What's Trump got against US Mail and Social Security

The USPS does an exceptional job on a national basis. I have owned two companies that were 80% dependent on USPS delivery and was very satisfied with their performance over the years.

We would ship 5000+ mailing addresses a week and the delivery compliance was so good that we dropped the insurance and self insured. Failed delivery was an extreme exception. When USPS provided Delivery Confirmation on Priority and 1st class mail with electronic barcode confirmation they were the most cost effective carrier for under 2 lbs in the US. Probably still are for 2 day delivery.

Three companies have a long history with USPS and probably would not have grown to their current success if USPS was the failure that many suggest.

Netflix was USPS delivery long before streaming was feasible. They continue a delivery business today with USPS to some parts of the US that has inadequate internet capability.

Ebay is a success story of USPS reliability.

Amazon started as a book seller and uses USPS today.

Perhaps some politics has entered the current USPS discussion.
Wikipedia says 3% of mail is lost. USPS says 4% of mail is undeliverable. Are you ok with losing that many 3% of 100,000,000 votes = 3,000,000 votes lost? Keep in mind there would be more votes lost than 3%.
Just wow. No "payroll" tax and and employee match? Like Social Security isn't already in a delicate financial balancing act. I know rich conservatives say that people should not depend on Social Security for retirement. I agree, but I think pulling the rug out from under people who count on that to maintain some semblance of a lifestyle is a historically bad idea .... like parking planes wingtip to wingtip at Pearl Harbor bad. "Should" or no, a lot of people are dependent on those SS checks. Letting Trump sabotage Social Security will cost him no friends at Mara Lago or Trump Tower, but he needs to spend some time with old people in Gainesville Texas.

And screwing up the US Postal Service to enhance his election chances? Beyond the pale. The US Mail has been able to handle mail in ballots since the Civil War. Of course, in all that time it never had to face "leadership" anything like that being supplied by the Puffy Prevaricator. I cannot remember a Democratic Presidential nominee less impressive than Joe Biden, but I'm enthusiastically backing him because the alternative is a gangster style, ethically challenged, narcissism blinded nutcase with no respect for the traditions of our country.
So you jumped from deferring taxes/maybe eliminating them thru the end of the year to getting rid of social security. Typical lib argument. Create a straw man and tear it down. Cute, but dishonest.

No respect for the traditions of our country? Really? Do you mean traditions like following immigration laws, having national parades, being a freedom loving capitalist, MAGA, etc.?

You would vote for a lump of green slimy green cow **** before ever voting for a Republican, so your choice was never in doubt regardless of your poor reasoning. Congrats on voting for an old man with dementia. Nice choice. Cognitive decline seems to be a common thread among the Dems.
We should get rid of Social Security. Also Medicare and Medicaid. We need a plan to get out while taking care of those who need these services. But this building is crashing down on all of us if we don't.
I don't have a problem with him opposing USPS funding as proposed by Democrats. Presidents threaten to veto funding bills all the time, and voting by mail on a mass scale is a foolish idea being pitched for stupid reasons.

The payroll tax move is dumb. First, payroll tax cuts aren't a smart way to stimulate the economy. That's something we all knew when Obama did it, but many on the Right are now forgetting about it. Second, it's fiscally irresponsible. Third, it's not even a real cut. It's a deferment. Are people actually going to spend the tax relief when they know it's going to have to get paid back later? Some will, and they'll be livid when the bill comes due. It's a move that doesn't make a whole lot of sense on any level.
Do we need lawns, electric lights and television. I guess we could live without them, but it don't want to give them up.

My dad retired from the Post office about 15 years ago after putting in 20 years. I can honestly say after listening to him ***** for all of those 20 years they are the worst managed group in the world. Being a postal worker used to be a point of pride for them, they put on that uniform like they were soldiers. Now, the people that work there are basically Walmart employees, there for a paycheck and nothing more.

