Violence at UC-Berkeley: The Wacko Lefties Who Make Milo Even More Famous

There is more to discuss, which I will get back to at some point, but trying to keep things short and focussed on the issue at hand: What is the benefit? What exactly am I getting out of liberals and PC Nazis removing my family's history?

Somehow it is good for me that these people are further emboldened to go after the rest of American history, Christians, etc., continuing down the slippery slope and knowing people like Haley will sell out the conservatives they are supposed to represent (for possibly their own benefit that will not do anything for me).

Conservatives like Haley demonizing the south only emboldens the PC nazis further, doing more damage than an honest liberal doing the same thing.

What you'd get by moving on is the ability to focus your time and considerable talent on other more productive battles. This isn't the defining issue that's going to determine whether conservatism is sold out or not.

And like I said earlier, even if you care about your family's history, this issue is not a smart way to try to protect it. The reason the flag and the memorials get taken down is that your family's history gets slandered every single day in public schools all over the United States, and it has been that way for decades. People don't think your family was doing something good by fighting for the Confederacy and therefore aren't worthy of a memorial but instead are worthy of scorn and national shame, and that is the root of your problem, not these memorials or the flag. So long as that belief resonates, you are wasting your time, because you're waging your battle entirely on the Left's terms and under their assumptions. You'll never convince people to protect a memorial to folks they think were doing something terrible. It's the same reason why there isn't a memorial to the Wehrmacht or the SS in Berlin (but there are multiple memorials to Soviet troops in Berlin).
Deez, I know that you, Haley, and people born between 1965-1985 are the generation of cowards that failed to stand up to lies and revisionism in the school system and left people like me born post 1985-present a completely broken education system that is worse today at teaching every subject than it was 30 years ago. Your Neville Chamberlain approach of appeasement to the leftist cultural intolerance does not work because PC nazis are insatiable. Giving them the Sudetenland (whether it is confederate memorials or gay marriage) does not satisfy them. So no, I will not vote for the Nicky Chamberlin Haleys of the world.

If I have to stand alone like Churchill, so be it. If I lose like Robert E. Lee, so be it. I am not going to jump off a bridge just because everyone else does. Lee did not believe in slavery, in fact he freed the slaves he inherited. Lee was also a devout Christian. When Lincoln offered him command of the Union Army, he had to decide what the right thing to do was. He could serve an army of one flawed kingdom of man that will not last forever he was loyal to and served his whole life, that was engaged in genocide against native americans in the west (which Lincoln continued unabated in spite of the war), or he could serve another flawed kingdom of man that did not last forever that grossly failed to love a huge portion of its people (the enslaved) the same way it loved the rest (the free). Lee was a bright enough military commander to know the South was always destined to lose. The fact the north did not win in less than a year is truly remarkable and the fierceness with which southerners (the vast majority of whom, like my Texas german ancestor who fought for Colonel Rip Ford in defense of Texas, never owned any slaves) defended themselves is something the entire country should admire, not scorn. Lee knew that siding with the north would almost certainly be more financially prudent and he could certainly end up penniless, in prison or executed serving for the south. What he ultimately came back to was that he could not fight against his own family. When he was dead and gone, he would not carry with him his his nice house in Arlington, his position, wealth or privilege. He would however have to face his family after the war and the ones who were saved after death. So he made the right call in the long run even if it meant losing his house as it was turned into a union cemetery or that a bunch of misinformed and misguided souls decided to spend their time demonizing Lee and focussing on his sins rather than their own 150 years later.

What I care about the most is what happens when I stand for judgment, not how much power the flawed republican party in a flawed, not permanent nation may or may not acquire in the short term by appeasing a bunch of intolerant people that do not have their own priorities straight. I care about the ten commandments and new testament which both say "honor thy father and mother" for my southern ancestors were christian believers who were no more sinful than George Washington or myself and probably every american today that benefits from the unfair exploitation of other people. In fairness, my texas german ancestors who fought for the south, who kept their own farm and did not own slaves were almost certainly less guilty of the exploitation of others than myself or any American today.

