what they feel and who they support. A big flag might be too much for you or me today... but ok for others.

FWIS, also put Texas flags on my car when I drive to Austin (or elsewhere) for a UT football game.
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Trump is getting 25% of Fulton. That 300k would give Biden a net of 150k far short of the 286,000 Trump is currently ahead PLUS there are 3 other counties w/o results. One prob blue, one prob red, one purple. I don't think it'd be enough to change.

I think the vote counting in that famous LBJ election in the 1940s was suddenly stopped too.

I'm just sayin

First of all, a genuine thank you for serving our country from me and the other weak & worthless posters here. My response is not an attack in any way.

Agree for years our society has expressed ourselves too often with symbols and not enough with dialogue.

I'm a patriot. FWIW, I was 1A fall 1972 and nearly drafted to serve in Vietnam. I would have served if I was called up.

So, my question is what is the difference between displaying a flag for your candidate and putting a bumper sticker on your car ?

I put the following pro bumper stickers on my car pre-election:

Bush 1

I'm ok if a person puts a flag(s) or any adornment on their vehicle for Biden, Trump, Hillary, Bernie, etc. if that is what they feel and who they support.
Thank you for your service sir! I'm glad that you did not go to Vietnam. My father did 2 tours and it destroyed him. He was the best dad ever but Vietnam was ******. Just liked my deployments. anyway...

Arrogance. That is my one word I can describe the flag flying. Most people hate arrogant people and Trump knows that. He personifies it. A small flag or bumper sticker is awesome. But to have a F350 with a flag bigger than your truck is STUPID. I spent 25 years of my life as a special operator. I was the most arrogant asses in the world. I was the BEST OF THE BEST. I don't fly a flag or have a bumper sticker showing that I or my brothers are badasses. So why does someone have to have to think they have bigger balls than they really have? They act like Trump would have their back. He would not.

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