Violence at UC-Berkeley: The Wacko Lefties Who Make Milo Even More Famous

Ann Coulter may be the most useless commentator in politics, and I wouldn't put down my beer to listen to her speak. However, this practice of universities banning speakers and generally suppressing speech for obviously political reasons needs to be stopped and needs to be taken seriously. Obviously the State of California won't do it.

There needs to be a federal cause of action against any school that takes federal dollars (whether it's reserach grants, federal student loan money, etc.), and it needs to hit universities in the only way that they care about - money. It can't be done administratively, because it'll just get ignored during Democratic administrations. It needs to be a private cause of action (right to sue), and the amount of money recoverable needs to be enough to deter the conduct altogether - like punitive damages. How much would that be? It depends on the school. I'd base it on the size of the endowment, which could lead to colossal judgments against big schools like Cal, which has a $1.5B endowment. If Cal had to risk writing out a $150M check (for example), I think they'd take much more of a hands-off approach to this sort of thing. Yes, that's a lot of money, but if you really want that sort of nonsense to stop, it's the only thing that would work. Furthermore, I think preserving the right to free speech and to be free of viewpoint discrimination is important enough to warrant such harsh action.
Ann Coulter may be the most useless commentator in politics, and I wouldn't put down my beer to listen to her speak. However, this practice of universities banning speakers and generally suppressing speech for obviously political reasons needs to be stopped and needs to be taken seriously. Obviously the State of California won't do it.

There needs to be a federal cause of action against any school that takes federal dollars (whether it's reserach grants, federal student loan money, etc.), and it needs to hit universities in the only way that they care about - money. It can't be done administratively, because it'll just get ignored during Democratic administrations. It needs to be a private cause of action (right to sue), and the amount of money recoverable needs to be enough to deter the conduct altogether - like punitive damages. How much would that be? It depends on the school. I'd base it on the size of the endowment, which could lead to colossal judgments against big schools like Cal, which has a $1.5B endowment. If Cal had to risk writing out a $150M check (for example), I think they'd take much more of a hands-off approach to this sort of thing. Yes, that's a lot of money, but if you really want that sort of nonsense to stop, it's the only thing that would work. Furthermore, I think preserving the right to free speech and to be free of viewpoint discrimination is important enough to warrant such harsh action.
Deez, I like your view, but as I understand it, there is no legal requirement for universities to invite speakers, and if invited, no legal requirement to not disinvite them later. These types of things fit under extracurricular activities, and not a core function of the university.
SH, I think we've changed the meaning of truth to mean "anything that fits in the general area of favorable to my politics." You hear how Trump won the popular vote? 90 percent of my GOP leaning Facebook friends say anything to the contrary is "fake news." Speaking of fake news, I'm enjoying the potential resurgence of 'clean coal". Can "beneficial gonorrhea" be just around the corner?
SH, I think we've changed the meaning of truth to mean "anything that fits in the general area of favorable to my politics." You hear how Trump won the popular vote? 90 percent of my GOP leaning Facebook friends say anything to the contrary is "fake news." Speaking of fake news, I'm enjoying the potential resurgence of 'clean coal". Can "beneficial gonorrhea" be just around the corner?

Yep. "Fake news" has become a calling card for "news I don't want to believe because it does not conform to my world view" rather than literally made up crap.

Speaking of "clean coal". Have you heard that the 3 biggest coal producers in the US have urged Trump not to extricate us from the Paris accords? They think there is money to be made in the "clean coal" movement, including public investment dollars being used toward the advancement of technology for "clean coal".
This guy is known as the padlock attacker

They have identified the antifa padlock killer as a professor
Go figure

Ann Coulter may be the most useless commentator in politics, and I wouldn't put down my beer to listen to her speak. However, this practice of universities banning speakers and generally suppressing speech for obviously political reasons needs to be stopped and needs to be taken seriously. Obviously the State of California won't do it.

How can anyone not like Ann Coulter? She's funny. She's principled (you may not like them, but that's your problem). She's got guts. She goes on Bill Maher's show to oppose 3 - 4 libs at a time and usually wins.

Schools like Cal would let a radical Palestinian get up there and say that the state of Israel shouldn't exist or BLM spout their racist drivel, but not a conservative like Ann or Milo. They don't want to hear the other side, in fact, they want to kill them.
Ann Coulter may be the most useless commentator in politics, and I wouldn't put down my beer to listen to her speak. However, this practice of universities banning speakers and generally suppressing speech for obviously political reasons needs to be stopped and needs to be taken seriously. Obviously the State of California won't do it.

