Violence at UC-Berkeley: The Wacko Lefties Who Make Milo Even More Famous

She has no honor and when push came to shove, she will sell out her voters for her own personal gain to people not even from South Carolina.

That flag was a good test to see which politicians were willing sacrifice a tiny fraction of what the men the flag remembered sacrificed in defense of their state and she was perfectly willing to take a dump on those that died rather stand up to the PC crowd and say no.

Are you worried about PC Nazis? Guess what? Nikki Haley has proven she will not stand against them if they have enough popular support or even if the media complains enough. She would rather enable political correctness for minor career advancements than risk the media complain about her. Simply put, she is a PC enabler. If you support her and her enabling, stop complaining about campus PC Nazis.

If Nikki Haley runs for president, I wonder how many people appeased by the flag removal will vote for her? I know she can count on not having my vote.
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She has no honor and when push came to shove, she will sell out her voters for her own personal gain to people not even from South Carolina.

That flag was a good test to see which politicians were willing sacrifice a tiny fraction of what the men the flag remembered sacrificed in defense of their state and she was perfectly willing to take a dump on those that died rather stand up to the PC crowd and say no.

Are you worried about PC Nazis? Guess what? Nikki Haley has proven she will not stand against them if they have enough popular support or even if the media complains enough. She would rather enable political correctness for minor career advancements than risk the media complain about her. Simply put, she is a PC enabler. If you support her and her enabling, stop complaining about campus PC Nazis.

If Nikki Haley runs for president, I wonder how many people appeased by the flag removal will vote for her? I know she can count on not having my vote.

I remember this now. Basically, your rap is that she sucks because she thought 50 years of having the flag of a rebel regime that was defeated a century earlier flying over the state capitol was long enough. You're seldom wrong, but this is weak. Even if you think the flag should have stayed up, the issue is way too trivial to summarily and permanently judge her as an ******* for it. And no, this doesn't make her an enabler of PC Nazis.
Even if you think the flag should have stayed up, the issue is way too trivial to summarily and permanently judge her as an ******* for it. And no, this doesn't make her an enabler of PC Nazis.

Do not look to me for help when PC Nazis go after things you care about and people like Nikki Haley enable them. It always starts with the low hanging fruit. UT has already moved on to Woodrow Wilson. The PC Nazis are currently on Andrew Jackson and are just itching for Washington and Jefferson.

Like I said, you want to support PC enablers like Haley just because you do not care about her PC target, that is fine, but do not count on those conservative votes moving forward. Instead, try and get the people appeased by it to support her
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Do not look to me for help when PC Nazis go after things you care about and people like Nikki Haley enable them. It always starts with the low hanging fruit. UT has already moved on to Woodrow Wilson. The PC Nazis are currently on Andrew Jackson and are just itching for Washington and Jefferson.

Like I said, you want to support PC enablers like Haley just because you do not care about her PC target, that is fine, but do not count on those conservative votes moving forward. Instead, try and get the people appeased by it to support her

I don't buy that premise. Some battles are worth fighting. Some aren't. Insisting that a defeated regime's flag fly over a state capitol isn't worth fighting for. Let it go. This isn't 1865. Get upset over something that's consequential.
I don't buy that premise. Some battles are worth fighting. Some aren't. Insisting that a defeated regime's flag fly over a state capitol isn't worth fighting for. Let it go. This isn't 1865. Get upset over something that's consequential.

Consequential is in the eye of the beholder. My family, living and dead, will always be worth more to me than dollars and cents or democrats and republicans.

These memorials have been around 50-100 years. Why do I have to get over it? Why can't the PC crowd "get over it?" I have never pushed for any new memorials. Instead, a bunch of fickle, spiteful people with poor values could not "get over" memorials they have never seen in places they will never visit and decided to do away with things that have been around my entire life. My position was to leave things alone that have never changed my entire life. The people that cannot "get over it" are the ones demanding change and could not "get over" inanimate objects doing nothing to them.

And who are the conservatives like Haley making happy by doing away with these memorials? People that do not like or vote for conservatives anyway.

