2017 Recruiting?

He IS a "burner" in the slot! I hope he becomes a "get" for us. I don't think any amount of talking by Grobe is going to lure him to Baylor. The NLI mess up by Baylor has presented him a real opportunity here. I hope he makes a great choice with it!
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His IS a "burner" in the slot! I hope he becomes a "get" for us. I don't think any amount of talking by Grobe is going to lure him to Baylor. The NLI mess up by Baylor has present him a real opportunity here. I hope he makes a great choice with it!
Well whether he chooses TCU or Texas it's better than staying at Baylor. Growing up in Texas it is impossible for me to fathom ever choosing to play football for TCU when Texas offers you as well... But that maybe because I'm a 4th generation Longhorn.

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What's the chatter on Hudson? Did he go to Norman yesterday? How was it? Is he going to visit Austin, or is Charlie allowed to do an in-home?
What's the chatter on Hudson? Did he go to Norman yesterday? How was it? Is he going to visit Austin, or is Charlie allowed to do an in-home?

Remember this part
The next dead period begins June 27, and then the next contact period does not begin again until July 11. In addition, UT 2nd summer session begins July 11.
Thus, it appears that if any of the Baylor players want to visit campus, they need to be in Austin this weekend

He can still submit his paperwork, but the visitations/communications are restricted.
Several hours have passed and I have not found any confirmation. Is this real? I would have though it would be on every site by now.

Other outlets saying the tweet is not true. But none of them are exactly on top of what Hudson himself is thinking are they? There are also reports (see the Baylor thread) that aggy & ou have offered Hudson's sister a track schollie

But both OB and IT still seem to think Hudson to Texas.

And the dude has not exactly retracted .... he is even a little belligerent about it

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