Welcome to Austin, California (renamed)

Is that the real crux of the problem? Housing prices getting out of hand driven in part from the huge growth of the tech industry? That's the primary driver in Seattle and CA. "Liberal policies" are only treating the result of the homelessness, not the problem source. In fact, there isn't an option for treating the source. Not sure anyone would agree to restrict home valuations in order to make housing (buying or renting) more affordable.

The real question is why don't people move when they get displaced from their home/job? You could apply that to the Coal Miner in WV or the retail worker in Seattle. Neither seems willing to relocate. The difference in Seattle, SF or Austin (it seems) is that housing is cheap in WV. There is a surplus of run down homes that nobody really cares about. Whereas, it hot housing markets investors are very quick to raise rent rates, evict or even tear down and build anew to take advantage of the market.

The perpetual homelessness and drug problems are the result of rapid rise in housing costs. We've seen it over and over and over.


Pure BS.

As i said, 99% of the homless have mental issues and chemical abuse issues. That is a fact. This isn't a bunch of people who are down on their luck, and priced out of the market. This is a bunch of people with real issues and require real help.

Stop trying to turn this into a socialism issue. Austin is an expensive city, but these people are not unemployed/under employed homeless they are hobos.

There are only 2 things you can do with them, force them out or force them into a hospital to clean up.
BOSD, many of the relos aren't going into Austin city limits though. Apple is, but most are moving around the perimeter North, East, and South. I think Tesla is outside of Austin is that correct? I may be wrong on that but it is at the very edge if so.
Tesla is by the airport. Del valley
From talking with a guy at work who did a lot of volunteering at a shelter, homeless is a rule of 3rds.

1/3 of people who do not have a permanent home are in that situation from economic. Job loss, bankruptcy, divorce and loss of income. These folks are the ones who live in cars, or from spare room to room, or in shelters. They are relatively easy to get on their feet again.

1/3 have drug and mental heath issues, but can be treated, and some end up making it on their own, or at least for awhile.

1/3 are permanently homeless, as they are out and out nuts and used to be in metal facilities till leftist thought that was meaner than, err, throwing them out on the street. Or so hooked on drugs they can't be helped, or allowed to stay in a shelter. These are the ones you see under I-35, as they don't want to stay in shelters where they can't shoot up. They flock to cities like Austin, SF, Seattle, as there's a homeless industrial complex that provides them food, tents, needles, clothes, everything they need save for drugs (that'll be next), which they then panhandle for.

Plus the permissive environment that allows them to take a dump in broad daylight on a public street, cop walking by pretending he doesn't see it, so instead they can arrest the dude surfing by himself along a LA beach during the worst of the Wuhan foolishness. There's money to be made in arresting the law abiding - you can mail them a fine and they'll pay it.
And you have the dilemma
What do you do with drug abusers or mental people who need help but refuse it?
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The US used to lock crazy people up, till leftists' decided it was meanie. So now they wander the streets and take dumps in public fountains.

Look, there's big money in homelessness. Cites and governments throw huge amounts of money at it, both to try to reduce it, and show how much they care, which is about the entirety of leftist thinking and how superior they are because of that compared to use meanie right wingers.

As with any huge expenditure of money by the government, there's tremendous opportunity for graft. Organizations get huge grants, slop up some cheap cots in a warehouse and serve thin gruel twice a day, and charge the city hundreds of dollars per head. Now they are non-profits on paper, so the excess funds are used to pay their connected leaders huge salaries, and lots of free living stuff like car, clothe, and house allowances, plus big travel budgets to go to conferences and such.

They kick some of the funds back to the local Democrats in the way of no-show jobs for family members or cronies of the ruling class, and donations to election campaigns. Who says homeless is a problem - works fine for these guys.
As someone who has served on the Board of an organization that serves homeless people, 90 plus percent are either addicted to drugs/alcohol, mentally ill or both. It has very little to do with housing prices.
Do you think they are moving to Austin? From my experience working/living in Seattle, few actually moved to Seattle after becoming homeless. They live here THEN become homeless. Drugs might contribute to their homelessness but I doubt the numbers are high for drug users that moved to Seattle simply for liberal policies.

Mental illness is a major problem within the homeless populations. That's a bit of a chicken/egg situation. Was the mental illness the reason for them becoming homeless or did their homelessness become a catalyst for exacerbating mental illness?

In the 90's I had a professor who had his wife drop him off in Seattle and he spent 90 days living 100% as a homeless person as part of his research for his disertador. In the early 90's, he was convinced that >90% had some form of mental illness.