Alea Iacta Est. I have moved on, but just expect those of us who care to vote against the things that are consequential to those that removed them. Do not spit on me, then expect my support. If you wrong my family, I do not care if you are republican, democrat, soviet, nazi, native, foreigner, etc. You simply will not have my support and Nikki Haley and her ilk never will. I mean, what is the difference between her and Hillary if both want to screw with my family? Haley will buy me dinner first in the form of tax cuts before she f***s me over? I guess most americans can be bought and that is how where we are today.
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I have one thing I want you to think on Deez. Right now, the perceived mainstream acceptable view in America is that if you decide to bake cakes for other people for money, you do not have a choice if a homosexual couple wants you to bake a cake celebrating their wedding. You legally should have to do it. Do you really trust Haley to stand up on this issue long term? Do think that is where the issues will stop? Do you not realize there will be another and another issue? Do you think people like Haley will ever make a stand or will just float to wherever they perceive the river to be going?
These memorials have been around 50-100 years. Why do I have to get over it?

You have to get over because you don't have a constitutional right to have a Confederate memorial or flag funded by the taxpayer on taxpayer-owned land. That's up to the people of South Carolina to decide, and they decided through their elected representatives to take it down. That's their right, and your remedy is to launch a campaign to convince the Legislature to put it back. If you want to put up a memorial and flag, you can put it on your own property and at your expense.

And who are the conservatives like Haley making happy by doing away with these memorials? People that do not like or vote for conservatives anyway.

She made her constituents happy. Furthermore, she didn't piss away a lot of time, effort, and political capital for little or no benefit.

Alea Iacta Est. I have moved on, but just expect those of us who care to vote against the things that are consequential to those that removed them. Do not spit on me, then expect my support. If you wrong my family, I do not care if you are republican, democrat, soviet, nazi, native, foreigner, etc. You simply will not have my support and Nikki Haley and her ilk never will. I mean, what is the difference between her and Hillary if both want to screw with my family? Haley will buy me dinner first in the form of tax cuts before she f***s me o

Your brain just shuts off on this issue. It's all emotion for you. Nobody "fucks you over" or "screws with your family" by taking down a flag. It wasn't your flag, and it wasn't your capitol building. And yes, there's a big difference between Nikki Haley and Hillary Clinton. Haley largely agrees with your values. Hillary Clinton detests them and has made it her life's work to crap on them in very tangible and real ways that go much deeper than a flag.

My guess is that you have Confederate veterans in your family and that you think taking down the flag tarnishes their legacy. If that's the case, then you're believing a fallacy. Their legacy was already tarnished by history as it's currently taught and how it has been taught for the last few decades. So long as children are being taught that the primary motivation for the Confederacy was to protect slavery, the legacy and reputations of those who fought for it will be tarnished. The flag coming down is a symptom of a legacy already tarnished, not the cause.

I have one thing I want you to think on Deez. Right now, the perceived mainstream acceptable view in America is that if you decide to bake cakes for other people for money, you do not have a choice if a homosexual couple wants you to bake a cake celebrating their wedding. You legally should have to do it. Do you really trust Haley to stand up on this issue long term? Do think that is where the issues will stop? Do you not realize there will be another and another issue? Do you think people like Haley will ever make a stand or will just float to wherever they perceive the river to be going?

The issues are wildly different and unrelated. The problem with the gay wedding cake litigation is that you're using the power of government to compel individuals to act against their religion. Obviously that implicates significant and real constitutional rights. Nobody has a right to dictate what flag flies over a state capitol building. It's a purely symbolic matter that's entirely within the authority of the taxpayer. One can oppose the confederate flag and support the bakers who don't want to cater gay wedding cakes without being inconsistent. One has nothing to do with the other.
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I grew up in Cooke County Texas. If you've never heard of the Great Hanging, you should. A lot of people there were not excited to be part of the Confederacy. A bunch signed a petition against a law that exempted slaveowners from the draft. Curiously enough there was an alleged conspiracy and a spy was sent among the unionist who was sworn to secrecy then shown a list of all the alleged unionist conspirators. Many signers of that useless petition met a gruesome fate.