Based on what I've read, I don't think the school administration made the decision to cancel Coulter as an attempt to silence her but rather for safety reasons. Clearly the Berkely campus is a hotbed of tension right now. They asked her to reschedule to September, presumably hoping time would quell the tensions on campus. Now, there is certainly a subset of the student base on campuses that is hostile to these conservative flamethrowers.
Not a fan of Coulter as far as her delivery. But the majority of her research and views on the left's immigration motivations for the last several decades are undeniable and downright f'n disturbing.

The abrupt shift from immigration favoring those from similar cultures and Western style governments to opposing cultures and third world style socialist, welfare countries was overwhelming and not coincidence in the least.

There's no question long ago the left committed to washing out whitey and flooding this country with those who know nothing but the state as their master and fully in charge of their well-being.

Never mind most are fleeing a failed master-state system only to become American citizens and vote for America to transform to resemble the home country they no longer desired to live in.

By electing DT, people displayed they have some idea what was going on. But most truly don't grasp the severity of how close America came to the point of no return under HRC.
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Oh the irony in that tweet with the username Truth Bombers.

The Truth Bombers got their story from the The Gateway Pundit who in turn got it from The Daily Californian, which is Berkeley's own newspaper. Before you trot around with the "fake news" crap maybe you should try a little reading.
The Truth Bombers got their story from the The Gateway Pundit who in turn got it from The Daily Californian, which is Berkeley's own newspaper. Before you trot around with the "fake news" crap maybe you should try a little reading.

So you believe "Democrats have called for beheadings..."? That's not anywhere in either article so yes, the irony accusation was appropriate for someone claiming themselves as a Truth Bomber unless their name was intended to be ironic as a purveyor of inaccuracies.
So you believe "Democrats have called for beheadings..."? That's not anywhere in either article so yes, the irony accusation was appropriate for someone claiming themselves as a Truth Bomber unless their name was intended to be ironic as a purveyor of inaccuracies.

Dude, you know damn well the people who are calling for the death of republicans are liberal wackos who voted for Clinton. That means they are democrats.
Whatever, dude. You know Clinton voters did this but you're trying to BS like you always do when you're wrong about something.
Not to quibble, as I think if you're trying to paint all Dem's with that brush you're being laughably disingenuous, but, anyone going that far at Berkley is likely an anti-establishment leftist that puts Bush, Trump and Clinton all in the same box. They were, at best Bernie bros or Green Party folks.
Not to quibble, as I think if you're trying to paint all Dem's with that brush you're being laughably disingenuous, but, anyone going that far at Berkley is likely an anti-establishment leftist that puts Bush, Trump and Clinton all in the same box. They were, at best Bernie bros or Green Party folks.

I didn't say all Dems are this way but let's be honest. These were democrat voters who did this.
I wouldn't have the gall to paint the GOP with this brush:

And, FWIW, the Gateway Pundit is a true idget.

The Gateway Pundit got the story from the Daily Californian, Berkeley's own newspaper. Yes, I will blame democrats because your side has a history of doing this. I'm not saying all democrats do this but when it's done it's you guys who are behind it. You guys are the ones who threaten others who have a different opinion than yours. Have you ever seen a conservative university behave like Berkeley has? No, you haven't.
They were, at best Bernie bros or Green Party folks.

That's being generous. Back in the '70s, my dad worked for the local parks department in Berkeley, and several of his coworkers were essentially the political ancestors if these antifa dudes. They were local radicals who would show up at local events and protest, beat people up, etc. Well, they were in the Symbionese Liberation Army and spent their vacation days in Nicaragua volunteering for the Sandinistas. They make the Bernie people and Green Party people look like Ted Cruz.
The Gateway Pundit got the story from the Daily Californian, Berkeley's own newspaper. Yes, I will blame democrats because your side has a history of doing this. I'm not saying all democrats do this but when it's done it's you guys who are behind it. You guys are the ones who threaten others who have a different opinion than yours. Have you ever seen a conservative university behave like Berkeley has? No, you haven't.
The fact that it was a story in the Berkeley newspaper undermine's your own point.

Seriously, what you libs are trying to do is whitewash this. I have to admit to myself the alt-right are republicans. They aren't republicans just because I say they aren't just because they're radicals I don't like.
Seriously, what you libs are trying to do is whitewash this. I have to admit to myself the alt-right are republicans. They aren't republicans just because I say they aren't just because they're radicals I don't like.

What is being whitewashed? Are you "Truth Bomber"? I was pointing out the gigantic brush they were using that you too are now using by putting a political party on these anti-fa individuals. It's more likely they are part of the anarchist movement then conforming to a mainstream political party. You keep bringing up the campus newspaper and gateway pundit as evidence when NEITHER said "Democrats". In fact, only you and the Truth Bomber have made that giant leap. Why? I can only assume it's the us vs. them world that sites like Infowars, Brietbart, Daily Kos etc paint to stir up excitement and page views. They do so to pull in the 25-35% of the population that are in the D and R parties all the while knowing these extreme elements are rare, if they are even part of these parties.
Were they conservatives? You do know many of these hate crimes that occurred after the election were actually liberals faking hate crimes , right? Not saying for sure. It could be real. However, once again, your side has a history of faking this stuff.

