What if it was not the Russians?

This is true, but if the parties were reversed, the media narrative would be radically different. They're would have been far more emphasis on what was in the hacked or leaked emails and much less on the cyber security element. ....

You are being overly generous here. If Hillary had won, there would be no Russian narrative in the media. They dont really care about this story, they just care that they lost the White House. The media narrative would instead be to count the ways having a female president is the greatest thing ever

While skipping the better narratives --
How did it come to pass that Ashley Judd ended up with the Scalia seat? (and
should Justice Judd be wearing that pink hat for oral arguments?)​
How did the value of the Clinton Foundation surpass Amazon's market cap?
Why are we building so many bridges across the Rio Grande?
Why is the 2nd Amendment now on milk cartons?
Why wont the main stream media cover the syphilis outbreak among WH interns?
How did we end up in so many ground wars all at once?
Was firing Comey the right decision?
Was arming the AntiFa a good idea?
Is it a good idea to be letting Anthony Wiener sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom?
When was 'universal basic income' written into the Constitution?
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SH, the point is perspective. Instead of screaming traitor and villifying the political team you don't like, understand that it didn't take Trump collusion to get the Russians meddling in our affairs. Let's discuss it rationally and combat it that way.

To be sure, I've never claimed Trump was a traitor. The jury is still out on Manafort and Flynn was simply an idiot. My stance all along is that the Trump admin may not have colluded but rather used the effort of the Russian's like wind at the back of their sails. You could make an argument that they encouraged the meddling. Still, I'm not ready to march on the White House with a hanging party for Trump.

HRC was a very poor candidate and her handling of email was a self inflicted wound. There were plenty of reasons that a large portion of voters didn't support her.

We've yet to know the details of the Russian misinformation campaign on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere. We DO know per our intelligence agencies that the Podesta email hack with WikiLeaks was a Russian affair. That email hack helped cement the storyline that HRC wasn't trustworthy so yet, it did have an impact. You can point to the fact that just 2-3 days after Trump's "grab em by the pu$$y" tape was playes (which is ANY other POTUS election would have been disqualifying) the first traunch of Podesta email was launched.

I doubt Trump will ever be directly tied to Russian meddling but there is very little doubt that his campaign leveraged their involvement like a trampoline to salvage their campaign.

That's not discounting the voters that voted for him at all. They have their reasons. In an election that was decided by 80,000 voters it's possible to say and likely measure the impact of the meddling. It won't change the outcome but we need to understand how the Russian's did it so it doesn't happen in the future.
I doubt Trump will ever be directly tied to Russian meddling but there is very little doubt that his campaign leveraged their involvement like a trampoline to salvage their campaign.

Russia and many other countries have been meddling in our election long before Trump came around and we've done the same. What gets brushed a side is why would Russia or anybody else have so much leverage over the DNC, Podesta, DWS, Hillary, and all those other Democrats. They were crooked and corrupt to the core and it appears it wasn't hard for anybody to hack them. But the material in those emails seem to be forgot by the left......... or they just are such liberal hacks that they don't care how bad their party is as long as they are in power, which can't be good for what our first priority should be. That would be being an American first over that sorry *** party called Democrats. Seriously, if I said that party has gone to Sh#t it would be a major upgrade from how far they really have sunk.
We've yet to know the details of the Russian misinformation campaign on Facebook, Twitter and elsewhere. We DO know per our intelligence agencies that the Podesta email hack with WikiLeaks was a Russian affair. That email hack helped cement the storyline that HRC wasn't trustworthy so yet, it did have an impact.
I wish you'd stop pronouncing as fact that which no evidence has been produced. The intelligence agencies, at least the leadership therein, appears to be just as corrupt and untrustworthy as the Democrat party. Weapons of mass destruction, Clapper lying to Congress, Libyan soldiers raping civilians, chemical attacks ordered by Assad, a Syrian prison used as a crematorium, the Trump pee pee dossier. The only time I believe what the intelligence agencies say is either when they can substantiate their claims with evidence or when foreign governments that aren't puppet states validate what they say.

Hell, a Congressmen attempted to go to Trump and set up a meeting with Assange who stated he could prove the Russians didn't commit the hack in question. General Kelly denied access. Later when someone in the press asked Trump about it, he hadn't even been told. The whole system is corrupt through and through.
If you were asked to make a list of the advantages Hillary had in the 2016 election, would you even list "Facebook ads?"

Furthermore, if what I have read on this is correct, that the FB ads ran in just Michigan and Wisconsin, it seems like Hillary thought she had the states int he bag already and these ads were just mild bolster. This would have been consistent with her pre-election appearance schedule.

The Political Class, both foreign and domestic
The Deep State
Big Media
Big Tech (and their money!)
Hollywood (and their money!)
Music Industry
College Profs
Union Leadership
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I wish you'd stop pronouncing as fact that which no evidence has been produced. The intelligence agencies, at least the leadership therein, appears to be just as corrupt and untrustworthy as the Democrat party. Weapons of mass destruction, Clapper lying to Congress, Libyan soldiers raping civilians, chemical attacks ordered by Assad, a Syrian prison used as a crematorium, the Trump pee pee dossier. The only time I believe what the intelligence agencies say is either when they can substantiate their claims with evidence or when foreign governments that aren't puppet states validate what they say.

