Violence at UC-Berkeley: The Wacko Lefties Who Make Milo Even More Famous

I don't approve of all Milo does in his way of antagonizing the Libs, but the guy rolls hard with facts when he gets down to business.

I suggest people spend a little time watching Youtube involving his debates and speeches, pretty informing stuff in there.
I don't approve of all Milo does in his way of antagonizing the Libs, but the guy rolls hard with facts when he gets down to business.

I suggest people spend a little time watching Youtube involving his debates and speeches, pretty informing stuff in there.
Milo uses nothing but facts as to why women should avoid birth control pills (if possible), and then gets pilloried. Remember the left hates big pharma. It's not about logic, but cultural Marxism.
Milo was aksed to be on Bill Maher
I guess Maher recognizes the probable ratings boost. For example, I might even tune to see how he does.
Milo is a good debater, but no doubt they will have a stacked panel against him -- I forget how it goes, but 3-1 or 4-1 libs vs. the one token conservative? i think he can handle those odds, but we will see
Milo is a good debater, but no doubt they will have a stacked panel against him -- I forget how it goes, but 3-1 or 4-1 libs vs. the one token conservative? i think he can handle those odds, but we will see.

If there is a line, I am putting my money on Milo.
i think he can handle those odds, but we will see

Milo rattles off a ton of factual stats to back up his unfiltered claims and speaks with supreme confidence without pause.

I'd bet on Milo against the emotion-driven, opinion based retorts of ultra-Libs any day.
Didn't it say Friday? I don't like Milo but will watch.

Youre right, i think. Been a while since I watched Maher. Like 20 years, lol

Maher was, of course, put on the defensive by the bedwetter class (Scahill is the guy who ran away scared to debate Milo) --
"Liberals will continue to lose elections as long as they follow the example of people like Mr. Scahill whose views veer into fantasy and away from bedrock liberal principles like equality of women, respect for minorities, separation of religion and state, and free speech. If Mr. Yiannopoulos is indeed the monster Scahill claims — and he might be — nothing could serve the liberal cause better than having him exposed on Friday night.”
Maher touched on a key difference b/w us and them - they are trying to shut conservatives up, we are trying to get libs to do MORE talking.
I literally cannot watch Bill Maher. He is not funny and I hate his smarmy look when he says something he thinks is funny and the canned laughter from the audience is played.

I will watch Milo on there though. Might be entertaining.
I literally cannot watch Bill Maher. He is not funny and I hate his smarmy look when he says something he thinks is funny and the canned laughter from the audience is played.

I will watch Milo on there though. Might be entertaining.

I'm not a fan either, but one thing that is refreshing is that he doesn't delude himself into the nonsense that Christianity is as bad or worse than Islam, and he will call BS when liberals pull that crap. If you haven't seen the debate between Sam Harris and Ben Affleck on Maher's show, you should look it up on YouTube. You'll understand what I mean.
I don't mind Maher. I'm not sure if he's a dumb smart guy, or a smart dumb guy, but he makes me think, and he tends to argue with reason and not emotions (usually / when he's not letting on that he thinks anyone who believes in anything supernatural is certifiable).

One of my favs was when the ACLU (which has always had alot of jewish attorneys) defended the Nazis' 1st A rights to assemble in Skokie That could not have been easy for them to do, but they did it because they were not defending Nazis but a principle.

Or the time they defended the rights of the KKK for public assembly - assigning their best black lawyer to the case to undermine the KKK's point while protecting their rights as humans.
I swore off Maher years back and won't partake regardless who's on. His constant ruthless mocking and trashing of Christians became intolerable.

As a matter of fact he does it with anybody he disagrees with, nasty sarcastic trashing like any differing opinion is that of a simple minded idiot.

I get it, you don't share the same beliefs, perfectly fine. Just don't mock and call me a moronic child who believes in Santa Claus for accepting Christ as my savior. I say "me" because he often speaks into the camera talking to viewers like that.

No doubt if he sarcastically mocked me in person, I'd drop that big mouth wimp without hesitation. Something about Maher and Harry Reid would require extreme willpower not to strike with the slightest provocation. :idk:

Guess I just can't stand weak, wimpy guys spitting nasty venom and trashing the strong morals of others as if nobody ever cleaned their clock growing up.
You guys in Austin when Maher was on 6th St with two Asian women, one on each arm? Comical.
"Progressives" think rioting, physical violence and property destruction is OK because of this guy

Called Dems "the party of Lena Dunham" ("we must burn down a Starbucks!")

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"Progressives" think rioting, physical violence and property destruction is OK because of this guy

Called Dems "the party of Lena Dunham" ("we must burn down a Starbucks!")

I haven't watched much of Milo. Was this a toned down version or typical? The interview seemed more intent on addressing Milo's critics than his world view. I haven't watched to "post-show" content on youtube but I understand that may have become more explosive. 2 of the panel guests told him "F U".
and made Richard Simmons look like John Wayne.

Well OK, judgement call, but at least Milo is good-looking.

I thought there was supposed to be a panel discussion? Did they all puss out?
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Damn, he turned up the gay in this appearance.
I wonder if he does that intentionally as a means of making it harder for liberals to blast him. "He's so gay... how could he be a bad guy???"

The interview seemed more intent on addressing Milo's critics than his world view.

It was a pretty weak interview, but he didn't have much time I guess. I don't like Maher and it looks like he cared more in that talk about stressing how much he disagrees with Milo than actually talking about a specific area of disagreement.
Sounds like Milo's book deal was canceled
The publisher probably had no choice under the circumstances

(1) I still defend his right to free speech (because its about the principle, not the person), and

(2) I will also continue to point out the double-standard.
For example, Lena Dunham admitted in her book that she sexually assaulted (vaginally penetrated) a child (not just an underage person but an actual child under 10). After this disclosure, HBO renewed her show and Hillary '16 made her an official spokesperson.
+ portrayal of Roman Polanski as a victim (raped a 13 year old)
+ defense pederasty/pedophilia within the context of sharia

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I wonder if he does that intentionally as a means of making it harder for liberals to blast him. "He's so gay... how could he be a bad guy???"

I don't know if that's his agenda, but the guy can definitely turn it on and off. I've seen him in serious discussions, and though he always has the persona of a pretentious urban guy from Britain, he doesn't always seem overtly gay. Of course that's true of every gay guy I've ever known. In normal settings, they pretty much act straight, but when I see them around other gays, the flamboyance and the stereotypes come out. It's remarkable but not surprising. Most of us take on at least a slightly modified persona around women.
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