2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

I will NEVER understand why Trump decided to run but he at least was of sound mind.
I will NEVER understand why Jill is allowing her sick husband to be so savagely used.
This is news to me:
A second laptop belonging to Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, was reportedly seized in February during a raid on a psychiatrist by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). Hunter Biden was reportedly not the target of the raid.

NBC News first reported the best Friday afternoon at the end of an article in which it defended its reporting — or lack thereof — about the emails on an abandoned laptop, which purportedly connect Joe Biden to his son’s businesses.
Report: Second Hunter Biden Laptop Seized by DEA
I will NEVER understand why Trump decided to run but he at least was of sound mind.
I will NEVER understand why Jill is allowing her sick husband to be so savagely used.
Don’t think she doesn’t gain if Joe wins and gets immediately removed. The DNC is a corrupt organization and she has a reward waiting.
What the crooked poll watchers don’t tell you is that if Trump wins FL, his chances according to their models jumps to 50% (I would say 90% since FL-PA-MI show correlation).

Biggest question in my mind is what is the true Trump margin in TX, GA, and IA. Trump appears to be in good shape in NC-OH-AZ.
Here are some Texas county by county numbers
These are some of the places 'suburban women' were supposed to kill Trump

Comal 2016 (Trump +49); 2020 80/14 (Trump +66)
Ft. Bend 2016 (Trump -3); 2020 45/42 (Trump flip)
Collin 2016 (Trump +14); 2020 63/23 (Trump +40)
Hays Co. 2016 (tie); 2020 45/39 (Trump +6)
Williamson 2016 (Trump +9); 2020 54/30 (Trump +14)
Denton 2016 (Trump +20); 2020 64/23 (Trump +40)
Travis-2016 (Trump -39); 2020 21/70 (Trump -49)
I'll take Texas losing every game the rest of the season if it means a Trump victory. Im still bracing for a Biden win but all these numbers are encouraging.
Reading PA pre-rally

I will take some tiny tiny tiny credit for the Trump numbers in Collin County.
Been blockwalking for months through really really hot weather.
Most of the credit goes to the GOP org here. Left nothing to chance. And ALL of the GOP candidates worked their butts off too for themselves and the party. The volunteers were energized A real group effort.
Please let it pay off.
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Frank Luntz (Rep-leaning pollster) says Trump is ahead in most swing states– including PA and Michigan, and is tied in Wisconsin.

Here is the TargetSmart view of Wisc
Dems led early with VBM
But Reps have shown up with a large early vote turnout


Without unusual Election Day turnout by the Democrats, or unusual independent support, FLA is a done deal. Closer on early votes than in 2016 when Trump won by 113k votes.
Here are some Texas county by county numbers
These are some of the places 'suburban women' were supposed to kill Trump

Comal 2016 (Trump +49); 2020 80/14 (Trump +66)
Ft. Bend 2016 (Trump -3); 2020 45/42 (Trump flip)
Collin 2016 (Trump +14); 2020 63/23 (Trump +40)
Hays Co. 2016 (tie); 2020 45/39 (Trump +6)
Williamson 2016 (Trump +9); 2020 54/30 (Trump +14)
Denton 2016 (Trump +20); 2020 64/23 (Trump +40)
Travis-2016 (Trump -39); 2020 21/70 (Trump -49)
Is this turnout or polling data? If turnout, we don’t know how many crossover votes.
I will take some tiny tiny tiny credit for the Trump numbers in Collin County.
Been blockwalking for months through really really hot weather.
Most of the credit goes to the GOP org here. Left nothing to chance. And ALL of the GOP candidates worked their butts off too for themselves and the party. The volunteers were energized A real group effort.
Please let it pay off.
Thank you so much.
I will take some tiny tiny tiny credit for the Trump numbers in Collin County.
Been blockwalking for months through really really hot weather.
Most of the credit goes to the GOP org here. Left nothing to chance. And ALL of the GOP candidates worked their butts off too for themselves and the party. The volunteers were energized A real group effort.
Please let it pay off.
Yes thank you.
What the crooked poll watchers don’t tell you is that if Trump wins FL, his chances according to their models jumps to 50% (I would say 90% since FL-PA-MI show correlation).

Biggest question in my mind is what is the true Trump margin in TX, GA, and IA. Trump appears to be in good shape in NC-OH-AZ.

I wish I could believe we're good in NC,AZ. NC looks like a rough road to hoe, AZ we're going to need a great turnout Tuesday... fingers crossed

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