This country continues to benefit from slave labor and the exploitation of others. Do americans really think the child laborers that manufacture their goods in China and India do so because they want to? The United Nations currently identities the practices of these countries as slavery. How about the chinese workers constantly dying because they worked 30 hour shifts? You think they freely chose to do that? If you believe that Asians are somehow more inclined to work 30 straight hours than other races, that is stupid and racist. 60 minutes showed how chinese factories have suicide nets outside the buildings due to the high suicide rates. Then there are quite a few americans (walmart and mcdonalds being two guilty institutions) that like exploiting illegal aliens with unfair pay and threats of deportation. A lot of other americans do not think twice about legally screwing their own employees one way or another every day. However, all of these americans will happily focuss on fighting a battle already won against inanimate objects that they mistaktenly believe are to honor an unfair exploitation that occurred 150 years ago... I guess because if those monuments and those that like the monuments are the bad guys, the others americans do not have to face their own sin. The truth is we are all today guilty of these sins.

So, do I intend to add a failure to honor my mother and father when I die to my sins or be unable to look my dead family in the eye when I meet them? No, I, like everyone else, have enough evil and sin myself to answer for as it is.

I lean conservative because conservatives have traditionally stood for Christianity, family and tradition. If "conservatives" like Haley are not going to stand for these things because they want to pick battles over wealth, power and other fleeting things, then they no longer stand with me. Like I said Deez, you will simply have to pursue other votes that care about the issues you care about. Personally though, I think alienating millions of southern voters (see Haley's south carolina poll nosedive) to appease the PC crowd that will vote against her regaedless was not prudent. She'll never get this imperfect voter's support.
It's the same reason why there isn't a memorial to the Wehrmacht or the SS in Berlin (but there are multiple memorials to Soviet troops in Berlin)

I once bought a green USSR soldier's hat at the state fair, despite completely despising everything it stands for, because I like military memorabilia and history. (I also have a make america great again hat because I find it humorous, depsite not being a trump voter.) While carrying the ussr hat a passerby pointed at it and said to me "hammer and sickle, why do you have a nazi hat?" I cannot help it if the terrible school system your generation created/enabled has left most americans my age ignorant as to what nazis are or just in general. I have also seen someone in Austin genuinely mistake a US Marine uniform for a "nazi uniform" so some americans do not even know what their own military that defeated the nazis wears. (Come on americans, unlike the US Army, US Marines or the USSR, the nazis did not wear green uniforms!)

On the CBS evening news this week they interviewed aggy trump supporters and one aggy said she liked Trump because she "was tired of Obama's trickle down economics." I know aggy is a special case of stupid, but I am still not going to support the ignorance or stupidity of statue removal (an activity nazis, soviets and isis like) or people ignorantly thinking two completely opposite forms of governments (the CSA and Nazis) are the same.

The good news for me is that every time Jimmy Kimmel, Jesse Watters or anyone else asks college students what they think the civil war was about, they say things like "fighting the British?" so if the statues hold out long enough, we can probably just tell people younger than me the statues actually are of great craft brewers or something, they'll buy it and they will leave them alone. ;)

"As a matter of fact, Robert E. Lee actually led 'Army of Northern Virginia IPA' for five years."
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I once bought a green USSR soldier's hat at the state fair, despite completely despising everything it stands for, because I like military memorabilia and history. (I also have a make america great again hat because I find it humorous, depsite not being a trump voter.) While carrying the ussr hat a passerby pointed at it and said to me "hammer and sickle, why do you have a nazi hat?" I cannot help it if the terrible school system your generation created/enabled has left most americans my age ignorant as to what nazis are or just in general. I have also seen someone in Austin genuinely mistake a US Marine uniform for a "nazi uniform" so some americans do not even know what their own military that defeated the nazis wears. (Come on americans, unlike the US Army, US Marines or the USSR, the nazis did not wear green uniforms!)

On the CBS evening news this week they interviewed aggy trump supporters and one aggy said she liked Trump because she "was tired of Obama's trickle down economics." I know aggy is a special case of stupid, but I am still not going to support the ignorance or stupidity of statue removal (an activity nazis, soviets and isis like) or people ignorantly thinking two completely opposite forms of governments (the CSA and Nazis) are the same.

