2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Got back now from a President Trump car and flag parade around Houston’s Loop 610. There were thousand of cars and trucks all decked out with flags and stickers.

We drove from the Astrodome area east then all the way around and back to the Dome. Was fun, with lots of cars and especially big trucks waving us on.

No speakers, no celebrities, no politicans making speeches, just thousands of fans of the President taking time to show their support. I’ve not seen anything like that in 40 years of watching politics, the amount of everyday grassroots support President Trump has.
As Scott Adams pointed out, there is no financial reason for pollsters to fix their errors since 2016. If they showed Biden losing, it would hurt fundraising which in turn would hurt media buys.
Been telling my friends they are wasting their time voting because the Russians have already hacked the returns to get their buddy back in office. When they protest I ask them if they still believe that is how he did it last time. Good for a pause
I am not sure what you think you saw
But did you watch the vid mc posted.
Does that look like Trump supporter "Conspiracy "?
Good grief your hate is clouding your sense of reality.
Hey don’t give Will too much grief. His Libertarian party members were going to hold a rally themselves, but then one of them brought a bag of dope and another had Comedy Channel cartoons on, so it was all over till they need to order some food.
If the trumpers were harassing the bus and being more dangerous than the norm on a busy TX highway, I take it back but there is no evidence of that. Seems like dem folks over-reacted when their bus tour got embarrassed.
They figured they could get more mileage out of the fake story “dangerous Trump supports cause doom and death on the highway”, than the true story of “Kamra Sultra Harris’ campaign stops highlighted all the reasons why she was a failure in the primary season, and had 4% Democrat support”.
The second coming of the Hindenburg disaster at Lakehurstt NJ, it’s not.

Get this, Charlie! Get this, Charlie! The bumpers have touched! They’ve touched and plastic has been damaged! Oh, my, get out of the way, please! It's bent and twisted and it's falling on the highway and all the folks agree that this is terrible, this is one of the worst catastrophes in the world. [Indecipherable word(s)] It's–it's–it's the pieces [indecipherable, possibly the word "pieces”] oh, six to 10 inches of plastic bumper- or and it ... it's a terrific crash, ladies and gentlemen. It's cracked and twisted plastic and the plastic is crashing to the ground. Oh, the humanity and all the drivers screaming around here. I told you, I can't even talk to people whose friends are on there. Ah! It's–it's–it's–it's ... o–ohhh! I–I can't talk, ladies and gentlemen. Honest, it's just laying there, a mass of bent plastic. Ah! And everybody can hardly breathe and talk, and the screaming. Lady, I–I'm sorry. Honest: I–I can hardly breathe.

I–I'm going to step inside where I cannot see it. Charlie, that's terrible. Ah, ah—I can't. I, listen, folks, I–I'm gonna have to stop for a minute because I've lost my voice. This is the worst thing I've ever witnessed.
Think of what has transpired over the last 2-3 weeks:
- Biden gets beat soundly by Trump in the debate
- ACB gets confirmed after a brilliant hearing
- Biden steps in it regarding oil and gas industry
- Hunter laptop story
- Overt big tech / media coverup
- Massive rallies for Trump
- Philly riots

The whole point of the above is to convince the reluctant Trump supporter to vote (cause they don’t have a better option). This is why Trump wins on Tuesday.
Actually when you look at Trump's real accomplishments he is a clear winner
That there are some who put more importance to his tweets and fight back mentality instead of the incredible things he has done for our country is very sad.
I'm interested in the facts here as well. My assumption is the Democrats are making things up otherwise we would have video.

Josh Campbell used to be Comey's bad man
This is probably the same crack FBI team sent to investigate the fake NASCAR noose
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If the trumpers were harassing the bus and being more dangerous than the norm on a busy TX highway, I take it back but there is no evidence of that. Seems like dem folks over-reacted when their bus tour got embarrassed.

Seems like they are desperately attempting to cling to something, anything
Seems like they are desperately attempting to cling to something, anything

It's almost like they they get bitter, without guns or religion to cling to. And they they certainly have antipathy to people who aren't like them, as a way to explain their frustrations.
The Vid showing Biden in Tampa calling in Minn was removed from FB?

So FB was right here/ The Vid was a fake
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