2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Apparently the ACB Supreme Court pick is very popular in the Midwestern suburbs, line in Wisconsin, where there is an abundance of Catholic, pro-life white moms.
White suburban females was supposed to be what was going to kill Trump this time (we kept hearing that in here too) but it may not be the case
Something else from that final Selzer/Iowa poll which, IMO, ties into the support of Trump's ACB Supreme Ct pick. She says women and independents are breaking for Trump. If this is true and true for the rest of the Midwest, as it was in 2016, then it is all but over

Here is some more support for the Selzer position on women breaking for Trump
In Arizona, Maricopa suburban women solidified Trump’s lead in the polling.
In Wisconsin, same story with Kenosha suburban females .
No laws broken.

No one hurt.

No store windows broken, nothing stolen, no fires set, no rocks and bottles thrown at police. So the exact opposite of any leftist event.

I’m failing to see how showing your support for your choice for President, in proximity to the other candidates tour bus, is anything other than what basic American freedom is about.

The hand wringing about it sounds exactly like how leftist try to keep anyone they disagree with politicaly, off campus because it makes them feel unsafe. Not too unsafe to riot and break up the event if it happens anyway though.

If you disrupt traffic on a public highway to try to intimidate or make a political statement, you're an ***. And before you guys go off on the whataboutism tangents, yes, the looters and rioters on the Left are far more common and far worse. That doesn't make these guys better or more defensible.
Was there a disruption by the Trump supporters?
I did not see but maybe there was.
I did see a white compact car drift into the lane of a big black pick up.

Is there footage if Trump supporters disrupting the Biden bus? If so that was wrong and stupid.
Was there a disruption by the Trump supporters?
I did not see but maybe there was.
I did see a white compact car drift into the lane of a big black pick up.

Is there footage if Trump supporters disrupting the Biden bus? If so that was wrong and stupid.

I am not sure what we are talking about here, but if it was about the one in TX, I saw a pic that one of the cars broke down, had a flat, something like that, and the whole line stopped. It was not an organized event to close down the highway
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I don think anyone cares what newspapers think, but other newspapers do seem to care. And these people are risking the wrath of the NYT and WAPO (and all their related sycophants). So bravo to the Pittsburghers for showing some backbone

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Many places are tsking it seriously, that there will be rioting no matter what.
Big cities downtown's are bring reboarded up inckuding NYC and DC.
Texas national guard to major cities.
This is the kind of crap that happens in 3rd workd countries.
It won't be Republicans that will riot.
If you disrupt traffic on a public highway to try to intimidate or make a political statement, you're an ***. And before you guys go off on the whataboutism tangents, yes, the looters and rioters on the Left are far more common and far worse. That doesn't make these guys better or more defensible.
I didn’t see any disruption of the bus. If the Dems can have a bus on the highway wrapped with Biden/Harris 2020 then Trump folks can ride along with their flags. You can tell who lost it by the lies. One lie was the white car being sideswiped by a Trump truck (it was the other way around). The second lie was the political event in Austin (for local races) cancelled due to safety. The organizer said that wasn’t the case. It was cancelled due to the short preparation time. However that didn’t stop others from lying about it on social media.
Many places are tsking it seriously, that there will be rioting no matter what.
Big cities downtown's are bring reboarded up inckuding NYC and DC.
Texas national guard to major cities.
This is the kind of crap that happens in 3rd workd countries.
It won't be Republicans that will riot.

My sense of what Fitton is contemplating here is actual voter intimidation on Election Day, not the reaction to the results
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From the beginning Biden campaign announced 3 events and that is what they did.
The rest is bs trying to make Trump supporters look bad
There was no disruption of traffic.
From the beginning Biden campaign announced 3 events and that is what they did.
The rest is bs trying to make Trump supporters look bad
There was no disruption of traffic.

If I were the bus driver, I would have just kept driving to my destination. He must have been told told to give up. I think those decision-makers on that bus got scared. And that fear rose forth from negative stereotypes and prejudices. There is a word for that.
From the beginning Biden campaign announced 3 events and that is what they did.
The rest is bs trying to make Trump supporters look bad
There was no disruption of traffic.
Yes the Dems were attempting a 4th event without Harris in Austin or Pflugerville at the last minute for local politicians. I read it was cancelled for separate reasons. For what it’s worth, I do think Texans in general are ******** on the highway.
Well she did have the event in Ft Worth.
I am confused. Supposedly the bus was going north on 35.
So that bus was not part of the Harris visit?
More SICK Liberalism.
People are calling to boycott Home Depot after its co-founder said he was voting for Trump and encouraged others to do the same
Seriously. They are the absolute worst; the cancel culture IS LIBERALISM. That is why they must be crushed on Nov 3rd.
AOC attacks Amazon. Liberals attacks Home Depot. These ABSOLUTE LOSES WHO CONTRIBUTE NOTHING REPRESENT LIBERALISM. That is who they are.

It's past time for companies to stop giving to this type of extortion. I think the people making the threats are less than 1% of the US population. Maybe even 1% of 1%. Time to stand up for yourself.
Well she did have an event in Ft Worth.
I am confused. Supposedly the bus was going north on 35.
Yes, from San Antonio is what I heard. I think we need a special prosecutor on this. I think the event was cancelled without input from the bus. The Dem organizer said the highway incident was not related at all to cancelling the event. Everyone else is speculating. Maybe the Dem organizer told the truth before Dems could organize their smear campaign
Have you driven the highways in the Northeast lately? Boston, Washington, Pittsburgh, etc. "Courtesy" is not in their vocabulary.

In DC, the cabbies start honking at you before the light even turns green. That took some getting used to. People in my current city usually only honk if they want to wave at someone.
In DC, the cabbies start honking at you before the light even turns green. That took some getting used to. People in my current city usually only honk if they want to wave at someone.
Same in SF back in 2001. Annoying
The Florida update as of Sunday am is Ds +92,304
11 day ago, their lead was +486k
In 2016 they led by 96,400 at this same time
So Rs are already +4.1k ahead of their 2016 pace (Trump won by 113k)
Keep in mind these numbers are by registration only, so they do not include any Dem-to-Rep flips, as appears to be happening within black and hispanic communities. And those "flips" would seem to be statistically significant.
Candidates who win both Ohio and Florida are 26-1 since 1852
(the exception was JFK over Nixon which may have involved some Dem cheating)

So Dems are getting a little back in FL on Sunday, maybe a couple thousand
Will probably go back and forth all day long

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