The spy couldn't read, but his testimony was credible enough to convict 40 alleged unionists with a sham trial and they were all hanged, bodies then buried in such a haphazard fashion that a child saw her grandfather's coat in the mouth of a wild hog ... munching on her grandfather's arm. They erected a Confederate memorial on the ground of the Cooke County Courthouse, saying that heaven shall look upon the Confederates and find them blameless. But no amount of BS will ever make the actions of a quasi-governmental mob in Cooke County, the segregationists that attacked schoolgirls in the 1950s or Dylan Roof blameless in my eyes. The legacy of the Confederacy and the Rebel flag, in my eyes, are far beyond the poor powers of Nikki Haley to add or detract.
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then buried in such a haphazard fashion that a child saw her grandfather's coat in the mouth of a wild hog ... munching on her grandfather's arm.

That sounds like a legend handed down from generation to generation. She could recognize her grandfather from a severed arm in a hog's mouth? Not saying the "great hanging" did not happen but that bit is a little over the top for me.
She recognized the coat. Families kept records and 1862 wasn't that long ago. The grandson of one of the hanged men was quite a writer. There were hard feelings and debates that lasted well into the 1900s. Descendants of the hanged and the hangers still live in Cooke County.
A beer-maker takes a shot at how to have discourse in the modern world
Worth a look if you have a couple minutes

I couldnt help but wonder if this would work with Berkeley antifas?
Maybe they behave differently with their masks off?
Or, maybe they would just try and crush your skull anyway?

I was really hoping she would stick with it

Apparently Janet Napolitano, the President of the UC system, said they couldn't guarantee her safety. She used to be head of Homeland Security and now she can't even defend a gymnasium in Berkeley. She should be fired along with everybody in the Berkeley PD.

The mob rules.
There is still an event today at Berkeley, even though Coulter bailed

CNN is there to cover
I was really hoping she would stick with it

Fundraising efforts must have needed a kickstart...they've been bleating about alleged 'hate speech' for a while and getting their teeth kicked in for it. Looks like they figured it was time to try and get their hands back in the pockets for donations from people they previously shunned...
Fundraising efforts must have needed a kickstart...they've been bleating about alleged 'hate speech' for a while and getting their teeth kicked in for it. Looks like they figured it was time to try and get their hands back in the pockets for donations from people they previously shunned...

I dont know if you meant the YAF funding but, if so, my guess is that, with the ever increasing violence, YAF's attorneys began to worry about potential liability issues (esp given that Calif state law would apply). With the way these clashes are going, someone is going to die or at least suffer serious permanent injury.
Back during the Cold War, aspiring Commies went to Patrice Lumumba University in Russia to learn how to spread the revolution. Now they can go to just about any American college for training with Cal being the Harvard of Leftist learning.
Consequential is in the eye of the beholder. My family, living and dead, will always be worth more to me than dollars and cents or democrats and republicans.

These memorials have been around 50-100 years. Why do I have to get over it? Why can't the PC crowd "get over it?" I have never pushed for any new memorials. Instead, a bunch of fickle, spiteful people with poor values could not "get over" memorials they have never seen in places they will never visit and decided to do away with things that have been around my entire life. My position was to leave things alone that have never changed my entire life. The people that cannot "get over it" are the ones demanding change and could not "get over" inanimate objects doing nothing to them.

And who are the conservatives like Haley making happy by doing away with these memorials? People that do not like or vote for conservatives anyway.

Alea Iacta Est. I have moved on, but just expect those of us who care to vote against the things that are consequential to those that removed them. Do not spit on me, then expect my support. If you wrong my family, I do not care if you are republican, democrat, soviet, nazi, native, foreigner, etc. You simply will not have my support and Nikki Haley and her ilk never will. I mean, what is the difference between her and Hillary if both want to screw with my family? Haley will buy me dinner first in the form of tax cuts before she f***s me over? I guess most americans can be bought and that is how where we are today.
My family, like many of us, had some relatives from the south, some relatives from the north and some relatives that were marched thousands of miles at the hands of Andrew Jackson as he defied the Supreme Court. I will be happy to see Andrew Jackson removed from a place of honor regardless of how long it takes. Move on from the silly flag whining.
My family, like many of us, had some relatives from the south, some relatives from the north and some relatives that were marched thousands of miles at the hands of Andrew Jackson as he defied the Supreme Court. I will be happy to see Andrew Jackson removed from a place of honor regardless of how long it takes. Move on from the silly flag whining.