Truthfully the mail system is in better hands if we sold it off to a private company like Fed-Ex or UPS and and let them run it. Hell 99% of us trust Fed-ex more than the post office. Who here, when they have something important to send hasn't reached for a Fed-Ex envelope instead of dropping it in a mail box?
The USPS/UPS/FedEx comparisons are dumb. Nobody is getting rid of the USPS or even seriously considering it. It's one of the few federal operations that are actually constitutional. It also isn't the point. You can like the USPS as I do and still think opposing a supplemental appropriation to contribute to voting by mail is dumb. They are separate issues.
The reason USPS is cheaper is because it’s subsidized by tax payers. See OP complaint.

So you are getting part of the shipping free.
The Post Office is not subsidized by tax money and has not been so since the 70s. It was self sufficient until 2006 when the government wanted them to prefund the next 10 years of employee benefits. 5.65 billion per year for 10 years. (Over 50 billion in 10 years. ). Name a company that can do that. They prefunded and guess what the government did..... they took the money.

Im not saying it’s a perfect system but the USPS did help build the nation and still does.
The reason USPS is cheaper is because it’s subsidized by tax payers. See OP complaint.

So you are getting part of the shipping free.
Wikipedia says 3% of mail is lost. USPS says 4% of mail is undeliverable. Are you ok with losing that many 3% of 100,000,000 votes = 3,000,000 votes lost? Keep in mind there would be more votes lost than 3%.
Do the links you quote above list why the mail is lost or undeliverable?

The addresses of absentee mail are confirmed by registration, voter and USPS. The return addresses are probably a designated box for each county clerk. Chance on invalid return address is very small.

Back when they were doing just physical discs Netflix was betting $15-$25 in disc value and packaging for each mailing that the round trip was completed and successful.

Wonder how many provisional ballots were not counted in the 2016 election when the margin of victory exceeded the number of provisional ballots? For all races since the comparison is the national USPS.
My hot sauce of the month. :p

Better question, tell me something that the post office delivers that cant be better handled by a private service like Fed-ex?

Single piece two sided postcards from 501-3C charities, PACS, Government agencies, political candidates and grandmothers.

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There can't be voter fraud, How many times have certain posters on here told us that?
I would like to know if mail collection boxes are actually being removed
I constantly hear through the media that there is no evidence of widespread vote fraud... but I'm not passing it along. It's really hard to prove a negative.

Absentee vote by mail has worked well in the past, but there have to be security safeguards. I don't think knee-capping the USPS to prevent it from effectively delivering ballots... and everything else ... is a well thought out response to election security.
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I constantly hear through the media that there is no evidence of widespread vote fraud... but I'm not passing it along. It's really hard to prove a negative.
Absentee vote by mail has worked well in the past, but there have to be security safeguards. I don't think knee-capping the USPS to prevent it from effectively delivering ballots... and everything else ... in a well thought out response to election security.

It is axiomatic that if Democrats can cheat, they will.
They will do whatever they think they can get away with.
There can't be voter fraud, How many times have certain posters on here told us that?
I would like to know if mail collection boxes are actually being removed

Those numbers are just the ones they caught
How many did they miss?
And whoever it is who sends in these ballots of the dead should be locked away for a long time
Those numbers are just the ones they caught
How many did they miss?
And whoever it is who sends in these ballots of the dead should be locked away for a long time
If you read the story, many were ballots mailed before the voter died. The moral of the story. .. Even if you mailed in your absentee ballot, you gotta survive till election date for it to count. I read the story and see good effort to make elections fair.
Nevada mailed out 1,325,934 ballots
305,000 were returned
223,469 were undeliverable

What about the rest?
Democrats in Nevada just legalized "ballot harvesting" there
Ballots are piling up in the trash - which means, under Dem rules, anyone could literally pick them up and sent them in

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If voting is too scary to vote at your nearest school building or grocery store, you vote shouldn't count anyway.

If Trump is really the biggest dictator in history and the destruction of the world, it should worth the risk to walk out of your house and hit a few buttons.

You could even where a hazmat suit, rubber gloves, and face shield.