The good news for me is that every time Jimmy Kimmel, Jesse Watters or anyone else asks college students what they think the civil war was about, they say things like "fighting the British?" so if the statues hold out long enough, we can probably just tell people younger than me the statues actually are of great craft brewers or something, they'll buy it and they will leave them alone. ;)

"As a matter of fact, Robert E. Lee actually led 'Army of Northern Virginia IPA' for five years."
As an Admiral in the Crown
Royal Navy, I think that argument may actually work.
Your born post '85 and you're gonna lecture me on anything to do with life? Whatever. Live a life first. Nikki Haley has lived a life and achieved great success. You rant on about a flag of oppression. Judas priest!
Your born post '85 and you're gonna lecture me on anything to do with life? Whatever. Live a life first. Nikki Haley has lived a life and achieved great success. You rant on about a flag of oppression. Judas priest!

This does not sound like somone who stopped reading and moved on.
Your Neville Chamberlain approach of appeasement to the leftist cultural intolerance does not work because PC nazis are insatiable. Giving them the Sudetenland (whether it is confederate memorials or gay marriage) does not satisfy them.

This I agree with. If we continue down the path we are on, all of our oxen are eventually going to be gored, which means, at some point, we are going to have to stand and fight. If HTown77 chooses this particular place to make a stand, and I choose some other place, what difference does it make? We would still be fighting the same fascists.
H77, liked your post. You said several things re:confederate heritage I have often felt the need and desire to put into words but have been unable. I too have family from that era and hold them in high regard. Like yours they were not slave holders but indeed simple folks who held to their belief in independence.
This does not sound like somone who stopped reading and moved on.
Like your President, I like things in 140 characters or less. Anything on a message board longer than it takes to read during a morning poop is not going to get read. I'm kind of new to this street. I didn't realize that you liked to post manifesto's.
H77, liked your post. You said several things re:confederate heritage I have often felt the need and desire to put into words but have been unable. I too have family from that era and hold them in high regard. Like yours they were not slave holders but indeed simple folks who held to their belief in independence.
I have relatives from the North, from the poor south, from the "native" south and from the relatively wealthy native south (Indian slave holders). It's irrelevant. Much like f'n Andrew Jackson, honoring that flag needs to be done away with. Move on to a more dignified "Don't Tread on Me" flag and Robert E. Lee (a dignified American general who didn't coordinate ethnic cleansing).
Like your President, I like things in 140characters or less.

This is a message board, not twitter or a text message. Also, my president? I did not vote for Trump. Despite the fact I did not vote for him, he is our president, just like W and Obama.

I have relatives from the North

Sorry to hear it. I was blessed to not have this problem. ;)

It's irrelevant. Much like f'n Andrew Jackson, honoring that flag needs to be done away with. Move on to a more dignified "Don't Tread on Me" flag and Robert E. Lee (a dignified American general who didn't coordinate ethnic cleansing).

Telling people their family is irrelevant is not a strong argument just because you do not care about your own family.

Also, why is Andrew Jackson different than the slave owning, Indian killer George Washington? Every American president from Washington to beyond Lincoln endorsed and carried out the genocide of American Indians. Nearly every American, north, south, east and west agreed with and supported it. What makes Andrew Jackson special? Our lazy school system declared him the scapegoat for all Indian related things so they would not feel bad talking about Washington, Lincoln or anyone else? The "trail of tears" is catchier than "wounded knee"?

Also, H.W. Brands, a UT history professor who certainly is no conservative, will tell you Andrew Jackson is the most popular US president in history. Why? Well he started the great expansion of voting rights. He advocated for the idea that voting rights should not be limited to wealthy landowners. This expansion led to women and minorities getting voting rights as well. He also gave America a huge strategic and face saving victory over the British in a war we otherwise lost and kept the union together without a war the first time south carolina tried to secede.

