2020 Presidential Election: let the jockeying commence

Reps keep eroding the EV Dem lead there
3 days ago, was 100k+, now just +75k
And many Rs vote on election day there

Something else about this rally in AZ. It will be in Bullhead City, which is almost as much southern NV as it is northern AZ. Translation, it is Trump on offense as much as defense

He's also in a suburb of Phoenix today as well.
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Nevada early ballots show a Dem lead of 7 pts with 750k ballots already cast. But as noted in a post above, Rs are closing the gap.
In 2016, the total vote in Nevada was just over 1.1 million.
Another thing about Nevada is the so-called Reid Machine, the bulk of which was low-wage service workers. But with the severe effect on Vegas caused by the virus from China, that machine has unraveled.
There is also a SCOTUS case out there. If Trumps wins the case too, flipping Nevada is very possible.

As of this am, the Dem EV lead was 50k, and sliding
Dems probably need to be 80K+ on election day to hold off the R surge
They are being hurt this time by lack of (a) students and (b) casino workers
Raising the odds they will try to cheat their way to a win
Lack of casino workers to the polls will be a huge issue there. Expect endless counting and creation of new ballots until the drag Slow Jo across the finish line.
Something that will probably have an effect on election day

77-80% of Dems are worried about the virus from China
20-29% of Reps
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Back to FL, the GOP has gained on Dems in voter registration since 2016. As a result, Dem EV advantage can be higher in 2020 than 2016. 400k is what I have heard.
Back to FL, the GOP has gained on Dems in voter registration since 2016. As a result, Dem EV advantage can be higher in 2020 than 2016. 400k is what I have heard.

The Dem lead decreased by 56.4k! yesterday
Which I think is a one-day record
Pretty remarkable

this is thru this am
...There is also supposed to be another series of emails that will shed light on the curious financial relationship Hunter had with Yelena Baturina, who is ex-wife of the mayor of Moscow and who, according to US State Dept, has ties to Russian organized crime.

The timing of the money from Moscow to Hunter

• Feb 14, 2014, Mayor Luzhkov’s wife Yelena Baturina wired $3.5M Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC bank account.
• Feb 18, 2014, Euromaidan Revolution took place.
• Mar 18, 2014, Russian President Putin formally incorporated Crimea as federal subjects of the Russian Federation
The renewed covid fear porn coverage is going to depress Dem voters on Election Day. Recall the original Dem plan was to use covid as a means to get vote by mail, which Dems could exploit. So VBM was a tactical win for Dems, but it is now known that VBM has fallen short of Dem targets in practically all of the battleground states (too close to Election Day for VBM to change significantly). CNN is likely going after suburban mom vote with the covid fear porn, but the size of this group is likely smaller than the number of Dems who will stay home. Again, the Dems are overly focused on whiny college-educated white women on twitter. Do these nitwits not understand that Trump is a POPULIST candidate? This strategy might have worked in 2018 in an off-year, but it’s not going to work in a presidential election. SMH.
Biden and Obama both in Michigan [Saturday]
RCP says Biden is up 7.5 points there
But it seems like not even the Dems believe it
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Colo was red not that long ago

I've been all over the southern half of Colorado in the past few months. That state is still red but controlled by Denver or as Duck says the voter fraud or possibly both. Biden signs are practically non existent and when I talk with people everyone is pro Trump. They all hate the Californians who have moved in and turned the state blue.
Anonymous, who was a self-proclaimed resistance person in the WH and wrote a book and published an article in the NYT, is a mid-level staffer at DHS. Also, he looks like a soy boy millennial wuss.
Barry the dude in mc's vid looks and sounds goofy
Until you actually listen. He drills it down pretty good.
Wonder how many are out there like him who gave paid attention instead of believing they ain't black if they don't vote for Biden?
Texas EV update -- now over 7.5M
54% Republican
36% Democrat

The DMN still has Biden +3

You are neglecting the crossover vote from suburban GOP women !!! Note these women will be working menial jobs if their husbands lost their high paying energy jobs in Texas. Anyway, the crossover will be cancelled out by Hispanics and Blacks.

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