"your" side. LOL! Yeah team!
What is being whitewashed? Are you "Truth Bomber"? I was pointing out the gigantic brush they were using that you too are now using by putting a political party on these anti-fa individuals. It's more likely they are part of the anarchist movement then conforming to a mainstream political party. You keep bringing up the campus newspaper and gateway pundit as evidence when NEITHER said "Democrats". In fact, only you and the Truth Bomber have made that giant leap. Why? I can only assume it's the us vs. them world that sites like Infowars, Brietbart, Daily Kos etc paint to stir up excitement and page views. They do so to pull in the 25-35% of the population that are in the D and R parties all the while knowing these extreme elements are rare, if they are even part of these parties.

Do you know any real anarchists? I do. They laugh at these so-called anarchists. These "anarchists" are just a made up term the media cooked up to make gullible people such as yourself not realize these people are nothing more than troublemaking democrat libs. I hate to tell you but they are dems whether you want to believe it or not. No, I don't read those rags. However, you have some nerve talking about "team". Every day I see you being extremely disrespectful towards this president and his administration. You constantly make cutting remarks towards conservatives as a whole or individual conservatives on here. There's a good reason why so many conservatives on here have blocked you but it seems you haven't figured out why. You're probably under the delusion that they can't handle the truth or something. Yeah, I'm not a "team" player per se but at least I admit I'm not and I'm not a hypocrite like you.
Do you know any real anarchists? I do. They laugh at these so-called anarchists. These "anarchists" are just a made up term the media cooked up to make gullible people such as yourself not realize these people are nothing more than troublemaking democrat libs. I hate to tell you but they are dems whether you want to believe it or not.

Do you have supporting links? That would bolster your position rather than "I know a guy". We tend to get more than our fair share of their presence in Seattle, first starting in the WTO riots in 2000. Here is one group. On the West Coast, they use the uber-earthy and liberal college towns as their base. In Washington that's Olympia (our state capitol) but also home to Evergreen State College, as hippy a school as any school not named UC-Berkely. The home to the anarchist movement is Autzen, OR where the University of Oregon is. They have their own radio station there called Anarchy Radio as well as their own commune. That group has been known to travel up and down the coast and is well acquainted with big city police departments.

However, you have some nerve talking about "team". Every day I see you being extremely disrespectful towards this president and his administration. You constantly make cutting remarks towards conservatives as a whole or individual conservatives on here. There's a good reason why so many conservatives on here have blocked you but it seems you haven't figured out why. You're probably under the delusion that they can't handle the truth or something. Yeah, I'm not a "team" player per se but at least I admit I'm not and I'm not a hypocrite like you.

I make comments about Trump not because he's a Republican but because his policies, statements, and tactics are abhorrent. This is a political message board, right? Are you looking for a conservative only BBS? I have a few sub-Reddit sites to recommend then. Those few that blocked me didn't like it when I called BS to the BS posts. I wasn't a welcome cheering section when mis-information was posted and they took issue with it. That's their perogative but the benefit of this board is that if you come out with half-baked BS you should expect to be called to the carpet.
I make comments about Trump not because he's a Republican but because his policies, statements, and tactics are abhorrent. This is a political message board, right? Are you looking for a conservative only BBS? I have a few sub-Reddit sites to recommend then. Those few that blocked me didn't like it when I called BS to the BS posts. I wasn't a welcome cheering section when mis-information was posted and they took issue with it. That's their perogative but the benefit of this board is that if you come out with half-baked BS you should expect to be called t

*sigh* It's like I'm talking to a wall. Self awareness isn't one of your better traits. NJLonghorns and Mr. Deez haven't been blocked for correcting them. Only you. Why is that?
Do you have supporting links? That would bolster your position rather than "I know a guy". We tend to get more than our fair share of their presence in Seattle, first starting in the WTO riots in 2000. Here is one group.
Thank you for that link that proves exactly what I'm saying. They aren't anarchists. Do you and that group have any idea what an anarchist is? An anarchist isn't someone who destroys stuff for left wing causes. Good grief.
So all anarchists are leftists? What about the white nationalists. Until one of them got elected they fell into that category. I'd say those idiots that fell in line with the Bundy's and their silly war against the gubmit would qualify as right wing anarchy. Like this guy?:

No, I didn't say that anarchists were left wing. I said that these leftists rioting at the campuses are not anarchists.

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