History certainly hasn't been kind to Andrew Jackson.
Move on from the silly flag whining.

I have been busy and am not sure when I will have time to respond to Deez and others, but this made me laugh and I had to give a partial response while I had some time. I will move on when other people move on from removing history. I was not advocating for any new monuments or anything, I am reacting to people who could not move on from memorials that have existed for decades. The history removers started it by not leaving history alone, not the pro flag people.

Hell, I did not sidetrack this thread. I moved on from an argument Deez and I had months ago. Deez could not move on and derailed the thread. I thought he was going to have some reason why, but I can only conclude that he randomly wanted to discuss it. I guess because we usually agree on everything, but vehemently disagree on this, and it is fun to argue with people who can argue well back (though deez had some weak ones I will have to poke holes in later).

When every American moves on from being angry about what Trump said or tweeted, I will move on. When every American moves on from being upset that Obama was elected president, I will move on. When republicans move on from Benghazi, I will move on. When democrats move on from W and the Iraq War, I will move on. When every American moves on from whatever the republicans did that made them angry, I will move on. When every American moves on from whatever the democrats did that made them angry, I will move on. When every American moves on from whatever their local politician did to make them angry, I will move on. When white americans that feel they were hurt by affirmative action move on, I will move on. When black americans move on from slavery and segregation, I will move on. When jewish americans move on from the holocaust, I will move on. When American Indians move on from the wrongs inflicted on them, I will move on. When people leave Andy Jackson alone and move on from him, I will move on. When Trump supporters move on from trying to create "liberal tears" and want to discuss real and actually useful policy, I will move on. When every American moves on from having monuments for their dead or veterans from any war, I will move on. When every american moves on from anything bad that happened to their family historically or anything a politican did they disagree with, whether it was or they were right, wrong, good or bad, I will move on as well.

Until then, I exercise my right as an American, whether, I am right or wrong, to peacefully politically oppose, vote against, speak out against and not give money to (cough UT cough) those politicians and leaders who have unnecessarily, without logical justification (Roof, who did not mention the flag and did not have any support for anything related to the CSA or confederate heritage in his lengthy, idiotic Trayvon Martin/alt right nonsense manifesto, was not a logical justification), without public mandate (Haley did not run on a campaign to remove the flag and the majority south carolina officials, including her, have been elected on leaving it alone for 20 years) and treacherously (Jenny Horne misrepresenting being descended from Jeff Davis) made policy decisions attacking my heritage.
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I moved on from an argument Deez and I had months ago. Deez could not move on and derailed the thread. I thought he was going to have some reason why, but I can only conclude that he randomly wanted to discuss it.

Actually, I didn't randomly want to discuss it. I was just making a joke with the Nikki Haley/Antifa question because I remembered that she was on your "fecal schedule." When you called her an *******, I asked why because I honestly had forgotten what your rationale was.

When every American moves on from being angry about what Trump said or tweeted, I will move on. When every American moves on from being upset that Obama was elected president, I will move on. When republicans move on from Benghazi, I will move on. When democrats move on from W and the Iraq War, I will move on. When every American moves on from whatever the republicans did that made them angry, I will move on. When every American moves on from whatever the democrats did that made them angry, I will move on. When every American moves on from whatever their local politician did to make them angry, I will move on. When white americans that feel they were hurt by affirmative action move on, I will move on. When black americans move on from slavery and segregation, I will move on. When jewish americans move on from the holocaust, I will move on. When American Indians move on from the wrongs inflicted on them, I will move on. When people leave Andy Jackson alone and move on from him, I will move on. When Trump supporters move on from trying to create "liberal tears" and want to discuss real and actually useful policy, I will move on. When every American moves on from having monuments for their dead or veterans from any war, I will move on. When every american moves on from anything bad that happened to their family historically or anything a politican did they disagree with, whether it was or they were right, wrong, good or bad, I will move on as well.