I agree almost all are mentally ill. I do think they are moving to Austin from surrounding areas. I believe the same for Seattle and SF.

Homeless may be mentally ill and on drugs but they aren't stupid. They find the nicest place they can to live under a bridge and use drugs.
And you have the delimma
What do you do with drug abusers or mental people who need help but refuse it?

This is the age old problem. I know fire fighters, police, and EMTs that refer to them as trolls because you can't help them and they always end up under the bridges. It makes me think of old literature that has the troll under the bridge. I think it was the same issue then.
And you have the dilemma
What do you do with drug abusers or mental people who need help but refuse it?
Put them into a custodial status for the criminality. Period. Cut this three days jail with credit for the two already served. If they are a frequent flyer and want to make no effort to improve their lot in life, then they can have the maximum for the new case...
Came in town for spring game and driving down Riverside I can say tent camps are worse, not better. So much for anything Abbott has done. Looks really bad. Filth everywhere.
I'm coming in July. Hope it's not trashed then. Admittedly, I won't be too pissed if I can still get some respectable barbecue.
Came in town for spring game and driving down Riverside I can say tent camps are worse, not better. So much for anything Abbott has done. Looks really bad. Filth everywhere.
The problem is that there is a limit to what Abbott can do...it is literally the Adler shittshow. Hopefully the pending local election proposition will put a change to the situation.
I'm coming in July. Hope it's not trashed then. Admittedly, I won't be too pissed if I can still get some respectable barbecue.

This camping crap is about to come to an end during the next election. There was a petition to put it on the ballot for vote and you should check twitter posts for this referendum. Democrats and Republicans are almost 100% united on getting the trash off the roadways and public areas. Out of every 50 tweets for banning camping there is one for leaving it.
This camping crap is about to come to an end during the next election. There was a petition to put it on the ballot for vote and you should check twitter posts for this referendum. Democrats and Republicans are almost 100% united on getting the trash off the roadways and public areas. Out of every 50 tweets for banning camping there is one for leaving it.
The question is how many of that 50:1 lives inside the City of Austin limits. I am registered in Travis but could not vote on the Prop since I am outside of the city.

What is appalling is the way the wokeristas try to make it out as criminalizing homelessness. It does no such thing. No camping is no camping. Period. Austin has resources for the homeless that want help. That there are restrictions that require no drug use and that efforts be made to secure employment is a GOOD thing...those that don't want to comply are simply freeloading bums that deserve to be bounced elsewhere.
Speaking of tax dollars I saw a give out of food baskets, well brown grocery bags actually, while driving by. No idea the organization handing them out but they had a table loaded with bags and campers would just come up and get them.
What is appalling is the way the wokeristas try to make it out as criminalizing homelessness. It does no such thing. No camping is no camping. Period. Austin has resources for the homeless that want help. That there are restrictions that require no drug use and that efforts be made to secure employment is a GOOD thing...those that don't want to comply are simply freeloading bums that deserve to be bounced elsewhere.

This is the point. There have to be incentive to clean up your life. If not, then it is just me and you paying drug addicts to live addicted, depraved lives. There is lots of rape and theft on the streets too. It's ugly. We are either going to support the drugs, rape, and theft or we are going to support cleaning up your life and living right.

Government agencies have incentive to keep people homeless because then cities can demand more money from us. They cause the problem then they solve it by talking more money from us and prolonging the problem.
What is appalling is the way the wokeristas try to make it out as criminalizing homelessness.

That sort of thing is just dirty political rhetoric used to put the other side on the defensive without actually raising a serious point, and of course the political media reinforces it by taking it seriously.

It's a little like when you hear phrases like "driving while black." Some dude in his hoopty will get pulled over for speeding or some other traffic violation. When he opens the window, a huge cloud of marijuana smoke comes out of the car, so the cop orders him from the vehicle. He tells the cop to **** off and fights with him, so he gets arrested or worse, gets shot. And idiots will say he was arrested for, "driving while black" - ignoring the weed, the fighting, etc.
The same conversation about the homeless is going on in Dallas and I would guess most cities.There have been several camps spring up in suburban neighborhoods with predictable rise in crime.
It is the same wokeistas accusing the people who want the camps cleaned up of being hesrtless.
As mb pointed out there is help if people want it.
Since you can't force someone to get help there does not seem to be an answer
The question is how many of that 50:1 lives inside the City of Austin limits. I am registered in Travis but could not vote on the Prop since I am outside of the city.