But I get it. Democracy is supposed to be easy, risk free, convenient. Nothing should truly be asked of you. Just tell everyone else what they HAVE to do for you. That is what Self-rule is supposed to look like. Sovereignty of the people means paying no cost. You can't be asked to take responsibility. Oh wait, isn't that sovereignty is about? Never mind. Netflix and chill. Take a sip. Take a snort. Puff puff pass. You are the King.
But I get it. Democracy is supposed to be easy, risk free, convenient. Nothing should truly be asked of you. Just tell everyone else what they HAVE to do for you. That is what Self-rule is supposed to look like. Sovereignty of the people means paying no cost. You can't be asked to take responsibility. Oh wait, isn't that sovereignty is about? Never mind. Netflix and chill. Take a sip. Take a snort. Puff puff pass. You are the King.
Vote suppression is real and I don't like it. Why do you think Texans, expecially in urban, mostly Democratic counties have to take a day or half day of vacation when they go to the DMV to get a new driver's license?

Was that ineptitude in efficient service accidental or on purpose?

I think we should be efficient with people's time when they vote or get a license. We have plenty of public resources to do it efficiently. Here in my Republican run Denton County things work great. Even jury duty is handled so as to provide minimal disruption in the lives of us not chosen. l think it should be that way everywhere. But if people have to endure hardship to vote or get a picture ID, that sacrifice should not be disproportionate based on where you live and vote. Making people wait 12 hours to vote in Dallas or do it in 10 minutes here... that's managed voter suppression and it's not healthy for our system of government.
Vote suppression is real and I don't like it. Why do you think Texans, expecially in urban, mostly Democratic counties have to take a day or half day of vacation when they go to the DMV to get a new driver's license?

How dare people have to prioritize self rule. Waaaah! If I have to make commitments and schedule my time in order to direct the power of the State, that is so unfair. I should be able to wield the most powerful organization in the world to my tastes and do so at NO cost. That's voter suppression!

Was that ineptitude in efficient service accidental or on purpose?

I would argue it is because Democrats are poor leaders. They spend their time making excuses for violence and destruction and taking more money from you. But they don't really put in the real work to build an administration that works well. And why should they? The Republicans are EVIL! They are unable to rule the areas that voters have given them to rule because Trump said...

I think we should be efficient with people's time when they vote or get a license. We have plenty of public resources to do it efficiently. Here in my Republican run Denton County things work great. Even jury duty is handled so as to provide minimal disruption in the lives of us not chosen. l think it should be that way everywhere. But if people have to endure hardship to vote or get a picture ID, that sacrifice should not be disproportionate based on where you live and vote. Making people wait 12 hours to vote in Dallas or do it in 10 minutes here... that's managed voter suppression and it's not healthy for our system of government.

You just answered your own question, "in my Republican run Denton County things work great." You can't elect imbeciles and expect good outcomes.

Who controls how voting is done in Dallas? Republicans? Ha! If Democratic run areas are hard to vote in, then you should do a real root cause analysis. Use the 5 why analysis technique. Think more deeply.

True Understanding In Lower Levels Of Knowledge

For most of the time I have voted, I have lived in a very Progressive neighborhood. Super easy to vote in. Maybe those dastardly Republicans didn't know about how crazy Austin, TX people are? Or maybe you don't really have a point.
I think we should be efficient with people's time when they vote or get a license. We have plenty of public resources to do it efficiently. Here in my Republican run Denton County things work great.

Crock, if voter suppression is real, then doesn't it make you wonder why voting is less of a time commitment in a county run by Republicans (Denton) than in a county run by Democrats (Dallas)? Perhaps what you're seeing isn't voter suppression but a difference in circumstances and methods. Perhaps the employees of Denton County are more competent and less lackadaisical about their jobs than Dallas County employees are. Perhaps their supervisors tend to hire more on merit and less on cronyism and a political agenda. That makes a lot more sense than voter suppression.

Of course, as I've stated before, I don't think making the process of voting easier is necessarily a good thing. Just because we shouldn't openly discriminate on the basis of race or sex in voting doesn't mean we shouldn't discriminate on the basis of stupidity or indifference. If you don't care enough to make some effort, I don't want you to in the voting booth.

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