Vote suppression is real and I don't like it. Why do you think Texans, expecially in urban, mostly Democratic counties have to take a day or half day of vacation when they go to the DMV to get a new driver's license?
Was that ineptitude in efficient service accidental or on purpose?
I think we should be efficient with people's time when they vote or get a license. We have plenty of public resources to do it efficiently. Here in my Republican run Denton County things work great. Even jury duty is handled so as to provide minimal disruption in the lives of us not chosen. l think it should be that way everywhere. But if people have to endure hardship to vote or get a picture ID, that sacrifice should not be disproportionate based on where you live and vote. Making people wait 12 hours to vote in Dallas or do it in 10 minutes here... that's managed voter suppression and it's not healthy for our system of government.