Hell, a Congressmen attempted to go to Trump and set up a meeting with Assange who stated he could prove the Russians didn't commit the hack in question. General Kelly denied access. Later when someone in the press asked Trump about it, he hadn't even been told. The whole system is corrupt through and through.

Our intelligence agencies have definitively stated this and the only one disputing it is Mother Russia, its surrougates like yourself and the Alt-Right who have no issue with partnering with Russia against the Democrats.

So, I'll continue stating the facts our intelligence service have stated. Don't you have a Black Lives Matter or KKK rally to promote?
According to the NYT, the pro-LGBT Twitter account @LGBTUni was run by Russian troll farm and bought some of the 3,000 ads on Facebook

They ran ads that included that included Black Lives Matter, LGBT, and adorable puppy content.

There is no evidence the Russians ran pro-Trump ads during the election on Facebook or anywhere else.


I hope this does not cause any of you to go out and shoot someone(s)



Pretty clever way to promote divisiveness by an outside source if you ask me,,,,,although no one is asking me.
Just a frank comment on Musburger's posting history that is always Pro-Russian, Pro-Putin and continually attempts to stir the pot on social and international relations issues. Sound familiar?
The post in question was directed at the intelligence agencies and simply pointed out that there track record is consistently unreliable. I know their word is good enough for you and the sheeple, but I like to have justification when habitual liars spew BS.
Just a frank comment on Musburger's posting history that is always Pro-Russian, Pro-Putin and continually attempts to stir the pot on social and international relations issues. Sound familiar?

While I don't agree with Musburger on the Russian stuff he is correct about our intelligence agencies. They have been wrong on many things and have lied to us. It's best not to have blind faith in them.
It's a universally common practice by intel agencies all around the globe. Disinformation is a huge part of their SOP. Russia is no less nefarious in disseminating info to the public than the United States and so on and so on.
In other words, what Trump, Jr. said it was

That is so wrong. The act he's referring to froze the assets of 18 specific Russians and barred their entry into the US. I'm guessing they're billionaire oligarchs and Russian officials trying to hide their stolen money in the US. Parts of Europe responded similarly. Russia's retaliation was against Americans who had the gall to adopt Russian orphans. So, yeah, it's about adoptions a lot like if North Korea wanting to talk about their limited access to a specific almond milk flavor after they've fired ICBM's over other countries and toward other countries.

Read up on why the Magnitsky Act was passed. It seems that those around Putin and in power know that the gig is almost up and they're trying to squirrel away as much as possible while they can.
What exactly did I misread?

You guys were, at one time at least, saying this Trump, Jr. meeting was proof of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Which is the only reason anyone knows about this meeting in the first place. Turns out, the meeting was about what Trump Jr said it was about
You guys were, at one time at least, saying this Trump, Jr. meeting was proof of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign. Which is the only reason anyone knows about this meeting in the first place. Turns out, the meeting was about what Trump Jr said it was about
A. He said that there were no contacts with Russia before the election.
2. Turns out that their are actual emails indicating that, not only were there meetings but he set up the meeting with the understanding that he was colluding with the said Russians.
iii. The meeting was about the Maginitsky Act. The act that penalized 18 specific Russians.
IV. Adoptions were a retaliation to the act. You're way smarter than you're acting here.
A. He said that there were no contacts with Russia before the election.....IV. Adoptions were a retaliation to the act. You're way smarter than you're acting here.

The issues are-
1. Did Trump Jr perjure himself? The answer to this is no.
2. Are you guys moving the goalposts again? The answer to this is yes.
You're way smarter than you're acting here.

He's acting like a man with the common sense to know nobody named Trump will face any charges of collusion with Russia.

It's beyond me how some are still hanging on to desperate hopes they will. Even your propaganda wing has all but dropped it.

Yet the brainwashed sheep keep plodding on with 'Russia did it' since the MSM hasn't passed out their new resistance marching orders.
He's acting like a man with the common sense to know nobody named Trump will face any charges of collusion with Russia.

It's beyond me how some are still hanging on to desperate hopes they will. Even your propaganda wing has all but dropped it.

Yet the brainwashed sheep keep plodding on with 'Russia did it' since the MSM hasn't passed out their new resistance marching orders.
Robert Mueller hasn't stopped. In fact, much of our stubby fingered President's twitter feed with the NFL and other distraction level items relates to a distraction from the pending output of Mueller's office.
He's acting like a man with the common sense to know nobody named Trump will face any charges of collusion with Russia.

It's beyond me how some are still hanging on to desperate hopes they will. Even your propaganda wing has all but dropped it.

Yet the brainwashed sheep keep plodding on with 'Russia did it' since the MSM hasn't passed out their new resistance marching orders.

I agree with Ken Starr who stated he fully expects some indictments by Mueller. It may not be "someone named Trump". My money is on Manafort and Flynn. I don't think Donald or Jr. were smart enough to collude although Jr. was dumb enough to entertain collusion. Again, Russia interference was simply wind at their sails. Guido Manafort is the one that had clear incentive and connections to collude. Flynn? He was simply an ideological idiot.

"FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow"


"Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.

Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.

They also obtained an eyewitness account — backed by documents — indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.

The racketeering scheme was conducted “with the consent of higher level officials” in Russia who “shared the proceeds” from the kickbacks, one agent declared in an affidavit years later.

Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefitting Putin’s commercial nuclear ambitions....."
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