Sam Houston was one of the few men who opposed the genocide of American Indians. In fact, at one point in his life he lived with an Indian tribe and had an Indian wife. Houston strongly politically opposed men like Texas President Mirabeau Lamar that wanted to and did lead campaigns to kill Texas Indians. However, Houston remained great friends with Andrew Jackson? Why? Because Andrew Jackson was not any different than any other American presidents when it came to Indians. Jackson was not in some special class by himself.

On another note, Houston, as governor, opposed the secession of Texas every step of the way. Even though it was a losing battle, he made the secessionists hold an election and fight every step of the way. When it was over and Texas had clearly spoken through a popular election, he stepped aside. Lincoln offered him troops to hold Texas and he refused. While Houston remained a unionist and would not politically endorse or support secessionists, he refused to betray his state and family and would not support lincoln or lead troops against Texas.
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This I agree with. If we continue down the path we are on, all of our oxen are eventually going to be gored, which means, at some point, we are going to have to stand and fight. If HTown77 chooses this particular place to make a stand, and I choose some other place, what difference does it make? We would still be fighting the same fascists.
Which group is more likely to be the fascists in our future? Fascists have to have power and authority. I see a future where the expression of speech is attacked - news media, right to gather and protest, etc. The President thinks more of the news media that breaks stories like "those Sandy Hook parents are 'crisis actors' and it's all a staged event" or "Jade Helm" or "..... false flag.....", etc. than the actual media reporting on the actual facts.
This is a message board, not twitter or a text message. Also, my president? I did not vote for Trump. Despite the fact I did not vote for him, he is our president, just like W and Obama.

Sorry to hear it. I was blessed to not have this problem. ;)

Telling people their family is irrelevant is not a strong argument just because you do not care about your own family.

Also, why is Andrew Jackson different than the slave owning, Indian killer George Washington? Every American president from Washington to beyond Lincoln endorsed and carried out the genocide of American Indians. Nearly every American, north, south, east and west agreed with and supported it. What makes Andrew Jackson special? Our lazy school system declared him the scapegoat for all Indian related things so they would not feel bad talking about Washington, Lincoln or anyone else?
Because he defied a Supreme Court ruling to continue it. It's not our lazy school system it's actual history. Cherokee Nation v. Georgia. The Court ruled in the favor of the Cherokees. Ironically, a famous Tennessee man left Congress and Tennessee and headed to the Alamo because he was so disgusted by the government's ethnic cleansing.

I honor all of my relatives. I don't need a flag that saw people lynched to do it.
Which group is more likely to be the fascists in our future?

I am not a Trump supporter and will leave that separate argument to someone else, but i can tell you that the decentralized government of the CSA was the opposite of fascism where a dictator creates ones central government that has strong influence over economic production. I will also add that the CSA had the first American jewish presidental cabinet member in Secretary of State Judah Benjamin.

Because he defied a Supreme Court ruling to continue it.

So if the court did not have a problem with other presidents murdering indians, it was okay? Genocide is okay if the supreme court does not object?

I don't need a flag that saw people lynched to do it.

Do you know what the primary flag of the Ku Klux Klan is? It is not the confederate flag.




The klan film that spurned the sad and terrible chapter in american history that was the second ku klux klan, The Birth of a Nation, was not about an independent South. The key line from the disgusting movie was "The former enemies of North and South are united again in defense of their Aryan birthright." The headquarters of the Klan at its height was Indiana.

If you are against the confederate flag because you strongly believe in the Union like Sam Houston, that is fair. If you believe that it should go away because it was co-opted by despicable hate groups, I can assure you the Stars and Strips has seen far far more of that and should not be banned either just because some wrong idiots used it improperly.

What you need to understand is a lot of Americans like Harry S. Truman, a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans who lived a successful life, ended the second world war and desegregated the army, see these flags and memorials as their military heritage and not as hate and cannot help it that hate groups have co-opted it anymore than you or I can help it that the klan adopted the Stars and Stripes.
I am not a Trump supporter and will leave that separate argument to someone else, but i can tell you that the decentralized government of the CSA was the opposite of fascism where a dictator creates ones central government that has strong influence over economic production. I will also add that the CSA had the first American jewish presidental cabinet member in Secretary of State Judah Benjamin.

