My hope is that most of these pathetic dumbasses are a loud but very small minority of young "adults," as the radical hippie baby boomers were on college campuses in the '60s. They caused havoc on campus, but the vast majority of them grew up and ditched their idiocy once they had to make it in the real world. Being a SJW is a little like forming a rock band. It's easy to start, but it's pretty hard and unusual be able to make a living at it. That leads most of them to have to get real jobs, and it doesn't take more than few years of gainful employment and paying taxes for someone to drop most of that horse ****, even if they don't embrace full-blown ideological conservatism.
From what I can see, more conservative student activists "go pro" than liberal activists do. I knew several liberal activists back in the day, and very, very few of them are still activists. Most of them eventually got real jobs, had families, and greatly moderated their views. However, most conservative activists I knew at the same time are still conservative activists (working for groups like Americans for Prosperity, Heritage Foundation, Empower Texans, etc.), because if you're willing to sell your soul, there's often someone willing to buy it.
If you're a good advocate who seems sincere, some corporate hack will pay you to spout his message. Good example is Michael Quinn Sullivan, whom I've known for several years. The guy was just an activist who worked for Ron Paul for a while, then went to work for the Texas Public Policy Foundation doing tax and budget stuff, and now he's got Tim Dunn's (oil money) balls firmly entrenched in his mouth and makes very good money to have said balls in his mouth. Sullivan is probably the most famous example in Texas (and the most feared activist in the Capitol), but he's one of many. There are tons of Michael Sullivan starter-kits all over the place.