2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Only reason.

Look at me, I take the Wuhan so seriously I wear a face hugger even when there is zero reason to. Surprised they don’t show old boy wearing one while showering. Or at least in that swing open doomed tub. Too dangerous to have Slow Joe in a shower.
Holy cow - Florida

I know this has become :deadhorse: but these numbers are pretty stunning

This is includes all voting to date, vote by mail and in person EV
Numbers compare to 2016
Palm Beach Ds -9
Miami Dade Ds -22.5
Orange Ds -14
Hillsborough Ds -6
Duval, Henry Ds -3
The updated FL total for in person EV is Rs+507,402
I think Trump has motivated his base better than Biden motivated his
In fact, I cant see how Joe Biden gets anyone excited. About anything

After watching Biden's speeches the past 2 days, it verifies what mental health experts have warned about lockdowns. Biden is a fkn Eeyore now. Total downer, he can't muster a positive word about anyone or anything

He's become a pathetic figure
After watching Biden's speeches the past 2 days, it verifies what mental health experts have warned about lockdowns. Biden is a fkn Eeyore now. Total downer, he can't muster a positive word about anyone or anything

He's become a pathetic figure

It's weekend at Bernies. They know Joe is struggling. They are carrying him across the finish line like that Marathon Runner in the 1912 Olympics. They just need a warm body to rubber stamp the Beto/AOC agenda. They have rationalized their candidate in the same way many right-wingers have rationalized Trump. The drill-down past the figurehead is the real story.
Lawyer for Delaware shop owner: FBI initially turned down purported Hunter Biden laptop

The FBI did not want Hunter's laptop initially. They seized it months later - probably to help with the coverup. It's a good thing the shop owner kept a copy of the hard drive. Otherwise we would not know anything at all about Joe, Jim, and Hunter's excellent adventures.
Interesting that the coverup of the Hunter Biden story has possibly delayed the information getting to the general public until election eve - the worst possible timing for the Biden campaign. Remember the Bush dwi story that came out the Sunday before the election in 2000? This story depressed election day voting for Bush and made the election competitive. Without the dwi story, there would be no famous hanging chads in Florida.

The recent leaking out of the Hunter Biden story may have the same effect on Biden voters and could make the difference in this election.
Photo taken by a friend. Driver was old.

He's been pathetic ever since he started plagiarizing speeches 30+ years ago. The dumbass population of Delaware should have given him the political boot out of office decades ago.

I agree. I thought he was done in 1988.

Now he is running for president and has a crackhead son who is working with him to sell out our country while apparently sleeping with his brother's wife and his niece. And his crackhead son has a fetish for taking junk shots.

And the best part is Joe is running as the candidate of "decency"!
Kamala was in Ft Worth earlier. DMN had this to say
"A cavalcade of local Democratic candidates were part of the crowd the Harris campaign officials said was 300, but it appeared to be considerably less than that number.
Attendees sat outside in chairs, socially distanced from each other and wearing masks. Details of the event were not publicly released to discourage a big crowd."

Kamala Harris tries to fire up Fort Worth supporters as part of three-city Texas swing

I don't think Biden understands the meaning of a Get out the Vote rally.
For the DMN to have to admit to a paltry number for their favored candidate must have stung
The real reason they are saying they are keeping rallies private is the few earlier were embarrassingly empty
so now they are covering their azz

I wonder; any Biden supporters on here What do you think of this strategy of having low turn out "rallies"??
New Arizona poll from Trafalgar. Trump up 2.5. Down from 4 a week ago.


Something else interesting about AZ
Rs now have the lead in Maricopa Co (the big one)
But check this out
Rs 541,263 (with 59.3% turnout)
Ds 535,246 (with 65.9% turnout)

Despite the fact that Dems are turning out 6.6% more of their voters, they still trail. As mentioned in a post above, I think "cross-overs" are going to be a factor in this election, based on how any non-Rs show up to Trump rallies. They keep tract of this through ticket registration and his rallies get ~31% non-Rs (Dems, indies/non-affiliateds, libertarians, whatever). Which is quite remarkable if you think about it. Polling does not account for these people. And even regression models based upon EV + party registration (which IMO are way better than polling) cannot account for this. This number is going to be statically significant in 2020 "like you've never seen before." And it is going to break Trump's way. It already is. Trump is getting cross-overs from Dems, indies, blacks, latinos and a chunk of asians.

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