Until then, I exercise my right as an American, whether, I am right or wrong, to peacefully politically oppose, vote against, speak out against and not give money to (cough UT cough) those politicians and leaders who have unnecessarily, without logical justification (Roof, who did not mention the flag and did not have any support for anything related to the CSA or confederate heritage in his lengthy, idiotic Trayvon Martin/alt right nonsense manifesto, was not a logical justification), without public mandate (Haley did not run on a campaign to remove the flag and the majority south carolina officials, including her, have been elected on leaving it alone for 20 years) and treacherously (Jenny Horne misrepresenting being descended from Jeff Davis) made policy decisions attacking my heritage.

If you'd like to address my points, I'll certainly discuss the topic further. However, one thing to consider - you don't move on from something because others move on from whatever they're upset about. You move on because it benefits you to do so.
You move on because it benefits you to do so.

There is more to discuss, which I will get back to at some point, but trying to keep things short and focussed on the issue at hand: What is the benefit? What exactly am I getting out of liberals and PC Nazis removing my family's history?

Somehow it is good for me that these people are further emboldened to go after the rest of American history, Christians, etc., continuing down the slippery slope and knowing people like Haley will sell out the conservatives they are supposed to represent (for possibly their own benefit that will not do anything for me).

Conservatives like Haley demonizing the south only emboldens the PC nazis further, doing more damage than an honest liberal doing the same thing.
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I read about half of that.
I have been busy and am not sure when I will have time to respond to Deez and others, but this made me laugh and I had to give a partial response while I had some time. I will move on when other people move on from removing history. I was not advocating for any new monuments or anything, I am reacting to people who could not move on from memorials that have existed for decades. The history removers started it by not leaving history alone, not the pro flag people.

Hell, I did not sidetrack this thread. I moved on from an argument Deez and I had months ago. Deez could not move on and derailed the thread. I thought he was going to have some reason why, but I can only conclude that he randomly wanted to discuss it. I guess because we usually agree on everything, but vehemently disagree on this, and it is fun to argue with people who can argue well back (though deez had some weak ones I will have to poke holes in later).

When every American moves on from being angry about what Trump said or tweeted, I will move on. When every American moves on from being upset that Obama was elected president, I will move on. When republicans move on from Benghazi, I will move on. When democrats move on from W and the Iraq War, I will move on. When every American moves on from whatever the republicans did that made them angry, I will move on. When every American moves on from whatever the democrats did that made them angry, I will move on. When every American moves on from whatever their local politician did to make them angry, I will move on. When white americans that feel they were hurt by affirmative action move on, I will move on. When black americans move on from slavery and segregation, I will move on. When jewish americans move on from the holocaust, I will move on. When American Indians move on from the wrongs inflicted on them, I will move on. When people leave Andy Jackson alone and move on from him, I will move on. When Trump supporters move on from trying to create "liberal tears" and want to discuss real and actually useful policy, I will move on. When every American moves on from having monuments for their dead or veterans from any war, I will move on. When every american moves on from anything bad that happened to their family historically or anything a politican did they disagree with, whether it was or they were right, wrong, good or bad, I will move on as well.

Until then, I exercise my right as an American, whether, I am right or wrong, to peacefully politically oppose, vote against, speak out against and not give money to (cough UT cough) those politicians and leaders who have unnecessarily, without logical justification (Roof, who did not mention the flag and did not have any support for anything related to the CSA or confederate heritage in his lengthy, idiotic Trayvon Martin/alt right nonsense manifesto, was not a logical justification), without public mandate (Haley did not run on a campaign to remove the flag and the majority south carolina officials, including her, have been elected on leaving it alone for 20 years) and treacherously (Jenny Horne misrepresenting being descended from Jeff Davis) made policy decisions attacking my heritage.

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