What is appalling is the way the wokeristas try to make it out as criminalizing homelessness. It does no such thing. No camping is no camping. Period. Austin has resources for the homeless that want help. That there are restrictions that require no drug use and that efforts be made to secure employment is a GOOD thing...those that don't want to comply are simply freeloading bums that deserve to be bounced elsewhere.

Well, the city council is scared or at least this communist piece of **** is.
"The Problem Is That Your Ideas Are Stupid" - Bill Maher Blasts "Gullible" Millennials | ZeroHedge

"In India, young people touch old people's feet to show reverence. In Japan, there's a national 'respect for the aged' day.

You know the reason why advertisers in this country love the 18-34 demographic... because it's the most gullible.

A third of people under 35 say they're in favor of abolishing the police...not defunding, but doing away with a police force altogether... which is less of a policy position and more of a leg tattoo.

36% of Millennials think it might be a good idea to try Communism... but much of the world did try it... I know most of Millennials think that doesn't count because they weren't alive when it happened... but it did happen, and there are people around who remember it. Pining for communism is like pining for BetaMax or MySpace.

So when you say 'you're old, you don't get it', get what? Abolish the police? ...and the Border Patrol? ... and Capitalism? ... and cancel Lincoln?

No, "I get it"... the problem isn't that I don't get what you're saying or that I'm old. The problem is that your ideas are stupid.

If you say "let's eat in the bathroom and **** in the kitchen", yeah, that's a new idea, but I wouldn't call it interior design.

You think someone 80 is hopeless because they can’t use an iPhone? Maybe the one who is hopeless is the one who can’t stop using it.

You think I'm out of it because I'm not on Twitch? Well maybe I 'get Twitch' but I just think people watching other people play video games is a waste of ******* time.

20% of Gen Z agree with the statement that "society would be better off if all property was owned by the public and managed by the government" and another 29% say 'they don't know if that's a good idea'...

Here's who does know... anyone who wasn't born yesterday!"
"The Problem Is That Your Ideas Are Stupid" - Bill Maher Blasts "Gullible" Millennials | ZeroHedge

"In India, young people touch old people's feet to show reverence. In Japan, there's a national 'respect for the aged' day.

You know the reason why advertisers in this country love the 18-34 demographic... because it's the most gullible.

A third of people under 35 say they're in favor of abolishing the police...not defunding, but doing away with a police force altogether... which is less of a policy position and more of a leg tattoo.

36% of Millennials think it might be a good idea to try Communism... but much of the world did try it... I know most of Millennials think that doesn't count because they weren't alive when it happened... but it did happen, and there are people around who remember it. Pining for communism is like pining for BetaMax or MySpace.

So when you say 'you're old, you don't get it', get what? Abolish the police? ...and the Border Patrol? ... and Capitalism? ... and cancel Lincoln?

No, "I get it"... the problem isn't that I don't get what you're saying or that I'm old. The problem is that your ideas are stupid.

If you say "let's eat in the bathroom and **** in the kitchen", yeah, that's a new idea, but I wouldn't call it interior design.

You think someone 80 is hopeless because they can’t use an iPhone? Maybe the one who is hopeless is the one who can’t stop using it.

You think I'm out of it because I'm not on Twitch? Well maybe I 'get Twitch' but I just think people watching other people play video games is a waste of ******* time.

20% of Gen Z agree with the statement that "society would be better off if all property was owned by the public and managed by the government" and another 29% say 'they don't know if that's a good idea'...

Here's who does know... anyone who wasn't born yesterday!"

Maher is one of these guys who is usually wrong, but when he's right, he's very right.
Come to Lockhart instead.

F Austin, and F Austin barbecue.

I've been to Black's, and it's pretty good. However, the place I'd most want to visit is Luling City Market - truly phenomenal, and it might have the filthiest public bathroom I've ever used. Usually a dirty bathroom is a signal that the restaurant is bad.

When it comes to barbecue, the opposite is true. A barbecue's bathroom is supposed to be dirty, and if it's too clean, I get suspicious. But that'll never happen at Luling City Market. I used their bathroom, and I would have felt cleaner if I had just pissed in my pants.
I've been to Black's, and it's pretty good. However, the place I'd most want to visit is Luling City Market - truly phenomenal, and it might have the filthiest public bathroom I've ever used. Usually a dirty bathroom is a signal that the restaurant is bad.

When it comes to barbecue, the opposite is true. A barbecue's bathroom is supposed to be dirty, and if it's too clean, I get suspicious. But that'll never happen at Luling City Market. I used their bathroom, and I would have felt cleaner if I had just pissed in my pants.
That’s true. Southside in Elgin cleaned up their bathrooms but the bbq has suffered.

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