So if the court did not have a problem with other presidents murdering indians, it was okay? Genocide is okay if the supreme court does not object?

Do you know what the primary flag of the Ku Klux Klan is? It is not the confederate flag.




The klan film that spurned the sad and terrible chapter in american history that was the second ku klux klan, The Birth of a Nation, was not about an independent South. The key line from the disgusting movie was "The former enemies of North and South are united again in defense of their Aryan birthright." The headquarters of the Klan at its height was Indiana.

If you are against the confederate flag because you strongly believe in the Union like Sam Houston, that is fair. If you believe that it should go away because it was co-opted by despicable hate groups, I can assure you the Stars and Strips has seen far far more of that and should not be banned either just because some wrong idiots used it improperly.

What you need to understand is a lot of Americans like Harry S. Truman, a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans who lived a successful life, ended the second world war and desegregated the army, see these flags and memorials as their military heritage and not as hate and cannot help it that hate groups have co-opted it anymore than you or I can help it that the klan adopted the Stars and Stripes.
They're "Christian" as well. It doesn't make me turn from God. The issue is the "slave" thing. And the century after the war....

[insert your explanation of how the Democrats were responsible for all of that here]
They're "Christian" as well. It doesn't make me turn from God.The issue is the "slave" thing. And the century after the war....

The second klan was a group founded on hate with an agenda of hate against a variety of races and religious groups (including Catholics), which is not Christian. The south was one flawed group of americans failing to love one another with slavery trying to win independence from another flawed group of americans failing to love one another with the genocide of native americans (and Lincoln's washington address to african americans during the war war which advocated for african americans to leave the US because he felt they were not equal to and should compete with white labor was extremely racist by any standard). Again, just because someone claims Christianity or the Confederacy in their hate agenda does not make them representative of all Christians, confederate veterans or their descendants. Life is not simple with just black and white. You have to make room for some gray areas.

I am glad to hear you are upset about slavery. Have you stopped buying goods and services that come from China and India or are you more concerned with slavery that has not existed in 150 years and is never coming back than with your fellow man who is living, breathing and suffering today. It seems hypocritical to me if you buy an iphone or any other chinese made goods and yet spend time going after 100 year old inanimate veterans memorials. Obviously benefiting from slavery does not upset you too much when you use whatever device you are using to type your responses.
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Also, I find it hilarious a sooner who looks up to Barry Switzer enough to have Barry Switzer avatar is lecturing me about right and wrong.


And yet you display your Switzer avatar with pride because winning without integrity has been the Sooner way since they stole land from Indians before they were legally supposed to do so.

I sure hope you want to change the sooner mascot after what the sooners did to indians for the same reasons you dislike andy jackson.
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Which group is more likely to be the fascists in our future?

I cannot forsee the future and neither can you, but the fascism of TODAY is coming from the left. I don't see universities dis-inviting any liberal speakers, for example.
Deez, I know that you, Haley, and people born between 1965-1985 are the generation of cowards that failed to stand up to lies and revisionism in the school system and left people like me born post 1985-present a completely broken education system that is worse today at teaching every subject than it was 30 years ago. Your Neville Chamberlain approach of appeasement to the leftist cultural intolerance does not work because PC nazis are insatiable. Giving them the Sudetenland (whether it is confederate memorials or gay marriage) does not satisfy them. So no, I will not vote for the Nicky Chamberlin Haleys of the world.

If I have to stand alone like Churchill, so be it. If I lose like Robert E. Lee, so be it. I am not going to jump off a bridge just because everyone else does. Lee did not believe in slavery, in fact he freed the slaves he inherited. Lee was also a devout Christian. When Lincoln offered him command of the Union Army, he had to decide what the right thing to do was. He could serve an army of one flawed kingdom of man that will not last forever he was loyal to and served his whole life, that was engaged in genocide against native americans in the west (which Lincoln continued unabated in spite of the war), or he could serve another flawed kingdom of man that did not last forever that grossly failed to love a huge portion of its people (the enslaved) the same way it loved the rest (the free). Lee was a bright enough military commander to know the South was always destined to lose. The fact the north did not win in less than a year is truly remarkable and the fierceness with which southerners (the vast majority of whom, like my Texas german ancestor who fought for Colonel Rip Ford in defense of Texas, never owned any slaves) defended themselves is something the entire country should admire, not scorn. Lee knew that siding with the north would almost certainly be more financially prudent and he could certainly end up penniless, in prison or executed serving for the south. What he ultimately came back to was that he could not fight against his own family. When he was dead and gone, he would not carry with him his his nice house in Arlington, his position, wealth or privilege. He would however have to face his family after the war and the ones who were saved after death. So he made the right call in the long run even if it meant losing his house as it was turned into a union cemetery or that a bunch of misinformed and misguided souls decided to spend their time demonizing Lee and focussing on his sins rather than their own 150 years later.

What I care about the most is what happens when I stand for judgment, not how much power the flawed republican party in a flawed, not permanent nation may or may not acquire in the short term by appeasing a bunch of intolerant people that do not have their own priorities straight. I care about the ten commandments and new testament which both say "honor thy father and mother" for my southern ancestors were christian believers who were no more sinful than George Washington or myself and probably every american today that benefits from the unfair exploitation of other people. In fairness, my texas german ancestors who fought for the south, who kept their own farm and did not own slaves were almost certainly less guilty of the exploitation of others than myself or any American today.

This country continues to benefit from slave labor and the exploitation of others. Do americans really think the child laborers that manufacture their goods in China and India do so because they want to? The United Nations currently identities the practices of these countries as slavery. How about the chinese workers constantly dying because they worked 30 hour shifts? You think they freely chose to do that? If you believe that Asians are somehow more inclined to work 30 straight hours than other races, that is stupid and racist. 60 minutes showed how chinese factories have suicide nets outside the buildings due to the high suicide rates. Then there are quite a few americans (walmart and mcdonalds being two guilty institutions) that like exploiting illegal aliens with unfair pay and threats of deportation. A lot of other americans do not think twice about legally screwing their own employees one way or another every day. However, all of these americans will happily focuss on fighting a battle already won against inanimate objects that they mistaktenly believe are to honor an unfair exploitation that occurred 150 years ago... I guess because if those monuments and those that like the monuments are the bad guys, the others americans do not have to face their own sin. The truth is we are all today guilty of these sins.

So, do I intend to add a failure to honor my mother and father when I die to my sins or be unable to look my dead family in the eye when I meet them? No, I, like everyone else, have enough evil and sin myself to answer for as it is.

I lean conservative because conservatives have traditionally stood for Christianity, family and tradition. If "conservatives" like Haley are not going to stand for these things because they want to pick battles over wealth, power and other fleeting things, then they no longer stand with me. Like I said Deez, you will simply have to pursue other votes that care about the issues you care about. Personally though, I think alienating millions of southern voters (see Haley's south carolina poll nosedive) to appease the PC crowd that will vote against her regaedless was not prudent. She'll never get this imperfect voter's support.

I'm going to let this go. You're way too emotionally driven by this issue to have an adult discussion about it. You're very long on vitriolic rhetoric about how righteous your cause is - a point that I'm not really contesting, but I think your passions are far too aroused to approach the issue with any kind of intelligent thought. It's not that you're too dumb to do it. You're a sharp guy and have discussed all kinds of issues very intelligently, but when you're throwing ad hominem garbage at me that has nothing to do with my point and when you compare this issue with the Battle of Britain and yourself to Churchill, I can tell that your brain has shut off.
Also, I find it hilarious a sooner who looks up to Barry Switzer enough to have Barry Switzer avatar is lecturing me about right and wrong.


And yet you display your Switzer avatar with pride because winning without integrity has been the Sooner way since they stole land from Indians before they were legally supposed to do so.

I sure hope you want to change the sooner mascot after what the sooners did to indians for the same reasons you dislike andy jackson.
The avatar is a wink to this place. Barry was a good coach and is a flawed person, like many of us. I sparring with smart horns as opposed to a circle jerk about who's the best 3rd string middle receiver.
Okay Deez, I stick to your points.

She made her constituents happy.

Yet her poll numbers dropped. In fact, she did not make them happy or do what they wanted. Many of those that voted the way they did lost primary challenges and she took a new job rather than risk a primary defeat that could derail her career. She made the media happy. She did not run on a "remove the statues" campaign.

"A poll released in [February of 2016] found that 70 percent of Republicans in South Carolina think the Confederate flag should still be flying over the state capitol, while just 20 percent agree with the decision to take it down."

Haley largely agrees with your values

Haley claims to agree with my values today, but will she tomorrow? Deez you want to talk about thinking logically, why would I support someone who claims to agree with my values, but sells out her own constituents to appease liberals and the media that do not agree with my values and will not support her anyway?

She has a proven track record of ignoring her constituents and giving into pressure from the liberal media.

I can tell that your brain has shut off.

No, I am not going to support politicians that ignore their own voting base and roll over at the first sign of pressure from the liberal media. She sold south carolina out for her own personal political gain at the national level.
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Oddly enough, Trump brought up this topic. Why? I have no idea, however it is relevant to this discussion.

"In a radio interview, [Trump] suggested the conflict might have been avoided if President Andrew Jackson had still been in office."

"I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later you wouldn't have had the Civil War," Mr Trump said in an interview with a Washington Examiner reporter, broadcast on Sirius XM."

People reacted with "Andrew Jackson was a slaveholder."

Obviously Trump was referring to the fact that Andrew Jackson kept the union together during the nullification crisis the first time south carolina wanted to secede over tariffs and not slavery. What Trump does not understand is that Jackson had been later, the South, or at least South Carolina, would have lost the civil war in the 1830s over tariffs and who the hell knows what happens after that. Texas and California may still be part of Mexico. Anyway, I doubt most americans are aware that Jackson kept the union together and opposed Calhoun and the secessionists. They only know how to shout "slavery."

I have no idea why Trump was discussing this, but we are in a bad place when Trump has a better grasp of history than most Americans who do not get the nullification crisis reference.
Good for a laugh at liberal expense:

Money quote, IMO:

#The Resistance is a mess. Now they’re reduced to fighting for supremacy in their final redoubt, the universities where their fascist intimidation and suppression of speech provides a glimpse of America as it would have been had Trump not been elected. That they are forced into a last-ditch effort to keep power in an institution where their control is total is proof positive of their weakness.
UT has already moved on to Woodrow Wilson

The original idea was to symbolize the North and South coming back together in unity to support each other in WW1 after 50 years apart. Nice idea in theory but for several reasons it failed. For one thing, the 4 statues were in totally separate areas. For another, there was no explanation of that original idea. For another, WW1 wasn't really something the country was uncontroversially united behind anyway (although at least it's true the dividing line wasn't North/South). For another, Woodrow Wilson was a virulent racist.

So, in the context they were presented to us, while Robert E. Lee (as OUbubba explained succinctly) and A. S. Johnston (since he was from Texas) make sense, Woodrow Wilson and Jefferson Davis really don't.

Deez, I know that you, Haley, and people born between 1965-1985 are the generation of cowards that failed to stand up to lies and revisionism in the school system and left people like me born post 1985-present a completely broken education system that is worse today at teaching every subject than it was 30 years ago. Your Neville Chamberlain approach of appeasement to the leftist cultural intolerance does not work because PC nazis are insatiable.

And this is where it went completely off the rails....

Deez said "The reason the flag and the memorials get taken down is that your family's history gets slandered every single day in public schools all over the United States, and it has been that way for decades"

My response you quoted was to this from Deez. Generation Coward did nothing in response to the PC garbage the past 30 years except continue to enable it much like Haley did. The "well that's just the way it is" approach with that group sucks.

Deez said "The reason the flag and the memorials get taken down is that your family's history gets slandered every single day in public schools all over the United States, and it has been that way for decades"

My response you quoted was to this from Deez. Generation Coward did nothing in response to the PC garbage the past 30 years except continue to enable it much like Haley did. The "well that's just the way it is" approach with that group sucks.
Generation coward. You might as well say Boomer Sooner.

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